Chapter 6: Port Maine.

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When I got home the first thing did was lay out clothes for tomorrow. I didn't feel like going but I had to go didn't want to seem like the miserable in-door person. After I finished that I went and took a shower and brushed my teeth. "Mannie!" Karley called up the stairs. "Yes." "Do you want to have dinner with us." She said moving out the way to show Damon and Daniel. I shook my head. "No, I'm ok you guys should have a family dinner without me." I said not wanting it to come out that way. Karley face changed after my words. "Mannie you are a part of this family." She said coming up one stair. I backed up a bit when she came. "No really, I didn't mean to say it like that. I'll just sit out for this one." I sighed fast walking to the door and closing it. After I changed my clothes I grabbed my phone putting Edward's number in my phone that Jessica gave to me. I had my phone on the call button wanting to just hear his voice, ask why he left the way he did. I noticed from me being lost I pressed the dialed button I jumped up falling out the chair and the phone sliding down the floor all the way to the door. I gasped and crawled fast as I could to the phone hanging up thinking I heard a voice. I backed myself all the way to the door catching my breath. "Hey Sarah are you ok?" Daniel asked knocking on the door. "Err, yep just some books from the self fell." Then I did I added mentally. "Ok, food is in the fridge if you get hungry later." "Ok, thanks." I slid myself up the door getting into bed. Then shortly falling asleep after. I woke up letting the bright sun light my eyes up and after my vision was clear I looked up at the clock. I grabbed my clothes from the chair and putting them on. I grabbed my phone and jacket just in case and walked downstairs. I decided to wear my blue jeans with my white long-sleeve shirt with my hair straight down. I soon went out the door when I heard Jessica honk her car horn. "Ready." She said her smile giddy. I nodded biting my lips. "Now I was thinking either a pink dress or white wedding like." Jessica said. "Oh I like that wedding wonderland." Jasmine said writing something down. "She's the designer for this year's prom." Jessica said. "Oh, wow that must cool." I said trying to make myself sound happy. "It is, but very difficult to make everyone listen and do what their told." She said with a assurance tone. I laughed. Classic music was playing but Jessica's talking about mostly everything sounded it out, me and Jasmine just sat there quietly. "We're here." Jasmine said stopping Jessica from talking with a sigh. We got out I left my jacket in the car just because it was starting to warm up. "Where to first." I asked. "Um, dock one. Just a little mini dress shop very cheap but very cute." Jasmine said. I nodded. "So Sarah, do you read?" Jessica asked. "Yeah a lot." I smiled to her sudden words. "There's this one library it's very old mostly people go there for essay's or research papers." Jasmine added. "What's in there?" I asked hoping what I thought was true. "Umm, like fiction tribes things like that." I bit my bottom lip thinking this is the place I need to be. "Where is it?" "At dock five, two miles." I sighed how could I walk two miles and make it there before dark. Damon warned me about the dark. Moon Childs come out tonight being a full moon. "Let me guess," Jessica said from my face expression I'm guessing. "You want to go there." I smiled nodding. "Yeah, but I can go another there, impossible to make two miles on foot before dark." "You can take my car." Jasmine replied. I was stoned shocked I couldn't let her do that. "No, please don't I wouldn't want you to be left without a car and in the dark." I held her finger up stopping me. "I command you to use my car, your very selfless Sarah." She ended with a smirk. She grabbed my hand placing the car keys in them. "When you finish meet us at the restaurant De La Belle." I shook my head now accepting this. "Jasmine I can't." She sighed. "Sarah, we will be ok." I bit my bottom lip. She was right I am selfless but I can't help myself. I'm the last thing that comes to mind when others are around me. "You sure." I said hoping she would notice her mistake and take it back. "We're sure." She said cocking her eye over to Jessica who was jumping up and down clapping. I sighed and nodded walking back to the car. After I got in I knew where to go just follow the signs. I was pretty worried, took me almost two hours to find dock five let alone the book store. But it was all worth it when I walked through the door. Everything was golden with oldness added to it. I was addressed by a lady she looked like she could've been in her thirties or forties. Her hair was blonde with blue eyes and her skin crystal clear scarlet. "Hello mam, how may I help you?" I tried to think of a way to ask for a book without saying the words. "Yes, do you have a book, about wolves and vampires." I noticed her eyes lit up to me words she looked like she could've went into shock but that was just her standing still. "Yes I have the perfect book." She walked to the back room and five seconds later she was back with a tan brown looking book could've been about three hundred or two hundred pages. "Here you go." She said passing me the book. I reached into my pocket to pay. "Ten dollars." I nodded giving her the money then walking out. "Have a safe night." She shouted. I replayed her words in my head hoping that to. I started walking to where I left Jasmine's car but it wasn't there. I instantly got scared worried. My phone and jacket was in the car and it was so cold out here it could've been below degrees. I starting walking to the parking lot I noticed when I drove passed dock four. "Hey!" Someone called after me. I looked behind me there were four men all of them walking my way but a bit faster. "Slow down lady." Another one called out. My heart started to beat faster I was starting to tremble. I started to walk faster than before praying that I wouldn't fall. I turned the corner using that moment to run before they turn over. A sudden noise made me stop. A howl, dog howl, but this one was powerful stronger I could feel the vibration in the ground. They were Moon Childs. I heard one of them yell after me actually saying my name. "Sarah wait up." That voice made me cringe to madness. Mike. I then sighed I could hear was the sounds of two cars being collided together in a crash. I groaned realizing the car was flipped upside down I was stuck to the seat, me being in my seatbelt. I started to cry and groan as I tried to get myself out. All the windows were broken and took off running. I heard another howl while I ran in distance. I ran until I was stopped by a dead-end. I had another of one of my adrenaline rushes because I couldn't believe my eyes. The car was here in this dead-end. I chirped the car to open and hurriedly got in starting the engine and driving out almost running over of Mike's friends. I was driving crazy avoiding all cars running all lights. I was at one hundred miles per hour and it all went blank dropped quiet. All pieces on the ground and some stuck in the car. I wiped my nose feeling something under there it was blood. Blood was coming from everywhere on my body. The metal spikes that are in the far front of the car were now inside the car connected to my foot. I heard the sickening snap before I felt it. But then I did feel it, and I couldn't hold back my scream of agony. I twisted up to reach for my leg and I couldn't reach past my waist. I was stuck. And blood was everywhere. Over the pain in my leg, I felt the sharp rip across my scalp where I hit my head when the car got turned upside. And then the warm wetness began to spread through my hair with alarming speed. I could feel it soaking the shoulder of my shirt, hear it dripping on the roof of the car. The smell made me sick to my stomach. I yelled in pain trying not to faint or pass out from this. "Hold it together Sarah, you can do this." I said soft and quiet. I heard footsteps walking closer to me. "Hello." I said loud as I could. "Please help me." I croaked out. The person stopped close to me as far as they could and bent down to see me. "Hello again Sarah." Mike said with a smile. My eyes went wide and brows went up. "Get away from me!" I yelled. "Help me, somebody help me." I yelled my voice cracking. "Shut up." "How dare you could even face me again after what you did?" I hissed. He stood up ignoring my words. He howled in brightness. Then I saw another glimpse of light too much for my eyes to see right now. Everything was becoming blurry. "What did you do to her?" A tense harsh voice said. "Nothing yet, she had a car crash, getting away from me." After Mike finished his words I heard a yell and a scream in pain and the next second it was all over. The person came over to me bending down to see me. I closed my eyes crying wishing Edward or Damon was here. "Leave me alone." I yelled crying. "Edward, please help me." I whispered hoping it was too low for the person to hear. "He's right here Sarah." I opened my eyes to disbelief and gasped in pain. "Edward." I cried out. "It's ok Sarah, I'm right here." He said touching my hand that was stuck to the visor. "Hold on tight." He said standing up. I obeyed. Closed my eyes and felt the car tip over. And felt a force of wind on my side. "Sarah, are you ok?" Edward asked breaking the seat belt getting me out. I shook my head as he tried to stand me up. "Sarah you'll be ok, I promise." He said holding me by the waist. "He...he." I said before I passed out everything going blank. As I was drifting I was dreaming. Dreaming of things to keep my mind off of reality. It was the same dream from last time but this one was somehow different. We both had the same pale-crystal like skin. Both of our eyes were golden. I was beautified. Me and Edward were having some kind of race, running through the forest as high speeds. We were both laughing and smiling my hair in the wind was brighter softer was how it looked. Edward stopped holding me in the tightest way possible. And we started to kiss me pulling his closer and he did the same. Then I started to hear voices. It was from my vampire guardian angel. My angel. I tried my best to focus on his voice and open my eyes to see him. I couldn't do a thing.

"Sarah, Sarah can you hear me." His voice cried in horror.

Yes was what I wanted to say but I couldn't find the strength to do so, do anything.

"Sarah, please! Sarah, listen to me, please, please, Sarah, please!" He begged.

"Carlisle!" The angel called out pain and agony in his voice.

"Emmet, Jasper you two know what to do." Doctor Cullen said.

"She's lost some blood, but the head wound isn't deep," a calm voice informed me. "Watch out for her leg, it's broken." Doctor Cullen added. I heard the angel growl and hiss in anger.

I wanted to say thank you say or do anything to let them know I was here I could hear them. I then remembered Edward can sometimes read my mind. Edward! Edward! I didn't hear anything all I could hear was my angel crying tearless tears. I didn't know how to work this thing I didn't know when it was on and when it wasn't. I tried to remember the times Edward told me the times he could read my mind. And focused on it. Clear my mind. I repeated five to four times. I felt my left rib scrape against the bear skin inside my body. "Sarah." The angel croaked out. "Edward, can you hear her?" Doctor Cullen asked in disbelief. "Yes, yeah I can, she must've turned her mind off." "Sarah say something." The angel said his words being clear but still pain-toned. I fainted from the blood. I said admitting. I heard a very low chuckle in his voice making me smile in my mind. "Can you move, open your eyes." Doctor Cullen asked. I didn't respond, I was trying to move do something. "What did she say?" "She...she's trying to wake up." It went silent. I knew what Edward meant from 'wake up' I was close to death I was trying to wake up from my death faze. I started to move my strength up to my hand to open and close it first sign of waking up. Am I moving? "No, Sarah please stop you're in too much pain." That made me mad. I didn't want to leave I was close near to death. What Edward just said was basically death talk. I didn't want to leave. I needed Edward he lifted me up kept me happy. He was there for at the worst ever times but also the best times. I knew from that moment on I couldn't live without him. I felt coldness touch my leg from where a cut from the window glass hit. "I can't live without you either." He said so softly it sounded almost as if he was smiling with the words. He chuckled again. "I am." I then moved my hand to where Edward's hand lied. I started to move my eyes blinking with caution. I then shot my eyes open gasping for air. Everything was blurry. I couldn't see Edward beauty, magnificent face. "Sarah I can't hear you anymore." Edward said his voice alarmed. I then shook my head the best I could feeling poking of in's and out's coming from the top.

"He didn't bite you did he?" Doctor Cullen asked.

I shook my head best I could still feeling the poking.

"It hurts." I whimpered crying out.

"I know, Bella, I know," - and then, away from me, anguished - "can't you do anything?"

"Alice my bag. And hold your breath it will help." Doctor Cullen said. Alice? Alice was here? "Apply pressure here."

"Carlisle you might want to speed this up in five seconds." Alice warned. The pressure I felt on my leg was gone and I soon felt my heart slowing down my breathing getting heavier and slower. His voice was frightened. "Sarah?" I drifted to asleep then. Hoping this wasn't my death sleep. Somehow I could tell it wasn't. I still felt the coldness from the three vampires that were helping me stay alive...stay human.


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