15; do it

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a/n: i know i'm updating a lot today but i have nothing else to do so i'm just writing. and sleeping. and watching movies. there's a lot like actually happening all at once so I guess you could consider it more than just writing. i don't know I'm just a mess. a couple chapters left probably. lots of love, ash❤❤

All the boys had been called to the office. They were just taking Todd back to his room and I knew they were soon on there way from me. A knock at the door disrupted me from my thoughts as I gazed out the window.

"Mr. Keating" I hugged the simple man who held a sad smile on his face.

"Hello sweetie" he greeted pulling away.

"I wanted to see you before your Grandpa started crowd control" he said and I giggled lightly.

"The boys know you didn't do it. It's just my Grandpa. He's trying to twist it so the school don't take the blame-" I started but he cut me off.

"Evangeline your Grandpa is a good man but it's okay. I have other places to conquer" he said but the sadness still rested in his eyes.

"I believe in you" I said and he smiled.

"Thank you. I wanted to see you to give you this. I'm forbidden from the funeral. I wanted this to be put away with Neil. It's the only thing that got him to actually live life to the fullest" he handed me the small black book Neil used at the beginning of each of our meetings.

"I will make sure it happens. While I'm not loosing it" I said and he sighed and wrapped his arm around me.

"Don't let it hurt you to much. Neil would want you to be happy" he said and a tear escaped my eyes.

"It's kinda hard to be happy when it seems as if everyone you love dies" I said and he wiped away my tear.

"I know what happened with your family. It's okay Ange. Things happen to make you stronger. Emotion gives you life. Use that life and make it your world" he said squeezing me one last time. He stood up and started towards the door.

"Don't let anyone tell you, you can't do something cause your a girl. Your the strongest girl I know. Conquer the world and anyone that defies you burn at the stake" I laughed as he left the room and sauntered down the hall. I sat on my bed and looked out into the hall.

"Miss. Nolan. Your Grandpa wants to see you" I nodded and started my way towards his office. As soon as I stepped in my Grandpa stood removing the glasses from his face.

"Sit down Evangeline" I sat in the seat and he sat as well. He sighed and rubbed his face before putting his glasses back on.

"I can't believe you would get involved in something like this" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"What was that missy?" he asked and I sighed.

"You and me both know Mr. Keating is not the reason Neil is dead!" I stood. I was up to here with all this bull crap.

"Very well I know that but I need you to sign this so it will all be over" I looked at the paper he was shoving out to me. It held descriptions of his classes and meetings and all the boys had signed but Todd and Charlie. I lightly smiled to myself.

"I'm not signing it" I set it down in front of him.

"Evangeline! If you don't do this I'm gonna have to give you punishment like the others" he exclaimed and I shrugged.

"Do it" I said and I sauntered out of the room.

"If you excuse me I have a funeral to attend" I finished walking to my room. I changed and grabbed my keys before meeting the boys out front. Charlie was gone and we all knew why. We saw him packing his bags. It was over.

Joie De Virve // Dead Poets SocietyWhere stories live. Discover now