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Kellin's POV

I hate school. Not because I find it boring (which I do). I hate school because it's a constant reminder of how stupid I am and how very little people actually like me. 

Yes, I have a few friend here and there. None of them speak to me though, they're too embarrassed off me. They want to fit in with the 'popular preps' and (according to the preps) 'I'm Just a stupid emo piece of trash' 

Which I guess is true.

As the bus swerved round the corner into the Schools car park, the feeling of dread hit me like a tidal wave. 'Great.' I thought to myself. The same crap everyday. It never changes. Teachers moaning on about god knows what, lovely post-it notes stuck to my locker door with threatening words plastered over them, more teachers, more notes, it goes on and on and on.

I walked as slowly as possible to registration, I was starring down at my Black Vans which I had recently bought. I ignored the spiteful comments as I walked into the building.

I sat down in my seat and stared at the white board at the front of the room. Our teacher burst into the room. 'shhhhh!' she said spraying saliva everywhere. But I wasn't looking at the large amount of liquid flying out of her mouth, I was staring at the most beautiful boy i'd ever seen in my life..

He had beautifully tanned skin, chocolate, shoulder length hair and deep brown eyes. He was wearing the same tshrit as me, Blink 182. 

'I'd like everyone to meet our new student who has moved all the way from Mexico' Mrs Hart said. I sat eagerly waiting for the gorgeous stranger to introduce himself. 'uhh, Hi, My name's Vic, err.. Vic Fuentes' he said shyly.

'Vic' I thought. A  Beautiful name. We suddenly locked eyes. A shiver was sent down my spine. I stared into his deep Brown eyes for what seemed like centuries. He then smiled and looked at my shirt.

He started walking down the isle. 'Please sit next to me, please sit next to me' I repeated in my head. And amazingly, he did! 'Hi, Vic is it?' I said trying not to sound too interested. 'Yeah' Vic replied. 'I love your shirt' He said with a smile spread across his face. 'Ditto' I laughed.

'Ooooh! Looks like Quinn's got himself a new boyfriend!' Ronnie said. I resisted the urge to slap him. Vic rolled his eyes and unzipped his bag. He pulled his school diary out. 'Do you have Biology first period?' He asked hopefully. 'With Mr Richards?' I asked. 'Yeah' replied Vic. 

Today was going to be good, I knew it.

Vic's POV

I'm Shaking like a leaf.  I never want Mrs Hart to open the door. I was bullied really badly at my School back in Mexico. That was partially why we moved to San Diego, but the main reason was because my parents divorced. Dad was always out until early morning and he always came back drunk and not knowing where he was. So they both decided to call it a day. I often wonder where he is now. Probably In a casino or a bar, drowning his sorrows.

Mrs Hart gave me a what was meant to be a comforting smile but ended up looking slightly like a vicious animal ready to move in for the kill. She opening the door and strutted in telling everyone to be quite. ' oh god, here we go.' I thought to myself. 

I tried to introduce my self without sounding to awkward.. which failed. I scanned the classroom for anyone who looked like someone I could get along with. No one. Then at the back of the classroom, a boy , around my age, longish black hair and the cutest face ever was sat there staring at me. I could feel myself blush. He was SO handsome. I stared deep into his eyes. After what seemed like forever I heard a Boy with bright blonde hair snicker. My face went bright red with embarrassment. I'd been staring at him for ages.

I nervously walked down the small gap between each table, hoping the cutest boy i'd ever seen would let me sit next to him. I reached his table. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I cleared my throat. ' Can I sit here?' I asked quietly. He smiled. A good sign right? 'Sure' He said looking up at me. A massive smile spread across my face that I couldn't hide. I sat down next to him. 'I love your shirt' I said to him. We both had the same Blink 182 Shirts on. He said he liked mine too. I couldn't help but blush. He's so cute. He told me His name. Kellin Quinn. OMG.... He's too cute for my brain to handle! Turns out we have Biology together as well! Apparently Mr Richards, the teacher, is Very strict. 'Better be good'  I told myself. I don't want to get in trouble on my first day. Finally the bell rang and we walked to Biology together.

Maybe this school isn't that bad....

Kellin's POV

I usually hate Biology but with Vic there, I couldn't help but grin the whole lesson. We didn't really pay much attention to what Mr Richards was saying. We just talked about Blink 182, Marilyn Manson, Black veil Brides and other bands that we both had mad obsessions over. 

'So...' Mr Richards droned on, ' Next lesson we'll be learning about the respiratory system' Then the sweet sound of the bell rang, meaning it was the end of the day. 'See ya tomorrow, I guess' I said sadly to Vic. 'Yeah, see ya.' he replied. We both separated and walked to our busses. I suddenly felt a wave of sadness crash over me. Like my heart had been ripped out. ' I'm seeing him tomorrow, calm down' I told myself. But something wasn't right. It felt like a part of me was missing. No... It's not possible... No... It can't be..

I think I'm in love with Victor Fuentes...

Vic's POV

Biology was actually pretty good! Mr Richards was the most boring teacher I had ever had, but Kellin was sitting next to me the whole lesson and we didn't really listen to Sir. We mainly talked about bands but at some point we discussed our home lives. Which got too depressing so we went back to talking about music. 

Finally the bell rang. But the relief didn't hit me. Not today. 'See ya tomorrow' Kellin said to me. 'Yeah, See ya.' I replied trying to hide my sadness. I knew I found Kellin cute and everything but when he left it felt like i'd been hit by a train.. 

I don't know why I was so upset.. I'm going to see him tomorrow.  But something didn't seem right. It felt like I'd known him all my life. This was happening too fast. I know it's true. I can't deny it.

I'm In love with Kellin Quinn.

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