08; all the time

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a/n: so they are finally together!!! I needed to do that because we're really falling into the storyline right now so I needed it here before it was to late. my plans for this book are gonna be big so you guys are gonna need to get real excited and actually read. okay anyway sorry. enjoy!! lots of love, ash❤❤

As a class Mr. Keating made us change into gym cloths and join him outside of the school. I wasn't very athletic but I could manage. I saw Neil eyeing me in the shorts and baggy grey sweater I had on that had a red Welton plastered across the front. This school really loves promoting itself.

"-they argued that one sport or game is inherently better than another" I listened in on Keating.

"For me a sport is actually a chance for us to have other human beings push us to excel. I want you all to come over here and take a slip of paper and line up single file" he threw the bag down and grabbed a board off the small set of bleachers. I joined the others by grabbing a slip of paper from Keating's board and getting in the single file line. As soon as all of us were in Keating blew a whistle.

"You know what to do Pitts!" he yelled at Pitts who stood up front.

"Oh the struggle against great odds to meet enemies undaunted" he read out loud.

"Sounds to me like your daunted. Say it like your undaunted!" Keating said as the rest of us chuckled.

"Oh the struggle against great odds to meet enemies undaunted!" he finally said with more emotion.

"Now go on!" Keating said and Pitts ran forward and kicked the ball.

"Yes! Next!"

"To be a sailor of the world bound for all ports!" another boy in the class read before kicking the ball.

"Next! Louder!" Keating kept shouting and another boy spoke.

"Oh while I live to be the ruler of life and not a slave!" was yelled and then a ball kicked.

"To mount the scalpels to avenge the muzzles of God with perfect nonchalant" and another as Keating turned his attention to a record player and put some music on. Meeks was confused and didn't speak yet with the music that ran through all of our ears.

"Cmon Meeks listen to the music!" Keating yelled and Meeks looked at his paper.

"To dance, clap hands, exalt, shout, skip, roll on, float, on!" he said and kicked another ball as Keating removed his jacket.


"Oh to have life as forth the palm of new joys" the next boy said fully as he ran forward and kicked the ball.

"Ohhhh" Keating blew a cherry.

"Boo, cmon Charlie let it fill your soul" he said and Charlie held up his arms and clenched his fists.

"To indeed be a God!" he yelled kicking the ball and the class laughed. It went through the rest of us each kicking a ball and saying the quote we were given. Keating finished off the class and we went to shower and change. Neil told me to go to his room (after giving me a million kisses) because he had to go to town and see if he got the part. He wanted me to be waiting exactly where he would first show up as soon as he got back with hopefully good news. I laid on his bed as Todd rummaged through his desk.

"Todd do you ever worry about him?" I asked and he chuckled.

"All the time" he replied and I smiled.

"Why?" I asked and he shrugged turning in his chair to look at me.

"His Dad walks all over him even though he's gonna be the highest of our graduating class. He works hard and does as many things as he can. He's popular and there's not a single soul that doesn't like him. I worry that one day as soon as he gets out of this place and is forced to be morphed into society with some job our parents picked for us he won't be the Neil Perry he is now" he said and I smiled.

"I worry about that too" I said and he turned back to his desk where he was originally messing around. We heard commotion out in the hall as boys emptied their room due to noise.

"I'm gonna play Puck!" there was banging on another door as it was yelled again. Me and Todd moved to the doorway and there an exhilarated Neil stood.

"I got the main part" he said to some boys at there door just like us. He moved back towards Charlie's room across from us where Charlie and Richard stood.

"Charlie I got it!" he said and the boys smiled at how happy he was. Neil had never been like this.

"Good for you bud" a voice said from the hall as he moved towards us. He patted Todd's shoulder then grabbed me. He swung me to the side and dipped me down as he kissed me passionately boys cheering before bringing me to my feet and walking in the room. He sat at his desk as started at the type writer. Me and Todd sat beside him.

"Neil how are you gonna do this?" Todd asked and I nodded.

"Yeah your Dad" I said.

"I need a letter from my father and Mr. Nolan" he said hitting some buttons on the type writer.

"Well your not gonna write it" Todd said but Neil looked at him and then me.

"Oh yes I am" he said smiling and continuing to mess with the machine.

"Neil your crazy" Todd said but a happy boy like squeal left Neil's mouth as he turned to me and Todd again.

"I am writing to you in behalf of my son Neil Perry" Neil read aloud as he typed before laughing again and stomping his feet in excitement.

"This is great" he said as he fixed the type writer and continued writing. Todd moved to his side of the room and continued with himself as I stood up behind Neil and rubbed his shoulders as he typed some more. He soon finished and got himself together. He went to leave the room with the letter but I grabbed his wrist.

"Babe I wanted to spend time with you. I know your excited but could you take just a minute and be with me" I said and he smirked and stepped towards me before grabbing my face and craning my head back so it would be easier to kiss him. I smiled and held his sides as he walked me back towards the bed. He removed one hand from my face and snapped his fingers pulling away from me for a second.

"Todd leave" he said and I chuckled but he cut me off kissing me. We heard Todd leave and he pulled me towards the bed and he sat down pulling me on his lap so I was straddling him. I smiled as I held him as close as I could.

"I can't wait to watch you in that play" I pulled away as he started at my neck.

"Ooh be careful or my Grandpa will have an actual reason to break your knuckles" I said as he had bit at my neck. I pushed off his big jacket so I could hold him and not just the layers he was wearing from being out in the cold. I moved his lips back to mine and sighed. It made me feel on top of the world when we kissed. Butterflies erupted in my stomach each time and I was so lucky to have him.

"Boys is this what we think it is?" I heard and me and Neil pulled away looking at the boys who all managed to pop their head in the door.

"Dammit Charlie leave us alone" Neil said and the boys laughed as they shut the door again.

"We should probably stop them before they get caught" one of the boys said out in the hallway but I rolled my eyes and started to kiss his neck.

"Oh Meeks leave them. If Mr. Nolan comes Todd will go back in the room and tell them. Your just jealous because Neil is the only one to ever get it in a Welton dorm room" Charlie defended us and we continued to try and ignore them as we continued kissing.

"But I don't want to walk in there if they are going all the way" Todd said and I sighed giving up as I crawled off Neil's lap and pushed my sweater back up on one shoulder. I opened the door where all the boys still stood in a circle.

"We are not going all the way and if you want to continue this conversation go somewhere it won't disrupt us" I said before shutting the door again.

"You are amazing" Neil said as I walked back towards him.

"Shut up and kiss me" I said crawling back on him as he fell back on the bed and laughed but I cut him off kissing him again. The control this boy has on me.

Joie De Virve // Dead Poets SocietyWhere stories live. Discover now