Chapter 2: New Girl.

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My alarm went off, it probably was the 5th time it did that I was about to sleep in for another 10 minutes knowing I will be late, but then I knew my teachers would see me as a bad kid if I was late on my first day of school so I got up and spent almost ten minutes deciding what to wear. But then I knew the 'Preppy Look'. the preppy was my signature look, classic hair in ponytail with a plaid skirt, white blouse with a navy blue tie and a navy blue blazer and white cotton knee socks with black tap shoes. I always wore this look when I'm nervous. It's my nervous outfit. I went to go brush and comb and then style my hair. While I was doing my hair I looked at my face wondering did I get any sleep last night and the only thing I remember is meeting Damon and Daniel, the pizza almost burnt the house down and then Damon saved the day by ordering pizza. I don't even remember me going to sleep or even sleeping at that matter. Well there's nothing I could do about it now let's just hope I don't fall asleep in class. So after I put on my preppy look I grabbed my bag and went downstairs for a quick snack. I looked at the time it was time to go we had to be at school at nine-fifty and it was nine-thirty. I looked around the house for Damon I didn't see him he was probably looking for something or doing his hair. I had time so I grabbed a box of cereal, bowl, and a spoon then turned on the TV watched the cartoon network and watched it more than I ate my cereal. But after nine spoon fills I was full, I looked at the time it was nine-forty five. I looked up the stairs still no Damon, was I so into the show that he walked right past me and left. Shut up! I ordered myself. I went upstairs to look to in his room and there he was asleep. I started to shake him but his body almost burnt my hands off. I yanked away quickly. "Damon wake up." I yelled. I wanted to reach out to touch him but while I was thinking my body already chosen an answer. I was so thankful for Karley when she yanked the door open stopping whatever took control of my body, putting it back in its place. "Mannie what is going on in here?" She said panicked. I was holding my burnt hand covering it behind my book bag. "Damon." She then looked over at him along with Daniel. Karley placed her hand on Damon. How could she touch him and not get burned. "You can go take my car the keys are on the hook downstairs." Daniel said. This was the first time me hearing his voice it was so manly and mature. I nodded. I ran downstairs and took the keys off the hook then out the door, now I just had one big problem how to get there. I started the car up and heard something say: 'Lake High is that correct' it was the GPS. I pressed yes and it told me where to go. While I was driving I kept thinking did Daniel know this was going too happen? Did Karley know? But most importantly, how could she touch him without getting burned? Then before I could call and tell Daniel thank you I was already there. Finding the school wasn't that difficult even if I did have a GPS at my side.

Even though I never have been here, before I felt comfy well-welcoming. The school was like most other things, just off the highway. The sign that said Lake High School on the sign is what made me stop almost passing it by. I looked around hoping no one didn't see that; only the few cars that were behind me. I backed up and made my way towards the sign that said Students Only, in all bold which lead into a parking lot. I parked in the middle of the lot where I didn't see many cars. I looked around no one was noticing me or even bothering to look my way, if they keep this up I might like this school year. I parked next to a dark blue van with a few scratches on the sides the back was open and they were two boys both with their long big hooded coats on listening to music, I didn't really prefer. I got out thinking I should've grabbed a coat with that long heavy cold breeze hit me.  I shut the door with more force than needed and went to the trunk holding my hands on the sides of the car walking very slowly. "Hey." Someone said to me, making me pop my head up. "Awesome car." His voice deep-toned. I bit my bottom lip eyeing my car then looked back at the boy. "Yeah thanks." I sighed and started to look at cars pilling in the parking lot. "You're the new girl, right?" The perky boy asked leaning off the car to talk to me. I grinned and nodded. His hair was blonde, his skin almost twin to mines, but with a tan hidden somewhat in there he looked nervous. "I'm David Townly." He said putting his hand out to shake mines. I looked down at it and shook it being awkward like always. He eyed my car again then looked at my outfit before meeting my eyes again. "How did you even get this car?" I looked at him confused, was that supposed to be an insult.  He started moving his hand over the hood gently. I just shrugged. "Not a big person when it comes to cars." I said rudely. I shut the trunk close after no luck finding a coat I grabbed my bag from the back seat drape it over my shoulder before looking at the school for the first time officially. It looked like a collection of matching houses, built with maroon-colored bricks. There were so many trees and shrubs that I couldn't see its real size at first. "Don't let Damon ever hear that." The other boy in the car said elbowing David. I had to look at him scared I said my thoughts aloud again. He was dark skinned his smiled screamed welcoming but somehow a trick to it. His hair was cut short black, eyes were hazel and they somehow got caught in mines deeply.  He got out the car putting his hand on David's shoulder and pointed to a parking space that was three spots away from us. It was a sliver shiny Volvo. The car was in the parking spot the boy pointed to.

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