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Balancing the plate of eggs and toast on one hand and somehow managing to hold two mugs of coffee in the other, Amelia carefully walked into the living room. It was just after nine now and since it was Friday, Jason, Jeff and Adam had departed early in the morning. Olly, however, could sleep as long as his heart desired, so he and Amelia were the only ones home. That was the beauty of being self-employed, really.

She bit her lip as she sat down on the love-seat adjacent to the sofa Olly was spread across. He was wearing a white v-neck t-shirt and grey sweatpants, his body tangled in the plaid comforter he had covered himself in. He was lying on his side, his mouth slightly open and his bangs falling in his eyes. She resisted the odd, strong urge she had to brush them away.

Amelia debated with herself, wondering whether it would be a smart move to wake him. He looked wonderfully peaceful, but at the same time, horribly uncomfortable. She felt a tinge at her heart, the knowledge that he had given up the comfort of his own room for her benefit hitting her like it was the first time.

Once again the fact that she barely knew him hit her and she felt even more guilty. He had, since Tom's past had been revealed, been absolutely wonderful to her. She remembered their conversation in the garden a couple of days before and hoped to herself that he wouldn't forget what his offer, and even more so, that he wouldn't back out on it. It may have just been one to do something as simple as watching a movie, but it meant the world to her. That after all she had done, he still would let her in his life. A smaller, superficial part of her was just excited because it had always been a movie she wanted to see.

Glancing down at her hands, she saw the small cuts on her fingertips, almost fully healed and smiled to herself, remembering the way the Spiderman bandages had graced them for days. She remembered the way he had offered her the paper-towel when she had been crying, and the random picture he had snapped of her. He had called her beautiful, an adjective she had rarely heard in relation to herself. Tom had preferred pretty, nice and elegant, never beautiful. It had been nice, hearing it, even if it was from someone she hadn't expected.

There was a lot more to him that she had originally thought, this much was very, very apparent. Now it was just up to her to move forward.

Could she though? Did she have the strength? More than that, would she be accepted? She set the coffee mugs down on the table as she pondered this. Just because he had been a nice guy to her lately didn't mean he wanted her friendship, didn't mean he wanted to put the past behind them entirely. Still, as she watched his sleeping face, she desperately yearned that he would.

He suddenly stirred and she felt herself stiffen. What was she to do now? The plate felt hot in her hands and she tried to still their trembling. She watched as he yawned before sitting up slowly, stretching his arms over his head and running a hand over his eyes. He blinked wearily before glancing around the room, pausing completely when his eyes fell on her.

She smiled nervously and he stared back in return. She swallowed. "Hi," she said softly. "Good morning."

He blinked twice. "Um, hi."

Carefully, with both hands, she extended the plate of food towards him. "I um, made you breakfast," she said quickly, staring down at her lap, not wanting to gauge his reaction. She peaked out of the corner of one eye and saw him staring at it. She extended it further, but he didn't move.

"Um, there's coffee, too," she said, giving up and setting the plate down on the coffee-table in front of him. She gestured to the mugs. "I don't know how you take your eggs or your coffee, so the coffee is black and the eggs are scrambled. I hope that's okay."

When he still didn't say anything, she began twisting her hands together, feeling out of place. She shouldn't have assumed that a simple thing like making him breakfast was suddenly going to break the dam and that they could work on...whatever it was they had. "Um, I understand if you don't want to eat it. I don't even know if you're a breakfast kind of person, I just thought..."

love came calling, twice // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now