Five: Revenge

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Elaine Walters tossed her silvery hair behind her shoulders as she walked to the cafeteria all alone. She hated it. It was a disgrace, to walk alone, without her posse following closely behind her. She didn't let her perplexion show, however. She looked very much the queen she was.

She winked at a few and blew flying kisses as the everlasting throngs of familiar faces that waved and smiled at her, while passing by. Some stopped by to have a chat and give her a hug, all of which she accepted gracefully, with a beautiful smile, while her mind swirled in a sea of impatient thoughts.

All of them pretenders!

"So, How're you and Blake doin'?" Asked a particularly chatty girl with curly black hair.

That name had her triggered, but she withheld her emotions and briefly tried to recollect the girl's name before replying, "Never better!" She winked at the end to emphasize her point, but it came out as an over-zealous attempt to mask the truth.

The girl, Sally or Sarah, Elaine couldn't recall, seemed to have caught the lie, and instead of just walking away or changing the topic, decided to stay and console her.

"Ahw, I'm awfully sorry, dear," she said, with a genuinely sad face.

Pity. How she hated being pitied.

Blake wasn't the only man in the world, and Elaine Walters didn't care about a cheating scoundrel.

But he had her wrapped around his little finger, and she did not have much choice in the matter.

The bastard.

To make things worse, the whole damn world seemed to have an Idea of her predicament. It was embarrassing and humiliating.

"I'm fine, you know," Said Elaine cheerily.

"No, hon-" she started off again, but was cut off by the sudden clamouring entrance made by Nancy.

"El, you won't believe me!" She started off, and then paused, looking at Sally or Sarah, as if she were invading her privacy. The girl stared right back at Nancy, clearly unaware that she had to leave.

"I'll get back to you, gotta run!" Said Elaine, and trudged off, pulling Nancy with her. They got into the girls' washrooms before stopping.

"Who's she?" Asked Nancy.

"Sally or Sarah," replied Elaine, "You were gonna say something?"

Nancy brightened up as she spoke.

"The channing girl, the goddamn Channing heiress just made friends with me!" She cracked a large, excited smile.

"Channing?" Elaine sounded doubtful.

"Yes, El, Lisa Channing!" Nancy repeated.

Elaine held up her hand and checked the bathroom stalls. They all were empty. She then nodded for Nancy to continue.

"I met her in English class," said Nancy, "She seemed proud."

"Wasn't she reported missing two years ago? It was all over the news." There was a small shiver in Elaine's voice, which she concealed by pretending to nonchalantly checking her hair in the mirror.

It can't be, it can't be!

"She said they found her."

"And...?" She ran her hands through her hair, only managing to mess it up.

"She wouldn't elaborate."

"Are you sure it's her? It could be a petty prankster!"

Yeah, that's what it is!

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