05; really

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a/n: I literally feel like I've updated non stop today like i'm kinda proud of myself. I know I didn't update for that big period of time because I was literally so sick. I felt like I was dying for two days straight and it hurt so bad. I literally could not move it sucked. but anyways enjoy the chapter it's just a small filler so nothing to exciting. lots of love, ash❤❤

It was official and I had been at the school for a full month and a half and I was just like any regular student now. The teachers knew me and expected as much from me as the boys. The boys treat me just like one of them and I have more friends than just the group of boys Neil introduced me too. It was Saturday and usually I sit in my room and try to pass the time until my Grandpa gets done with meetings so I can visit with him. A knock on the door interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Come in!" I yelled and the door pushed open. Neil stood there rubbing his knuckles lightly. He looked in serious pain as he stepped in and shut the door.

"What's wrong?" I asked and even in pain he raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

"Your grandpa gives a good beating I'll tell you that" he said and my eyes widened at him.

"But your like the most well behaved kid in school" I said and he shrugged sitting on the bed.

"You know how we went swimming again last night before it got to cold. Well I forgot to leave your wet cloths here so I left them to dry in my room and then I put them in my dresser for now until I saw you again. Your Grandpa paid us a visit this morning and the draw was slightly open and he saw them so with you being the only girl and all and them being in my possession he decided to take out the anger on my knuckles because 1 it looked like I had sex with his Granddaughter and 2 it was in a school dorm" he said and I gasped rubbing his knuckles.

"Why didn't you tell him the truth?" I asked and he chuckled.

"The truth of how we snuck off campus after hours and went swimming. I'd still get in trouble for being off campus and involving you" he said and I nodded.

"It would be better than him thinking we had sex" I said and he laughed as I sat up behind him and started massaging his shoulders. It was hard keeping my hands off of him when he was around.

"I guess your right. I hate that your always right but yet love it at the same time" he said craning his neck back and looking up at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Also I don't think your helping your case if after my Grandpa thinks you had sex with me and then you came to my room right after he beat you for being with me in the first place" I said and he looked at me and laughed again.

"Your right but I didn't want to wait to see you again" he said and I smiled. It's been like this for forever. The non stop flirting and smiles between us and he hasn't made a move and I know I can make a move but I'm pretty sure it's obvious I would say yes so I want him to ask me. I really just want to kiss his face and cuddle with him for hours. But the oblivious boy won't ask me out.

"Honey" my Grandpas voice broke through the room with his knocks on the door.

"Quick under the bed" I mumbled shoving him to the ground as he laid on his stomach and slid under the bed. I ran into my bathroom and removed my shirt and shorts and wrapped my robe around me before running and opening the door.

"Sorry I was just about to get in the shower and you caught me" I said and he only nodded as he walked in and sat on my bed. I shut the door and joined his side.

"What's up?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Did you have sex with Neil?" he asked and I laughed.

"No. Are you kidding me I don't believe in that until after marriage" None of that was a lie.

"Then why was your bra and underwear in his room. And don't you dare lie to me" Okay I am gonna lie now because I don't want Neil in trouble. It's for both of our safety.

"Okay the truth is I think there is someone sneaking in my room. My undergarments keep going missing and with a whole school of boys it's bound to be one pervert so with Neil being such a great friend and all I asked him if I could keep them in his room so I don't run out and I don't have boys sneaking in my room and please don't call some big meeting and be like who is stealing my Granddaughters underwear. I solved the problem and it's over" I said and he looked at me. I have to admit this was pretty convincing.

"You swear your not lying?" he said and I nodded.

"Grandpa you know me. Me and Neil are not even dating and I won't never have intercourse until I'm married or I really know the guy is the one. Neil is my best friend at this school ever since you introduced us. Out of all the boys in this school you chose him to take care of your Granddaughter and I don't want you to change your mind about him now. I really really like him so don't be mad at him for helping a friend out" I said and we both stood and he nodded.

"Your right honey. I'm gonna call his parents and cancel the meeting then tonight at dinner I owe him an apology for the beating I already gave him for going all the way with my Granddaughter" he said laughing and I laughed along as he left and shut the door. I locked it just in case he pushed it open and caught Neil. I never lock it but I will just say it was because I was walking around in my undergarments or something.

"Your a better actor than I am" he crawled out of under the bed and pulled me in his arms.

"I'm just amazed he fell for the shower bit cause I already took one" I said laughing as I removed myself from his arms and walked towards the bathroom. I picked up my shirts and tank top I was wearing originally then tugged off my robe hanging it on the door. I saw Neil smirking in the corner of the room but I paid no attention to him as I pulled my shorts and shirt back on.

"Come lay with me. As a little birdie told me you really really like me" he said and I rolled my eyes and walked over to my bed rolling into his arms. I wrapped my leg over top of the one closest to me then put it under the one furthest away as I wrapped my arms around his torso and laid my head on his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair and the free hand held my leg that was wrapped round him. I loved it when we would just lay together. Over the course of me being here we spent every second we could together and we were closer than we liked to admit.

"You audition for the play tomorrow don't you?" I said and he pressed his lisp together in a thin white line as I ran my fingers along his jaw.

"I do but as soon as I get back we're gonna meet here and lay down right here with you in my arms just how I like it" he said and I smiled and tightened my grip on him. I didn't want to let him go to be honest. I spend all my Sunday's with him and this will be the first Sunday I don't.

How did I even manage life without him before.

Joie De Virve // Dead Poets SocietyWhere stories live. Discover now