Chapter 5: True Stories.

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"Are you sure, it's a scary story." He said wiggling his fingers. I sighed crossing my arms to my chest. "Ok serious time." He sighed and sat down in the chair in the left corner. He waved his hand pointing to the bed edge. I sat down putting my jacket on. "Ok, our tribe the Maine, Texas wolves are generated from Qancle." He looked up at me. "Qancle?" I asked. He nodded continuing. "That's the legend of our tribe. We were passed down from wolves. We may act alike but we do not look alike, but only in wolf form of course. We don't have a leader but other supernatural's do-" I stopped him. "What do you mean by other supernaturals?" He rolled his eyes ignoring my question.

"Us, wolves we don't have a leader not yet, we don't look for him/her it comes to us. But the first ever wolves started in the 456 B.C by an evil witch made with dark magic." My eyes lightened at witch. I didn't want to interrupt; scared he won't continue if I do. "She then made more supernatural's vampires, Doppelgangers, more witches, and hybrids. But save questions for the end. Please." He saw the question in my eyes. I nodded biting my lip back to not speak. "Now the vampires, they already have a leader called the Volturi. They have laws but not very many. Hybrids are against one of their laws. Why, I will answer that question for you. Hybrids in the natural world. Can be a witch and vampire which is an Arctic. Vampire and werewolf no specific for that kind. Because it never happened. "But anyway a little time jump. 1987 September 13, your birth date. We met the Cullens. They claimed to be something different so we made a treaty with them just out the safety of it. The treaty was they don't cross the fake line border into the reserved. The wolves territory. Everything else beyond that line is for the wolves and vampires. They can't come under the same roof as a wolf just as we can't do the same. The treaty will break if they bite a human doesn't matter if they wanted it or not or if the wolf expose to the humans what we or they really are. And if we tell other's non-supernatural this treaty. Then 2005 August the 5th you come into town and ruined it." He ended with a smile. I took in a deep breath trying to get all my questions under control. "Any questions." He asked peaking out the door, then sitting back down in his corner. I nodded. "Only a thousand or two." He sighed leaning back. "Let's go." I nodded trying to get out question one. "So basically what you meant, the Cullens are vampires?" He nodded. "Basically." I sighed and nodded. He stared at my expression at that one word answer. "Does that bother you?" I shrugged. "No it doesn't, don't really care actually, I don't see them any different just like the same for you." His eyes went wide. He was about to speak.

"Ah, I question you answer." His eyebrows arched and he crossed him arms to his chest leaning back more.

"What's a doppelganger?"

He smiled before answering. "It's a human orsupernatural being that looks just like you, but different in many ways. It'svery rare to have one, but they are born every 100 years. Wolves, vamps evenwitches can have doppelganger. For all we know you could have one roamingaround the city claiming to be you, which she is, but like I say in many waysdifferent." I sighed laying down on the bed trying to process all this. Itwasn't a bad thing just a lot to take in. "Want to take a break." He blurtedout. I snapped up crossing my legs on the bed biting my nails. "No, I stillhave a lot more." He groaned, slipping out the chair. I rolled my eyes ignoringhim. "How does the whole werewolf thing work like the forming and becomingone." He sighed holding his head in his hands. "Not a very good to talk about,but I knew you would ask it." He sighed before continuing. "Did Karley evergive you a stern reason on why Rebecca died?" I gasped remembering Rebecca. Shewas Karley's daughter, she died at five." "Now that I think about it, no." Iwanted to know what really happened I don't remember much, but I remember partsand bits of it. "She told you guys she died by an 'animal attack'," I nodded."She didn't we had passed down traits from our dad Jacob, he was a werewolf.She was too young and it came too soon." He looked up at me from his hands. "Idon't understand." I admitted. He leaned back into the chair staring at theback wall. "It's two different of our kinds. Us Children of the Moon and theusual regular Moon Childs. Children of the Moon are passed down generationswolves, meaning we can form anytime we want but not able to control outheating. Moon Childs, always form during the full moon no matter what unlessit's an women wolf and she's pregnant But they can control their heating takesa lot of practice but it's easier for them, us not so much we can't control itor stop it. So really its life that chooses for you. If you're bitten by a wolfthen your Moon Childs. If you're passed down generations like me, you'reChildren of the Moon." "So how did Rebecca die?" I asked still notunderstanding. "We can only handle so much being a wolf it should come whenpuberty hit and to continue. The transitioning Children of the Moon have tosmell a vampire, bitten wolves have to only see or touch them. Becca's came tooearly in her life, she was growing from being a toddler not a kid. Our wolfgenes can get mixed up like that. So her body had to control to much, her wolfgenes and her human genes. All she had to do was smell a vampire to stop it butwe didn't know it at the time didn't even know the wolf genes hit in. Until shecollapsed onto the floor never waking up." I gasped. Putting my head into myhands. Mumbling Becca. "Don't worry, she's on the other side, for all I knowshe probably right here next to me." "What's the other side." I said thought mycovered lips. "It's a place where all dead supernatural beings go...Well ifthey had a regret in their natural being life. "So your dad and Becca isthere." He smiled nodding. I lifted my head from my eyes sighing. "Anymorequestions?" I shook my head. "Can't think of anymore." He cheered in smile.Standing up and walking out the door waiting on me. While I putting my othershoe on, I then remembered Damon being hot. I wanted to know about that. Wewalked out heading to the front desk. "I have a question about that hot thing."He shook his head. Looking around. "I already answered that for you. I smiled shakingmy head. "No I mean, vampires are cold and wolves are hot, is it the same waywith vampires?" I asked. "Oh." He laughed. "No, their always cold no matterwhat feeling always cold." I bit my lip nodding. He looked over at as we walkedtowards hall north. "I'm guessing that had something to do with a particularvampire?" He said. I popped my head up blushing. "No." I said with a squeak.His eyebrows became a sudden straight line along with his lips. "You're lying."I shook my head pushing the elevator button down. He crossed his arms andleaned in the elevator corner staring at me with his deep blue eyes. I panicked and admitted. "Fine, yes, EdwardCullen." I said with a deep red blush overfilling me. "You like him." He saidteasing. I bit my bottom lip wishing this ride would be over already. "Isn'tthat a bad thing." I said matter-of-factly. His eyes and brows lighten to myresponse. "How so?" "Isn't your kind andhis kind, practically enemies." I said guessing. He shrugged. "We are, but Igave him benefit of the doubt helping me save you." He ended with a smile."Where is he now?" I asked. He pointed soon as the elevator dinged pointing toDoctor Cullen's office. Edward, Rosalie, Emmet, and Doctor Cullen. They allwere bunched together by the door. "You don't even think about our family doyou? If they find out about this we are damned?" Rosalie hissed. "Rose, if theydofind out about this we will deal with it then, why worry about somethingthat's not here yet." Emmet said. Rosalie looked and turned to Emmet. "Who'sside are you on?" She hissed again. Before he could answer she turned back toEdward. "She's up there right now lying in bed, get a pillow and you know therest." She said softly and slowly. "That's never going to happen." Edwardsnapped at Rosalie. Emmet elbowed Edward and shortly after him they all werestaring at me. Damon grabbed me by the elbow softly and started to walk metowards the front desk. I yanked and pulled his burning hand off. I bit mybottom lip fighting back the tears. He turned and looked at me. "I'm sorry." Istarted to cry fast rubbing the burned marked spot. Damon clenched his fisttogether moving his jaw side to side. "Benefit of the doubt, remember." A voiceI didn't even think to be right by my side. Damon rolled his eyes coming closerto me. I held my hand out stopping him. "Please, wait." I said slowly stillfast rubbing the burning mark. Edward held out his hand looking down into myblurry tear filled eyes. I gave him my hand and he slowly watching my movement,placed his cold hard hand on my burning spot. I sighed in comfortableness."Better?" He asked. I instantly popped my eyes open almost falling to sleep."Yes, thank you." He didn't let my arm go. He turned it delicately and slowly."How many times has he burned you?" He asked peaking at Damon from under hiseyelashes. "She knows I'm sorry." He said rudely. Edward then looked down atme, his eyes sparkling again. "How many?" He asked again ignoring Damonreplies. "I can-I can't remember." I said. I looked over my shoulder it wasRosalie, and Emmet. I bit my lip looking up at Edward. "Kill me with a pillowhuh?" I then yanked my arm from his hand walking away. "You might not want togo that way." He said. I stopped turning only my head, my hand on the door."Why is that?" "The whole school is out there, and not just a classroomwhole...more like the whole school building whole." I walked back almosttripping over my feet but catching myself by the desk counter. "Is there a backway?" I asked looking at Damon. He shrugged. He turned to Edward. Then henodded and Damon speed out going to the front room. I sighed sitting down inthe chair that was facing a TV and a clock and soon after he sat beside me. "Iwasn't going to kill you." He said looking at me. I turned to him. "Why didn'tyou, why couldn't you just let the van hit me and save yourself all thisregret." I snapped. His brow arched. "You think I regret saving you?" He saidharsh. I turned away from him facing the TV. "I can see that you do, your ownfamily wants me dead." He shook his head still facing and looking at me. "Notall of them, Alice, Emmet, Carlisle, my mother Esme. Two out of five. Not thatif it was reversed it would really matter much." "What did I do wrong, I didn'task for any of this. Not saying I hate it, just why do they want me dead?" Hestarted to tap his finger on his knee covering the side of his mouth with hisfist looking down as he spoke. "They think, that you knowing about the wolvesand vampires, we could be sentenced to death, since we were the ones whobrought it on you. Or the other way, you were just being very nosey and foundout by threatening a wolf." I then nodded looking down at my fingers playingand picking them. "But no one will hurt you, they would have to kill me firstto get to you." He said sitting up looking at me again. "Why, did you hate melast week?" He scoffed. "I wasn't mad at you, I was mad at myself, lettingmyself get so out of control that I fled away to our other family inAntarctica." I looked up at him meeting eyes with him. "What did I do?" I askedstill not understanding. He made his lips into a white thin line beforeanswering me. "It's your smell, your blood. It's very different then otherhumans, took me with every ounce inside of me not to kill everyone in theclassroom and save you for last." He put his face into his hands leaningforwards. I hesitated then patted his back. "I forgive you." He sighed leaningback again. "My apologies." He said with a smile. I smiled back with him. "Wherewere we?" I bit the inside of my cheek thinking. "So where does that leave us?"I asked. His brows arched. "I don't understand." He spoke softly. "Well, yousaid that we shouldn't be friends." I said reminding him. He chuckled. "I saidit would be better if we weren't friends, not that I didn't want to be." Itilted my head to one side. "So, basically what you mean, we're friends." Iguessed. He nodded. "I can't control what I say around you, so I just say whatI say and hope you would understand from the dropped pieces." He said. I lookedat him questioning. He chuckled. "I decided as long as I'm going to hell, Imight as well do it thoroughly." He ended with a laugh. "So it's ok, that Iknow, about everything." I asked hoping he would say yes, or maybe. "Yes, it'sa great thing, I still have to be careful with what I say to not scare you, butother than that I can just tell you and you will understand." I rolled my eyesteasing. "You're intoxicated by my very presence." He said with a grin makingme blush scarlet red almost feeling it in my toes. "I can feel what you'refeeling now - and you are worth it." He said after my silence response. Iblushed even more now, he could feel my emotions. Did he understand what theywere? It's love. I looked down playing with my fingers again. "I can't readyour mind." He muttered very lowly that I could barely hear him. "Wait, what?"I said. "I could read your mind during the van accident and just now, but itall just suddenly stopped. I couldn't readyou anymore." I scoffed. "So you read minds?" I accused. He chuckled. "I canhear every mind in this whole building, apart from yours, odd reason." Hepointed to everyone that was sitting in the backroom wasn't very many peoplebut enough for him to make a point. " and a,"He laughed for a moment then continued. "And Damon, still trying to work up thenerve to ask Jasmine out." Edward laughed. "That's what you two weretalking..thinking about." He continued to laugh but nodded to my out spokenthought. I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that therest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in mybrain. "Is there something wrong with me?" I asked. He then looked at me andstarted a burst of laughter but very quietly that only the people in this roomcould hear. "I tell you I can read minds, and you think it's something wrongwith you?" He accused. I nodded. He laughed again coming to a close. "What'swrong with that?" I asked, not really understanding. "You're not like anyone I'veever known. You fascinate me." I smiled. "Is that good thing or bad." I asked."It's good; not very many people can do that." He said pointing to hisforehead. I then remembered something Edward said he could read minds and hecould read mines during the van accident. "Edward, can you read... my mindright now?" I asked hoping he would say no. "No, I can't, but during theaccident I could, you were braver calmer than I would've thought you to be.Somewhat close to Jasmine and Jessica." "Is there something wrong with me? Am Ia freak." I asked admitting to my theory last conversation. He suddenly burstout with laughter making me look at him. "I tell you I can read minds and youcall yourself the freak." I leaned more into the chair giving it more thought."Are vampires always cold?" I asked wanting to ask that in my mind first. "Yes,to humans, vampire to vampire we're warm like human to human." I saw thecorners of his mouth turn down as he got up headed for the desk counter."Where-where are you going?" I asked not wanting him to leave. He pointed tothe door. "Jasmine and Jessica are coming. Give you three some privacy." "Don'tleave." I said my voice sadden. He smiled to my words and sat down in a chairthat was in a corner from where I was. Soon as he sat down and pretended towatch TV Jasmine and Jessica came bursting through the door. "Sarah!" Jasmineshriek holding her arms out for me giving me a hug. "I was so scared soworried." I started patting her back giving her reassurance. "Jasmine I'mfine." I said with reassure in my voice. She sniffled wiping her eyes andlooked around until she saw Edward quickly turned back to me. Jessica camehugged me telling me how hard she tried to calm Jasmine down. "So?" Jessica andJasmine said at the same time. "What?" I asked. "You and Cullen." Jessica said.I scoffed blushing. "Do you like him?" I noticed Edward look over at me whenJessica asked. I pushed my hair to behind my ear looking down at my nails."I'm-" I said before Karley came in. "Ok, Mannie I finished all the paperworkDamon had to leave, for some reason. It's just you and me, Ready?" She lookedover her shoulder and noticed Edward. "Oh, hello Edward." She said sweetly."Hello, Mrs. Johnson." Edward responded politely. She looked back over at us."Jasmine, Jessica do you two need a ride?" "No, we're going dress shopping forthe spring fling that's next month, really early but we want the good dressesbefore their gone." Jessica said. Karley nodded. "Mannie, I'll meet you outsidein the car." I got up nodding. "Oh, Sarah can you please go dress shopping withus you need your advice." Jasmine begged. "Where is it?" "Port Maine." I bit mybottom lip eyeing my way over to Edward again. He was listening but eyeing theTV. "Sure, I can go with you guys today to-" "No, nope." Jessica stopped me. "Gohome and rest. We will go tomorrow." I bit my bottom lip eyeing Edward I sawhim shaking his head agreeing. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Do you need helpwalking out." I shook my head as Edward got up from his seat. "If it's finewith you Sarah, may I walk you out?" I saw Jessica and Jasmine go jaw dropped.I cleared my throat before answering. "Um, sure." I choked out. Jessica made agiggle and scream of a sound making Jasmine elbow her and back slowly out theroom. "Hello Jessica, Jasmine." They both smiled, then said hey. Edward openedthe door for me allowing me to go first. I looked over my shoulder before Iwalked out Jasmine made a phone call with her hand and Jessica made a kissyface. I laughed rolling me eyes walking out. "Sometimes I wondered if I wasseeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeingthrough theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain." He sighed holding hishands in his pockets. "You're still on that." "Well yeah, I don't understandhow you can't read my mind. But a moment ago you could." He shrugged not givingme a word answer. "Sarah, you remember when you told me quote; 'life isn'tfair'?" I nodded. "I have another thing to add. 'That's the beautiful thing aboutbeing human: Things change.'" After he finished we were at the car. I lookedthough the window Karley was on a phone call probably another business call. Iheard Edward sigh before he spoke. "It's too easy to be myself with you," Hissudden outburst surprised me. "I feel like I'm going to say the wrong thing." Ismiled to his words. "Edward, you won't, I already know the crazy bad things.And I really don't care about it. I don't see you or Damon any different thanmy first day here back in Maine. Including the reason for acting the way youdid my first day here at school." He laughed. I noticed Edward's white crystalhand move closer to mines he grabbed a lock of my hair and pushed it alongbehind my ear joining with the rest. I blushed instantly. He sighed turningaround from the heels of his shoes walking away. I bit my bottom lip. Maybe myblushing caused too much for him. I quickly got into the car closing the doormore hard than normal. Karley got off the phone when I opened the door. "Where isEdward going?" She said looking behind us at Edward." I sighed deeply with asmile. "Someone has to spread the good news that we survived." Karley laughedstarted the car and drove home singing along to all the songs that played whileI just stared out the window thinking about one person on my mind. Edward.~C

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