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"Do you really have to move out?" a voice asked quietly as Amelia taped another large cardboard box closed. She glanced up and saw Jeff standing there in the doorway, a smirk on his face.

Standing up, Amelia smiled and folded her arms. "This sounds awfully familiar, Jeffrey," she said teasingly, "I think I recall the same thing happening about a year and a half ago."

Jeff shrugged, leaning against the doorframe. "Maybe so, but damn, are the circumstances different now. But seriously, do you guys really have to go?"

"We weren't planning on staying here forever, Jeff," she said softly, kindly. She and Olly had long ago known that one day they were going to have to leave the house and that things would ultimately change. They hadn't been looking forward to it; the house and the people here held so much for them...but at the same time, they were eager to be on their own. To live a life together, to have their own house, to start a family...now it was all happening, and she knew it was difficult for the others to take in all at once. She herself was still adjusting to it.

"Yeah, but you guys set off like, a domino affect," Jeff said quietly, "now it's just gonna be me and Jason, with Adam moving into Taylor's apartment next month and all. Who's going to cook for us?"

Laughing, Amelia smiled, a hand resting on her stomach again. It was becoming a habit and she knew she was going to have a terrible time attempting to break it, so she decided she'd rather encourage it instead. "You can always find new housemates, Jeff. Ones who can cook."

"Yeah, but it's not the same," he said with a shrug. "No one can make grilled tomato and cheese sandwiches like you."

"I'll tell you what," Amelia said, leaning over to pick up one of the boxes on the ground filled with Olly's camera equipment. "Once things are settled with Olly and I, after we come back from the honeymoon and set up the house, we'll have you over for dinner at least once a week."

Jeff's eyes lit up. "Promise?"

She nodded. "I promise."

Jeff grinned brightly. "It's a deal," he agreed, "but I still don't think you guys should move out right away. I mean, you can always stay here after the honeymoon."

"Jeff," Amelia said slowly, "I really don't think you guys want to deal with us as newly weds. Even more than that, I don't think we'll be wanting to deal with you."

Jeff blanched. "That...is a good point. Besides, Olly's already found the house hasn't he?"

"Yep," she replied, stacking the box on top of another. "He made an offer a month ago and we're set to move in this weekend. Even though I haven't seen it..." she explained with a roll of her eyes, "but he swears he wants it to be a surprise. I am hoping that he made a good choice."

Jeff watched as Amelia stacked a box on top of another and winced. "You had might want to hurry up...Olly's going to be home soon and if he catches you doing any of that lifting, he'll freak out at you and murder one of us for not watching you and making sure you didn't."

Amelia frowned. "I'm not some fragile doll you know," she said indignantly. "I'm just pregnant."

"Exactly," Jeff said slightly exasperated. "You're pregnant. With a baby. A baby that is one half of you and one half of Olly, and therefore, to him, you are breakable and glass like." Draping an arm over her shoulder he began to lead her out of Olly's room and over to the stairs. "Come on, anyway, take a break. The mail is here and there's something that looks awfully like a very late RSVP to your wedding."

"What?" Amelia said, her brow creasing. "We sent those out nearly four months ago, who could it possibly be?"

Jeff shrugged. "No idea. Did you have any people not respond at all?"

love came calling, twice // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now