Chapter 8: Mind Over Matter

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The more I had these vampire dreams with me and Edward the more I fell in love with it. I don't know what made me love it. Was it the fact that I was vampire? I wouldn't say that was it but I never really thought about being a vampire, nor wolf. But if I think about it; how am I supposed to love a vampire and spend my life with one if I'm dying by the hour. And Edward's staying Edward. The same for Damon he's a wolf he will stay forever living just like a vampire. But the Moon Child's they will die eventually. Speaking of Moon Child's it made me remember Mike. How did he suddenly just become a wolf? Maybe all those days he went missing he was hiding from everyone because of that. I bet Jasmine is so mad at me for crashing her car. I didn't care how long it would take I would pay her back for her car even if it takes me my whole life. "Sarah." Edward said waking me up. I noticed I was cuddled up with Edward, I was sleeping on his chest while he had his arms holding me in a protective way. "Good morning, or Afternoon I should say." He said, his voice was always very smooth and clear. I looked up at him. "I slept through the morning?" He nodded. "I'm not surprised actually, not the first time." I rolled my eyes lying back on his chest knowing what he meant by that. "Sorry about taking up space in your bed, you were sweating like crazy last night so I came to the rescue." He said teasing. I did remember me being hot last night I just didn't say anything about it. "Thank you." I said. I had a feeling Edward thought I was getting cold because I shivered when I spoke. But it wasn't because I was cold, I wasn't even cold I was actually very warm. It was because the position we were in I was blushing like crazy. I felt him gently moving away but I held onto him tighter hoping he noticed me trying to hold him still. "Don't go." I said my voice sad. The corners of his mouth turned up. "I don't want to either, but Karley is coming." He warned. "Oh." And I instantly let go despised my wantings. Edward sat on the couch in the far corner where I couldn't even see him clearly anymore. "Edward, I can't see you." I said pouting. "Karley will fix that." I saw him move a few times and then when he froze not even breathing Karley came in. I couldn't really see her and now that I noticed it I could barely see anything. I was squinting to Edward and Karley but that wasn't really helping. As Karley was walking to me I could see her a bit more, her first glance went over to Edward and she smiled and skipped over to me. "He never leaves does he?" She said teasing. I smiled. "It's pretty hard for us to leave each other." Karley sat on the edge on the bed as I was sitting up I noticed something black shaped oval in her hands. "What's that?" I asked pointing to it. "Oh, it's your glasses?" She then opened them. They were brown like my hair and eyes. "Wow, their pretty." I said putting them on. I sighed I could see everything now. It was so close up. I looked over at Edward to see how he looked, he looked even more beautiful. I saw the corners of his lips turn up just so I could see them before Karley could. I turned back to Karley. "Thank you." I said hugging her. "You're welcome, we didn't know what color to get you so we asked Edward and he said brown." I smiled. He knows me; he got me the color that doesn't change from day to day. "We got you contacts to wear to, just in case the glasses aren't really working." "When do I get out?" I asked thinking about it being tomorrow. "Next week or maybe two." Karley had a mint of disappoint in her voice. I laid back into the comfy pillows with a sigh. I wanted to change the subject. "Where's Damon." When I said that name I noticed Edward move a bit from my side vision. "He went to Jasmine's house to ask her to prom." Karley face changed with the words. "I bet Jasmine would be so excited she likes Damon so much." "Do you have any plans for prom?" Karley said pointing over to Edward with her eyes. I scoffed. "I don't do proms. Karley." "But come on Sarah, prom is every girls dream." I started to play in my hair. "That's because I wasn't every other girl, I wasn't even a normal girl." She nodded agreeing with me. "Yes, you are very far from normal... I always told you to embrace your weirdness." And look where it got me. I said mentally. Karley grabbed my hand stopping me from braiding my hair. "Sarah, I didn't mean to upset you, I just want you enjoy high school, you only get it once." I know what Karley meant by that, she dropped out of school because she was a teen pregnant with Damon. She was bullied to the point where she dropped out to become homeschooled. "I know Karley, I—I'll think about it." I said not wanting to break her heart or make her sad, I just don't do proms. "How much do you like him?" Karley said glancing over at Edward. I blushed knowing he could hear all of this. "I'm pretty crazy about him." I admitted. "I could tell he feels the same way, when he came in here with you giving you to me and he said 'Sarah I love you'. But of course you were passed out when all of that happened." I blushed looking over at Edward biting the inside of my cheeks. Karley placed her hand on my shoulder. "I know love and lust don't always keep the same company, but the right thing isn't always real obvious. Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else. But taking you two for example it's very clear that you two are made for each other." Before I could speak a nurse came on the speaker telling Karley to go to room 134. She kissed my forehead. "Got to go love you." She got up walking out the door. "Love you to." I waved to her. Edward's smoothness towards me made me flinch out of surprise. "Sorry." He said flashing another of his smiles with his eyes sparkling. I guess I was hungry because my stomach was growling like crazy. "Hungry." Edward stated. I placed my hand on my still growling stomach. "Being in a coma for two days does that to you." I laughed. He kissed my forehead I blushed when I heard my heart machine go off like crazy going to a straight beep line. Edward slowly pulled away. "I'll get you something." I nodded still stuck from the kissing position I just nodded. I thought about what I should get so I could make it easier for him to choose. "Pizza." I said louder than I wanted. He smiled after me and left closing the door soft as ever. I laid back into bed watching the news. The way the news lady was talking made me feel some way. Different bad something is coming type of way. But I ignored it, probably me thinking about the world's expectations for me. Edward came back with a large pizza and from what it looked like a Coke. He placed it on my table I wasn't really noticing his movements from place to place and holding everything in one hand I was caught on the TV. "In this one week the police have already found fifth-teen missing bodies. Mostly high school and college students." Said the man on TV. "Holy crap." I shrieked. Edward's eyes went blank then he caught to where my eyes were looking. "That's got to be a vampire. Right?" Edward's fist clenched together. "Yes, if they keep this up the Volturi will interfere." The word Volturi made me shiver in despair. "Then what would happen?" I asked thinking in the back of my head I knew. "They'll kill them and while they're here they might stop by and check on us if we made it out in the Volturi open." He said looking up at the TV. "What does that mean?" I asked laying up demanding for more. "You eat I'll talk." I sat up even more taking a bite out of the pizza. "If us, me and you dating get out in the open too much, then the Volturi will have to interface. And once they find out you're a human, they'll give us two options." I wanted to hurry up and sallow this pizza before he continued. "Which is?" I said my mouth full of pizza. I pressed my lips together as I still chewed. "You will have to become... one of us and we all live. Or the option I'm voting for, well... just part of it. You stay human and we suffer the consequences you along with us." I could tell my eyes went wide as I was still eating this pizza. "So, the only good option, is if I become one of you?" I gulped. Edward placed his cold hard hand on my free one. "I will never let that happen." His face serious. His almost full black eyes protecting me. I looked deep into his eyes confusedly. "Edward," I said awkwardly. "Hmm." He said moving a lock of my hair to the back to collide with the others. "What does the whole eye stuff mean?" I asked now drinking my Coke and by the taste it was diet. "Well, it's very simple black eyes you haven't hunted in a while. Gold and black you hunt and eat animals. Red like blood, eat and hunt humans." I shivered to the words blood. I looked back up into Edward's eyes and I started to see them change color from black to red. I gasped shocked unmoving. "What's wrong, are you hurting." Edward asked puzzled but mostly alarmed. "You—your eyes, their dark blood red." I shrieked out. Edward instantly got up and turned his back to me I couldn't see his face his beautiful god in-human face. I noticed he was away from me by just three feet on the side of the bed. I moved the table with my food away so I could get the blankets and quilts off so I could reach him. I know Edward heard me rambling back here grunting to while I was moving because of my still hurt ribs. When I finally reached him I placed my hands on his shoulders hoping he would obey me trying to turn him to face me. But he did his eyes were pouring out red sires of red lines around the inside the pupil under his eyes were black bags started to appear. I placed my hand on his cheek rubbing it with my thumb. "I'm not scared, just a little shocked," He grabbed my free hand and placed it on his face holding both of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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