Seven: Favour

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It was Lisa's first time having lunch with her newly found friends and suspects. She found herself sandwiched between an over-enthusiastic Nancy and a pale, afraid, Elaine. The cause of Elaine's anxiety, though, was unknown.

Nancy seemed blissfully unaware of  this little annoyance and obvious discomfort in her best friend, as she went on to talk about some girl who had been locked up in the locker room long ago.

"Apparently, she turned into a ghost," said Nancy, eyes wide, "They didn't even find her body! Don't you think-"

"Hey Nan, hey El!" A male voice cut her off mid-speech, much to Lisa's relief. It belonged to none other than Blake. He dragged himself a chair and placed it next to Elaine.

There was some palpable tension in the air and it was stretched out tight between the newest member at the table and the fair haired Queen, who was breathing embers rather visibly.

"Hi, there," he said to Lisa with a wink, "how come you're here?"

Lisa looked at him, not knowing what to say. He looked at her with a deep passionate look, which only served to creep her out. Were these his much talked about "people skills."

Elaine came to the rescue, by clearing her throat loudly.

"Let's talk in private," Asked Blake, leaning back in his chair, eyes narrowed at Elaine.

Elaine shook her head.

"Please?" Be said rather forcefully.

"Why? Why now?"

"Please." Blake repeated. There wasn't a trace of regret as he pleaded. It was more a sort of blank, commanding air that he possessed, as he looked at Elaine.

After a moment of glaring at him and him meeting her gaze coolly, Elaine finally agreed. The two of them walked out of the cafeteria together.

Lisa looked at the now quiet Nancy for an explanation.

"Well," said Nancy, raw rage in her voice, "He cheated on her again."

"Aren't they the golden couple?" Asked Lisa.

Nancy shrugged, "It's not even the first time it happened. He manages to convince her every single time."

Lisa sensed so much frustration in her voice, that it became clear that this girl was really devoted to her best friend.

"Who would dare to go up against Elaine Walters?" Asked Lisa, in hope of updating her suspect list.

"I would!" Said a red head, casually marching in and sitting on the chair that Blake had dragged.

"That's Martha," said Nancy nonchalantly, "We don't like her much."

"Oh, Blake seems to like me quite a lot," said Martha with a smirk.

"Oh, you can hold your tongue a little, Martha," said Nancy, "I don't even know why we still let you stay with us."

"Oh, that's because Blakey loves me too much to let go," she said this with a subtle pushing forward of her ample bosom.

Nancy looked down at her diet lunch which included a few boiled vegetables and half a grapefruit, and back at at Martha, and decided that it was just not worth it. Closing and packing away her lunch, she stood up and took Lisa by the hand and pulled her out of the cafeteria, and down the numerous corridors. The grip on Lisa's hand only seemed to tighten as she was forcefully dragged around the corridor, her now bright rainbow hair fluttering in the wind. Lisa's bones chilled  once she realised where she was being led. She struggled to break free of the grip, but her attempts were futile.

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