🙏🏼The Prayer Series: Part I🙏🏼

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I am so sorry for the wait! I pray that this blesses your life and lets you start meditating in this subject that is so important in our lives....

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The Prayer Series: Part I

          Prayer is one of the essential habits a Christian must have

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          Prayer is one of the essential habits a Christian must have. It is through prayer that we Christians fight our battles, nowhere else. At least that is what The Bible tells us, "'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' Says the Lord of hosts" (Zechariah 4:6). It is through prayer, through the supplications that we bring forth to the Lord that His Spirit moves and does wonders in our lives. Not by strength especially our own but by His power.

           Prayer is communication with God, a Christian that doesn't pray is truly dead spiritually. We depend on prayer for many things and most importantly it is our way of intimacy with God. Besides knowing the Will of God through His Word, we are also revealed His Will through prayer. Therefore, the Word of God tells us that we are supposed to "watch and pray".

          When we do this, we'll be sharper to the direction and guidance of the Spirit of God. No, prayer doesn't save because there are many other religions where people pray even more than a Christian person; however, prayer should be a lifestyle for a Christian. It is an evidence that you are a believer and follower of Christ (The Way). It is not the only thing that should be done. You want to know why it doesn't save? First, because the Word of God says that it is only through Jesus that we can be saved when we put our faith in Jesus Christ.

          When we pray, we should ask the Holy Spirit to teach us how to pray. There is nothing wrong with that because the Bible tells us that He is the one that knows what we need not just want we want. "Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for uswith groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God" (Romans 8:26-27).

          See how, He is the one that helps us in our weaknesses. For in those moments of tribulation and when bad things are happening, He knows what to pray for, He prays for those things that we can't express because our emotions have the best of us. Through tears, groans, sighs, and aches of pain He intercedes.

          He is the one that reveals us the Will of God so we can pray according towards it in a situation when maybe we need the wisdom of the Lord. It is through prayer that you can receive that RHEMA word that you have been asking to God. That special word that you needed to take that important decision or make a change in your life.

 That special word that you needed to take that important decision or make a change in your life

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Things we should pray for:

1. Our nation

2. God's nation (Israel)

3. Our authorities (President, Governors, Senate, Representatives, Police)

4. Parents

5. Family (Sons, Daughters, Spouses)

6. Marriage (Family Concept and Definition)

7. Our church

8. Kids (Orphans)

9. Widows

10. For a humble heart (Serves)

11.Our love for God

12.God's Will be done in our lives

13.A deeper relation with God

14.Intimacy with the Lord


16.Christians being persecuted

17.Souls to be saved

18.To stop the hatred against Christians

19.How to talk to people from the LGBT community for them to be saved

20.For boldness (we need it to preach the Word of God)

And more....

          Just imagine what the Word says that if two or three are together in His name, He is there among them! That is such a powerful knowledge to have in our hearts about God. Through prayer you will be able to fight back against the chains of darkness the enemy is trying to keep within you and your family or household. You will use the Sword of the Spirit in prayer to cut anything that comes in the way of the kingdom of God.

          There is much more that can be said about prayer, therefore I have decided to make a small series about it. Thank you so much for the wait. I know I have made you wait for so long but I have been going through so much lately and I just couldn't sit down and write what I needed to write.

Thank you MaryTeye for expressing how much my announcement of this chapter had helped you already!

I hope it blessed your life..

God, bless you,

Your Sister in Christ!

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Does anybody want to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior? Message me. God bless 🙏🏼

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