01; Neil

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a/n: this movie has consumed me so whatever happens enjoy I guess. lots of love, ash❤️❤️

I walked beside my Grandpa. Him dragging some suitcases while I dragged the others. Oddly enough this place was bigger than it looked from outside. I was dressed perfectly my Grandpa would say but I just wanted to tear this skirt off and put on some jeans or something.

"Ah here we are" my Grandpa said stopping. I stopped beside him as he knocked on a door. A tall boy with short brown hair opened up. His glasses laid on his nose and his uniform fit his broad figure well.

"Mr. Perry using your evening to study?" my Grandpa stuck his hand out and shook it firmly with the young boy who's eyes only seemed to be strained on me.

"Of course sir" he replied and his voice was as sweet as he looked.

"This is my Granddaughter Evangeline Nolan. I have a meeting to attend to but I was hoping you would help her with her bags and give her a tour of the school. No funny business. Make sure your friends know that to" Grandpa spoke firmly and swiftly and the boy smiled tugging his glasses off and setting them somewhere inside the room.

"I wasn't planning on it sir" he said and Grandpa nodded firmly before he started off down the hall. The boy finally stepped out the doorway and closer to me.

"You got your dorm number?" he asked and I nodded handing him the white paper that held my dorm number and schedule.

"So are you visiting" he asked as he grabbed the bags my Grandpa left behind and started guiding me down the hall.

"If full time counts as visiting I guess you could say so" I replied and he looked at me his eyebrows raised.

"Wait, your a girl that's gonna be studying here at hellto-I-I mean Welton" he said and I lightly giggled. Wouldn't surprise me the boys compared this place to hell. It looked like hell.

"I indeed am" I tried to keep it short. If I want any more conversation with this cute boy I might as well leave him needing more answers.

"But that's like not even allowed" he said and I shrugged.

"Grandpa gained custody of me. I told him I didn't want to go to some lame typical high school where I couldn't just focus on my studies. A few meetings with the school board and a presentation from me. I signed a contract and now I am the only girl that will go to Welton" I said as we stopped in front of a big white door. We were a few hallways over from the boys hallway and I pushed the door open.

"And I want to really kill myself in this skirt right about now" I said tugging at it as we walked into my room. We placed all the bags on top of the bed and I sighed.

"Thanks for the help....."

"Neil" he shook my hand.

"Hopefully I will see you soon. Will you be at dinner tonight?" he asked and I nodded.

"Great you can sit with me if you want. I would promise my friends would be great to get to know but with you being a girl and all they will come off as jerks first" he said and I tilted my head giving him a questioning look.

"They will non-stop flirt with you and say things about you just because they never got the chance to before but give them some time and they are actually really great guys so don't resort to hating them right away" he said and I smiled.

"I'll try not to. Thank you again" I said and he nodded leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. I opened all my bags and started to unpack. Since they only had boys uniforms I was qualified to wear a skirt and one of the shirts that I received in all men's smalls just so they would fit.

I filled the dresser and the closet and had a few picture frames laying across the top of my dresser. Since I was the only girl within this school I had my own bathroom within the room so I filled that with all my bathroom products. When my Grandpa wasn't paying attention I snuck my radio and record player.

I wouldn't admit it but I actually sincerely hated this place. I said I didn't want to go to a typical high school because I don't want to be typical. I want to be the first girl to do anything she wants to do. I want to be a teacher, doctor, lawyer. Anything a man would think a woman couldn't be.

I put on a record and listened to it as it filled the room. I, since dinner was coming soon left a skirt on and a Welton blazer. A knock on the door interrupted me and I turned off the record and shut the top as I opened up the door.

"Hi Grandpa" I smiled at the older man in front of me. As much as I loved him I disagreed with almost all of his ways. The way he teaches the boys and thinks for the boys and especially tells the boys how woman can't do anything. I wanted to be the one to prove him wrong.

"Dinner honey. Even though I sit at headmasters table would you like sitting with me until you make some friends?" he said holding out his arm to escort me to the dining hall.

"I would but Neil actually offered so I don't want to seem rude and ditch his offer I already accepted" and Grandpa nodded.

"That's fine" he said and we continued our way down the hall. We walked into the dining hall where the boys were a little chatty at first until they spotted my Grandpa. I looked for Neil and as soon as I saw him he waved and patted the open seat beside him. I bid my Grandpa goodbye and made my way to his table.

"Hello Evangeline" he greeted as I sat down beside him. The other boys at the table stared dumbfounded at me.

"Boys this is Evangeline" he introduced.

"Oh please call me Ange. Evangeline is way to proper to say all the time" I said but none of the boys said anything as they stared.

"Sorry they aren't that used to seeing girls. Especially pretty ones" heat rose to my cheeks as I smiled at him then turned towards the table again.

"Everyone stand for prayer" a voice bellowed and we all stood and bowed our heads. I didn't say anything since I didn't know what the prayer was yet.

"Don't worry you'll catch on" Neil said as we sat again.

"So Evangeline this is Todd, Knox, Charlie, Richard, Gerard, and Steven" he said pointing to each boy. I nodded in greeting towards each one. We started passing the food and setting it on our trays.

"So be honest with me. How lame is my Grandpas school?" I asked before I took a bite of the disgusting potatoes upon my plate.

"On a scale of 1 to 10. 24" Charlie said before moving to sit in the empty spot beside me.

"No funny business. Mr. Nolan doesn't need to hate you more" Neil said to Charlie but he rolled his eyes and held out his hand for me to grab. I placed my hand in his and he kissed it.

"Call me Charlenator" he said and Neil scoffed as the other boys chuckled.

"How unique. A nickname I suppose you gave to yourself. As flattering as it is I'm not really interested" I said tugging my hand from his and his face fell as the boys chuckled again. This time Neil included.

"I guess you heard her boys. She can stick her own ground" Neil said before we went back to eating. I guess this won't be to bad.

Joie De Virve // Dead Poets SocietyWhere stories live. Discover now