Chapter 1: New Life.

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"Amanda!!" My aunt shouted, very excited. The one thing I love about my aunt I was allowed to call her by her name. I know sometimes it annoys her but she gets used to it now and then. "Hi Karley." I said trying to sound excited. "How are you sweetie?" "I'm great." I lied. "That's wonderful, I can't wait until you see your new room." My aunt's house is a two story but from the outside it looks like a one story. Its cottage like with wood and stone on the outside and the inside very modern. Theme is light brown and white. I grabbed my bags without looking at them because I was still distracted by how the house hasn't changed a bit. Karley might've said something to me but I wasn't paying much attention.

"Huh." I said hoping she would repeat herself.

"How was your trip?"

"Oh, it was bad." I feel like I can be really honest with my aunt and she wouldn't care. But even if I lie to her she has that way to tell if I'm lying or not ... that didn't bother me.

"Wow really." She said confused.

"Yeah, it took forever for my bags to come and my bag that had all my shoes, it got lost on the plane." It's reasons like this of why I hate the airport.

"Oh my goodness so then we can go SHOPPING."  She said in such trill.

"No no ..." I said automatically.

"I'm going shopping online." I said politely. Hoping she would understand. My aunt started to pout but then she gave herself a smirk.

"Ok." We both walked into the house. The house still had that smell of when you walk into a nail shop when it stings your nose at first but then you fall in love with it.

"Karley ... were you doing your nails or something?" She snorted."No that's the paint from your room." I looked at her surprised.

"My room." I repeated after her.

"Yeah your room come, see."

I knew she said my room earlier but I just had to repeat it because I was still in shock. I dropped my bags and walked up the stairs slowly. I stood outside the room and the door was bright white and it had a big "A" on it. A frown on my mouth came, that suddenly I couldn't control.  I reached for the door handle which looked like a handle that is on most elegant doors. I pulled down on it and opened the door. I gasped forgetting how to breathe. The room was my dream room it had violet all over even the walls it had a white line going across the middle.

The room had pictures of me my mom and my dad and enough space for me to add more pictures. The floor was black wooden with white glitter built into the wood and my bed was a queen size with a lot of throw pillows which made the bed look like almost twenty were there. And behind the bed was a headboard which look like white soft feathers were glued in. And it was perfect I didn't have words to describe it.

"Mannie." I didn't like when she called me that but it was our deal, she can call me Mannie and I can call her by her name.

"What do you think?" I was still in shock but at least I remembered how to breathe. I was trying to say the words 'it's perfect' but I couldn't get them out. Karley chuckled.

"I knew you would love it".

Since I couldn't say anything I hugged her tightly and wiped my eyes so she didn't see me cry. "Well I'm going to let you get settled in I'm going to go cook pizza for dinner." I nodded. She then left closing the door behind her. One good thing I remember about Karley, she doesn't hover she checks to see if your doing fine then leaves it at that. I looked around my room feeling everything to see if this was a dream. It wasn't, this was my room ... my dream bedroom I couldn't have asked for a better welcome present.

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