Chapter 7: Confessions.

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I woke up after my bizarre dream again; the one with me and Edward being vampires. All I could hear was the monitors with the beeping noises sounding the sound away from the TV in a distance. I looked around the room it had the same colors as the cafeteria room colors. Drape of sadness. I looked everywhere around the room until my eyes landed on somebody, I couldn't tell who it was their figure was all blurry. And now that I noticed it everything was blurry I couldn't see anything clearly. Maybe it was the drugs or maybe I've been sleeping for a long time and my eyes are still trying to catch up with me. I made a grunting noise and I turned my whole body to one side my ribs poking me. Whoever that was made them turn around to face and walk towards me. It was Karley. She was talking to someone on the phone but to low for me to hear then when she reached me she hung up sitting gently on the side of the bed. "Hey Sarah." She said sadden and slowly. I noticed she said Sarah instead of Mannie or Amanda. "Hey Karley." I blinked and rubbed my eyes a few times hoping that would clear them up but that just made it worse.

"How are you feeling?" She asked holding and rubbing my hand.

"I could be doing better, I still hurt in some places." I said letting that word trail off when I went to wonder other things when they started to appear in my mind. Where's Edward? What happened, and did Damon ever come? I had a bunch on questions to ask but for the wrong person. Karley didn't know what Maine holds.

"Where's Damon?" I asked sitting up very slowly as I can.

"Oh, He's in the waiting room with Edward, they wanted to give me some alone time with you. And be the one to tell you the bad news?" She said sternly. That made me jump but not as much.

"W-what bad news?" I said not able to process my words.

"So Mannie, you know when you had the car crash," She said stopping and looked at me for a stern moment.

"Yes." I said in a tone making her continue.

"Well, the outcome of that crash was you being ok of course, but have Five-degree eyesight." She said with a cry sigh voice.

I started to panic. "What's Five-degree eyesight?"

"I can't really explain it, I'll go get Doctor Cullen." She said getting up and pressing the button by the door. "Hello." I light-lifted voice came in the speaker. "Yes, we're ready to see the Doctor again." "Ok, I'll send him in." "Thank you." Then Karley sat beside me again. I felt the tears over welling me. I was doing my best to hold them in. Soon after the call Doctor Cullen came in along with Edward and Damon. Before Edward made it through the doorway we already met eyes. They were black. He looked nothing but hopeless. Damon looked the same but his hair was messy and he had deep black bags under his eyes like he haven't slept in weeks. "Hello Sarah, how are you feeling?" I then remembered the voices of Doctor Cullen and Alice Cullen. They were helping me. "I-I'm doing ok, I guess." I said not really up for the mood of lying. "We wanted you to explain the degrees of eyesight. He nodded clicking his teeth, and sat at the side of my bed with pictures. "You see Sarah the degrees of eyesight is very simple. It goes from one to ten. One being excellent and ten being very poorly. Most people have eyesight degree one, meaning they need to wear treatments for their eyesight. If your above a one then you do. You have Five-degree, so you can see very much with your basic eyesight." I sighed understanding. "And how can I treat it?" I asked the horrid question everyone must've been afraid to ask. "Just glasses or contacts." He said with a nothing much tone. I sighed again sinking into the bed relaxed. "Will she have this for the rest of her life?" I didn't know if I saw it or not but when Karley said life she meant more to it and looked at Edward while saying it. Maybe I just thought it. "Yes, it's permanent." Doctor Cullen then sat up placing the pictures on a table that was next to a closed window. I wondered if I could more if light was open in here. "Can you open the curtains?" I asked staring at them. Everyone went quiet blank and frozen. "Are you sure about that Sarah?" Edward said. I thought for a moment about that then I started to remember that day I ran from class and I got lost in the forest. I saw someone sparkling almost and then called out my name so they had to know me. The person could've been Edward they had the same body shape and height. I gasped quietly. "No, never mind I'm ok." When Karley got up to turn towards Damon I whispered Sorry to Edward he nodded forgiving me. "Miss Willis, may I speak to you outside." Doctor Cullen said opening the door for Karley. She nodded walking out with him closing the door. "How the hell did this happen?" Damon asked soon after the door was shut. "I went dress shopping with Jasmine and Jessica." Damon didn't say nothing along with Edward he just sat away from me in the corner of the room on the couch above the TV. "Then they said they knew I didn't want to do this they knew what I was really after going to the bookstore." Damon rolled his eyes keeping his distance from me. "
Then when I got there it was already night time and yes I knew it was a full moon." I said stopping Damon from talking knowing what he was going to say next. "I ran into Mike then short story short I started to run from him the car was in a different place then where I parked it. When I found it, it was in an ally way deep-end. I got in there and drove fast away running all lights and jumping in front of all cars." When I heard a howl in distance that made me lose my concentration crashing into another car and if he wasn't for Edward I might be dead right now."
"Sarah, that isn't safe you should've told someone where you were going what if you did get killed." I just shrugged. "Then I'll just die, he would be doing a lot of people favors by killing me." Edward then stood up getting in between me and Damon. "Damon go outside." Damon ignored him. Damon started to grit his teeth. "Has Maine made you so depressed that you're suicidal?" He yelled in a hissed. His outburst caught me off guard, I wasn't expecting that. I felt tears running down my face. I started searching in the bed for the nurse button. Edward's cold hand stopped me. "Damon out." Edward said tense. Damon started backing up to the door then left slamming it human strength. I then started to cry grunting taking the neckbrace I had on my neck off. Edward stopped me again. "You shouldn't be mad at him." His words made me stop he was right I shouldn't be mad at Damon I should be mad at myself. "I didn't ask to be mad at him I'm mad at myself." I said my voice cracking over every two words. He shook his head. "You shouldn't be mad at yourself either Sarah." He said wiping the tears from my face. His touch made me blush. I wish I could tell him the feelings I had for him but I was scared. Scared he wouldn't feel the same way, maybe only seeing me in a friend type of way. I noticed he smiled. But I ignored it. "You should be mad at me." He said after I didn't respond. "Why would I be mad at you?" I asked still not understanding. He sighed, sitting down on the bed next to me. "Every since you met me I caused you nothing but trouble. If only I had noticed you were gone just ten minutes earlier I would've made it to you before you even got in the car." "Wait." I said stopping him. "How did you know where I was?"

"I thought that maybe if I you needed help, which you did, you would want somebody who couldn't get hurt easily,"

"So you followed me?" I accused.

He looked down for a moment then back up at me. "I haven't only been doing that," He started his eyes started to sparkle again. I wanted to turn away so bad, when he eyes started to sparkle, but why I didn't. "Because there was nothing more terrifying to me, more excruciating, than the thought of turning away from him. It was an impossibility."

I stood in the shadows waiting for you to fall asleep I was impressed but yet wondered by how you didn't interact much at home likewise at school. But when I heard the shower start of course I left and went home and then I came back at one in the morning. "And then as you were sleeping, you said my name. You spoke so clearly, at first I thought you'd woken. But you rolled over restlessly and mumbled my name once more, and said I love you. The feeling that coursed through me then was unnerving, staggering. And I knew I couldn't ignore you any longer." I gasped I could hear my heart monitor go off at high speeds. Edward looked at me alarming. I couldn't believe Edward knew I loved him. I was embarrassed but yet glad that he knew. And just the fact of him saying he knew he couldn't ignore me any longer, It was one thing I truly knew, knew it in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chest - was how love gave someone the power to break you. "You've coming there every night?" I asked my voice was still astern. He smiled holding my hand and rubbing it gently. "Don't be self-conscious; if I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it." I blushed to his words. He held my face cupped into his hands softly his cold body warming me up from being hot in this room.

"You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

I bit my bottom lip. "You already know how I feel, of course," I finally said. "I'm here... which, roughly translated, means I would rather die than stay away from you." I frowned. "I'm an idiot."

"You are an idiot," he agreed with a laugh. Our eyes met, and I laughed, too. We laughed together at the idiocy and sheer impossibility of such a moment. I was going to say something but my rib from the side hit me again causing me to almost yell in pain. "It's time again Sarah." Edward said reaching for the nurse button. "No," I yelled trying to stop him but he already pressed it when I noticed where his hand was reaching for. "Yes," A women in the speaker said. "Hello, I think we're ready for more pain-killers." Edward politely but smirking at me." I crossed my arms over my chest sinking into the bed. "You can't make me take that pill." Edward's eyes left mines and went somewhere else. "I don't think they're going to make you take it." I groaned in a crying pouting way. The nurse then came in and Edward move away to the side. I kept my eyes on him. "Here you go darling that should do." The nurse then nodded at me and Edward and left. And already I could feel myself getting tired. Edward sat back in his spot on the bed.

He leaned closer to me than usual making my heart beat go crazy fast. I could smell the breath from his mouth and the breaths he take to his nose. "And the lion fell in love with the lamb." He said leaning closer to me very slowly but every inch of a second.

I blushed and bit my lips to the words. "What a stupid lamb." I said.

"What a sick, masochistic lion." He smiled my favorite bright teeth smile.

I was fighting to stay up and I'm guessingEdward could tell. "Sarah go to sleep. We will talk more when you wake." Istarted to cry wiping my eyes. "Sarah, why are you crying?" Edward asked bit ofannoyance in his voice. "Because I'm scared if I fall asleep you willdisappear." He bent his head down to mines. "Where would I go? I would go homebut I'm already there. Sarah how could I leave my home." He said in a teasingway wiping my eyes. "Promise you'll stay with me." He then kissed my foreheadlooking back at me. "I promise." He grabbed my hand as my eyes slowly driftedto a close I was fighting it a little but once I got my last glance towardsEdward I fell asleep. About three things I was absolutely positive. First,Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn't know howpotent that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I wasunconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

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