Chapter 3: Importance.

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It's been a week since I haven't been to school. I've promised Karley I would go back this Monday, but I think I was telling myself more than answering her question. "Mannie." She said starting her sentence. "No, Karley, I promise I will go to school tomorrow." I couldn't face her and tell her this thick blanket was the only thing protecting me facing her, cursed to tell the truth. "You sure?" "Yes," I said nodding. She sighed touched my leg through the blanket and shortly after closing the door leaving me to my peace. I hurried and rushed the blanket off my face. I always had a fear with things like this. Like if I fall asleep with a blanket over my head I would die. Extra things. I looked at the clock it was 9 o'clock pm. I sighed to myself. I slept through the whole day. I looked over the side of my bed and got an apple from the basket I ate it then threw it away watching TV classics falling right back to sleep. I woke up on my own not setting an alarm clock I was letting fate decide for me. I got up grabbed my bathroom bag and walked smuggest to my bathroom. I turned the shower onto hot no cold interfering and while I was waiting I started to brush my teeth. I looked at my shampoo's bottle; the strawberries didn't work so I guess Edward hates them. I decided to use my mint shampoo. After my shower and hair caretaking. I didn't really have a color this day it was grey no mood no emotion. I put on my grey long-sleeved shirt with sew in pockets. Blue jeans with rain boots. I looked around my room until I remembered I left everything at school. My phone, bag, even my long raincoat. I sighed hoping it wouldn't rain today. But who am I kidding it will. I went down the stairs going straight to the kitchen and getting a granola bar and some milk. I sat at the table watching TV, taking small and big bites at a time. "Sarah, you ready?" Damon asked walking down the stairs. His hair was rumbled his shirt was half buttoned and his belt was missing five loops. "Err, Damon." I said pointing at his clothes. "Dammit." He groaned. And went to the bathroom to fix himself. "So, are you sure you want to head back today?" He asked shouting so I could hear him. "Yep, I have to go back someday." I said in a sigh throwing away my wrapper and putting the cup in the sink. Damon then came out his hair straightened, his shirt buttoned all the way and his belt in all loops. "How about now?" I gave him two thumbs up with a smile. He laughed grabbed his car keys. "Wait, where is your stuff?" I chuckled, thinking of a way to make this sound like a funny story. "So what had happened was, when I stormed out I left everything in there." I said ending with a smile. He rolled his eyes opening the door for me and closing it behind him. "So, are you excited to see Cullen today?" I instantly blushed not wanting to. "Umm, which one?" I said trying to sound usual while opening the car door. "Edward, Cullen." He said with a meaning to it. "Oh, not really, he was a jerk during biology." His face wandered until it found mines. "What did he do?" I shrugged not really caring. "It doesn't really matter, does it?" I said not really asking a question. "Oh." He nodded ending it with that and eyeing back the road. "Sarah, do you know how to drive?" I bit my bottom lip looking down at my freezing hands. He noticed. "Are you cold?" I shivered not able to say all words. "A little." He turned the heater on to high. Then I remembered his heating burning skin. He caught my gaze. "What? Does this shirt have a stain or hole?" I laughed shaking my head. "Neither, just a question." He loosened up after my answer. "Ok, shoot." I paused eyeing his face before the question slipped my lips. "Are you hot all the time, or just sudden reasons?" He chuckled. "Oh that was all?" He took a deep, long, heavy sigh before answering.

"It only happens when we're happy, angry of course, worried, and when we are in wolf form its all the time. But not as hot."

"Oh." I said understanding. "Anymore?" He asked.

"How do you become one, just asking?"

"Its two ways to become a wolf, die with our blood in your system, or get bitten... which is an eighty-five percent chance that you will die." My eyes widen. "How, could you die from that?" "If we bite you it's usually not for a good reason, mostly happens if we get so angry that our mind tells us to bite them, killing them. "That's why we do it the easier way, feed them our blood and kill them. They wake up a few days or hours depending on how much blood we fed them." "So, when they wake, what happens?" I saw at that moment he started to grip onto the wheel his eyebrows puckering. "I'll tell you later, we're here." I looked up noticing we were in the parking lot. I looked over and saw Edward's silver shiny Volvo next to a red smart car. "Ready?" He asked getting his things together. I sighed nodding.

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