13; he's good

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a/n: I love staying at home. just sitting and watching movies. it's literally the best. this book is just something else you know. like I love it so much and it's gonna come to an end soon and like I don't want that. anyways I guess enjoy this chapter I think it might be quite short. anyways. lots of love, ash❤❤

The boys exited the bathroom and we started down the hall. We were meeting Mr. Keating to go watch Neil in his opening night of the play. Neil had already left to get ready.

"Okay Ange what's up? You and Neil have been acting funny all day" Cameron asked and the heat rose to my cheeks remembering what happened last night.

"Nothing" I replied solemnly turning from them.

"They went all the way" Charlie said and I stopped moving my eyes wide as I turned to him.

"Say one more thing and I'll snap you" I turned and pointed at him and he laughed. The other boys finally realizing his statement was true.

"You guys seriously just leave it" I said and they nodded as we finished making our way down the stairs. Cameron stopped and stared at something in front of the door. All the other boys noticed and stopped as well.

"Chris" Knox said leaving us. The boys all chuckled and cheered him on quietly.

"Gentleman, lady, lets go" Keating appeared in the room with us.

"Go ahead guys, I'll catch up" Knox said and we nodded.

"Yeah, come on, guys" Charlie started moving us to the car. Meeks was still standing and staring at her. Charlie rolled his eyes and grabbed him tugging him away to catch up with us. As soon as we were in the car Keating yelled out.

"Will you be joining us, Mr. Overstreet" he asked.

"Go ahead, captain. I'll walk" he yelled back and Keating nodded driving off with us. The audience is packed when we showed. The stage is set up to resemble a forest and lights dance about it. The lights dim and we all sat in our seats ready for the show. From behind a bush, Neil emerged, wearing a
crown of twigs and berries and twigs on his hands. Charlie emerged from his seat, all excited.

"Hey, there he is! Hey, hey" he yelled as Cameron shoved him back into his seat.

"Shh, boys" Keating scolded them. On stage, Neil hid behind a tree as a girl emerged, similarly dressed, but with flowers in her hair. Neil sneaks over to the girl.

"Either I mistake your shape and making quite, Or else you are that shrewd and knavish sprite Call'd Robin Goodfellow:" she said her line.

"Thou speak'st aright;" he said smiling.

"I am that merry wanderer of the night. I jest to Oberon and make him smile When I a fat and bean-fed horse beguile" Neil makes horse sounds and the audience laughs.

"Neighing in likeness of a filly foal: And sometime lurk I in a gossip's bowl, In very likeness of a roasted crab, And when she drinks, against her lips I bob And on her wither'd dewlap pour the ale. The wisest aunt, telling the saddest tale," he was so good.

"He's good. He's really good" I saw Charlie whisper to Keating. Keating gave a thumbs up.

"Sometime for three-foot stool mistaketh me; Then slip I from her bum, down topples she, And "tailor" cries, and falls into a cough; And then the whole quire hold their hips and laugh, And waxen in their mirth and neeze and swear A merrier hour was never wasted there. But, room, Fairy! here comes Oberon" Neil said his lines with such wonder in his eyes and smiled at me in the crowd. I mouthed 'I love you' and he smiled wider.

"And here my mistress. Would that he were gone!" the girl spoke. They hid behind the trees, lifting their twig covered hands to hide themselves. Two more actors joined the stage as they left.

Joie De Virve // Dead Poets SocietyWhere stories live. Discover now