04; that's the spirit

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a/n: I'm on the bus and it's freezing as hell. still no one is reading this book but I honestly don't care. I'm totally getting one of those winter colds that I don't fully want to deal with right now but oh well. enjoy the chapter. lots of love, ash❤❤

I was currently sitting on the steps in the front of the school. I was watching the boys run around and play games. Ride their bikes. They all just worked so easy together. The system with all of them flowed perfectly. Except for me. As soon as I was shoved into this system it's like there is this little tweak. It don't affect the system to much and it's kinda hard to notice but it's there like a little imperfection. I was just reading trying to pass the time to when Neil was gonna take me somewhere. He never told me when we were going and with that, that's all I've been wondering about all day.

"Hey Evangeline" Neil said popping up beside me and I smiled and closed my book.

"Hey Neil. What's that?" I asked pointing to a average size bag he was clutching.

"You can't have an adventure without any supplies" he said smiling at me and I immediately smiled back.

"Cmon" he stood up signaling me and I stood and followed him as we moved to the side of the building. We looked around to see if anyone was looking and then nonchalantly slipped off into the trees. He looked back at me since he was a couple of feet ahead of me. He stopped and grabbed my hand pulling me to his side as we continued to make our way through. I was laughing and smiling and my focus was only on him that I couldn't tell we had stopped in front of a clearing or had made it this far back into the woods.

"We're here" he said and I tore my gaze from his gorgeous brown eyes and looked at my surrounding. A large waterfall fell from the big cliff into a small lake in front of us. Trees and flowers continued the beauty of the entire place. Large stones surrounded the lake and Neil let go of my hand and dropped his bag as he climbed up the side of the closest one.

"Isn't it beautiful" he said and I nodded looking out to the water again. When I looked back he was removing his shirt. I tried to tear my gaze away but I wasn't sure if my feelings for him were obvious yet or not. He pulled his pants down and he looked at me smiling quick. He was just in his boxers and my eyes felt like they just commited a thousand sins and he up'd and jumped right into the lake. I ran to climb the rock beside his clothes as he came above water and looked for me. As soon as he spotted me on the rock he pushed his wet hair back and smiled at me.

"Hop in the water its great!" he yelled but I shook my head.

"No I couldn't" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Cmon Evangeline! Swim with me!" he yelled spinning himself in the water. I rolled my eyes and stood up as I removed my sweater.

"That's the spirit" he said and I stopped.

"Look away, I'm gonna be practically naked" I said blushing and he laughed.

"Oh please! I saw you in those pajamas that might I say gave me a great view of your butt. This'll be no different doll. It's just a bathing suit" he said and if I wasn't blushing before I sure as hell was now. I knew they had to of been showing butt.

"Neil Perry you're a very bold boy" I said as I slipped my top off and my skirt off. Neil whistled from the water and I blushed as I closed my eyes and threw my body weight off the rock. I yelled until I plunged in the water then came above breathing heavily.

"That's it" Neil said and I immediately swam towards him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You said the water was great. I'm freezing" I said and he chuckled pushing some wet hair away from my face.

"My grandpa is gonna kill me" I said and he laughed along with me.

"Evangeline Nolan, you are one hell of a girl" he said and I covered his mouth my elbow still resting on his shoulder.

"Neil Perry your one heck of a curser" I said and he smiled and shimmied his face away from my hand.

"Tell me anything. Just make sure it's something good" he said swimming me around.

"Uh I don't know. My favorite color is blue" I said and he laughed.

"Nice to know but I mean something that you don't just tell somebody about yourself" he said and I tilted my head and shrugged.

"I guess um-......... Ooh! Every time I eat pepperoni I have to fold it over once then twice so it's in the shape of a little triangle-" I started then got cut off by his laughing.

"No I'm serious! I take a bite out the top of the triangle and then I unfold it so I have a circle with an open middle. I break the circle apart and then eat it from one end of the string to the other" I said and he continued laughing as I hit him.

"No no, Im sorry. It's cute honestly" he said and I still gave him a look cause he totally thought I was weird now.

"I promise. I don't think your weird" he made me look at him and he smiled as soon as my gaze locked with his. I wrapped my arms around his neck more as I laid my head on his shoulder. I felt him shiver as my breath landed on his neck.

"No come back I want to look at those hazel eyes some more" he said and my head flung back his grip tightening on my waist as I sorta flung my body.

"You noticed I have hazel eyes?" I asked and he nodded.

"Have you not noticed I love making eye contact with you" he said and I smiled.

"My whole family used to always say they were just brown. No ones ever cared to notice I actually have hazel eyes. They are my favorite feature but nobody even knows what color they actually are" I said before laying my head back down.

"And don't tell me to sit back up because I'm comfortable. Just like this" I said and he rested his head on mine as he started swimming us around again.

"Haha cmon guys let's go" I heard a voice say and Neil must've had his eyes closed and we both looked up to see the boys running away with or cloths.

"Oh my God" I cursed. I had too. My Grandpa would kill me if I showed back up in just my bra and panties.

"Don't worry" Neil said and I looked at him.

"I knew they were gonna do that. I went into your room and got extra. I did the same for me" he said and I smiled.

"Cmon let's get out" he said and I nodded as we swam to the side and got out. He pulled out a blanket and wrapped it around me before grabbing a towel and running it through his hair so he could start to dry off.

"Here. Go ahead and get changed so you can warm up" he said handing me my clothes and pointing to a large rock I could change behind. I went towards the rock and changed quickly into the new bra and panties and he of course brought my pants instead of a skirt. I realized he didn't grab me a shirt but instead threw one of his weekend sweaters in there. I smiled and pulled it over my head. It was warm and smelled like him. I walked back and he was changed too.

"I brought some food but it's getting late and we don't want to get caught" he said and I nodded as he packed up the wet undergarments and the other stuff we had pulled out. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we started to walk back towards Welton. We snuck back into the yard and he walked me to my room shutting the door behind us. As I laid on my bed he hung my wet undergarments in the shower of my bathroom. He threw the bag over his shoulder as soon as he walked back into the room.

"Get some rest and a shower" he said and I sat up and hugged him.

"Thank you for such a great day today" I said and he smiled and tugged away from my grip.

"Your welcome and I promise there will be more because I want nothing more to spend a whole day with you in my arms again" he said and I blushed as he stepped out and shut the door. I think I've fallen for him.

Joie De Virve // Dead Poets SocietyWhere stories live. Discover now