Chapter 4: Remembrance.

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I didn't know how long I've been asleep or what I was in. I couldn't move see or hear only feel. I was supposedly to be dreaming but that dream didn't come until I felt warm touch me. Karley? Doctor or nurse? But whoever touched me that's what made my dream start. I was in place full of flowers, clovers, a meadow. It was me and Edward we had our hands in each other's and we were walking together. Edward stopped me holding his hands to my face. "Don't move."He whispered. Then very large pointy teeth grew from his mouth. He started to move towards my neck. And I was allowing it. Damon then came out of the trees in werewolf form. Edward turned to him growling and hissing. They launched themselves at each other. Dream me covered my eyes an when it was over Damon lied on the ground blood everywhere. "No!" I yelled in horror. I fell to the ground because of the sight of blood. Something outside of this dream distracted me. Something cold. I started to move my lips my eyes fluttering."Sarah, can you hear me." Karley asked. I blinked until my vision became clear."Karley?" I could barley say. "Oh my goodness." She sighed in relief hugging me. "You had me so worried." I rubbed my eyes trying to understand what happened. "Hey clumsy," Damon said walking in from outside the room. I waved smiling. "Sweetie, now would you two please tell me what happened? Damon told me wait until you woke." I blinked catching eyes with Damon he winked guessing to follow along with him. "I fainted," I stopped watching Damon he wanted me to keep going. "from shock,""How are you feeling?" She said with a quirk to her voice. "I'm fine really.""She's right," Someone said coming into the room. I jumped, breathing in all the breathtaking looks. He his hair was golden-blonde almost. Blue eyes and pale white skin like Edward's, were they related. He came in putting an x-rayon the screen and started to feel my forehead. He was freezing but I ignored it. "Hello Sarah, I'm Doctor Cullen." He held his hand out and I shook it without thinking. So he is related to Edward. They had to be in this small town basically everyone knows everything and everyone. Except me. "You're x-rays are perfect just dizziness and ear trauma." I nodded looking at Damon he was eyeing the doorway. "Do you know what the ear pain came from?" Karley asked. "It could've probably been from the avoided crash or maybe when she fell it spread to her ear." Doctor Cullen handed Karley a note. "If she has any problems in the future just give her two painkillers. If it doesn't work over in the next hour have her come back here." Doctor Cullen picked up some more papers placing them in the clipboard then turned to me. "Nice meeting you Sarah." I smiled and nodded. "Can you thank, Edward, for saving me." Karley tapped my shoulder carefully but playfully smiled. "Yes, of course." He nodded at all three of us even though Damon wasn't looking and left. "Edward." Hmm."Karley said. "Is he cute?" I scoffed rolling my eyes. "We'll talk about this later." She got up and grabbed her things. "Have to fill this stuff out for you to leave I'll come back when I'm ready." She kissed me and Damon's foreheads before leaving out the room. Damon then turned back to me. "Sorry about the coldness you felt when you passed out." I looked up at him. "I know, you were hot, so Edward had to do it." I said understanding. He growled but under his breath. Then started walking out the room. "Someone who isn't welcome under the same roof as you." Damon then speed out the room my eyes couldn't keep up. The room was replaced with Edward. He lit my face up to a million smiley's. He chuckled coming in then sat at the foot of the bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked concerned. I ripped the neck-brace off my neck along with the IV cords putting my shoes back on. "Sarah," He sighed. "It's not even that serious." I said mad. He placed his hand on my arm making me stop and forget what I was doing. I looked into his eyes and they were sparkling again. I got mad. How could he just dazzle me and get away with it that's not even fair. A laugh sudden burst from his lips. What was so funny? "I dazzle you, huh?" I went confused with wonder so confused that I snatched my arm from his hands standing up. "How did you know that?" I asked. He sighed getting up. "I figured you knowing about your werewolf cousin he would tell you the other." He mumbled. I shook my head not understanding. "What do you mean by that?" He sighed again before walking up to me. "Ask Damon, if he says no, then forget about it... the information he do tell you would make you think twice about me." Then he turned on the back his shoes flowing away out the door. And stopped before walking away fully away he faced me. "Sarah, you really should stay away from me, I'm not good company." He said with a warning then left. Damon soon came back after. He saw the suspicion in my eyes. "What happened?" He asked, walking to me in a fast-walk manner. "Tell me everything about werewolves and the Cullens."

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