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Kellin's POV

The sun shone through the hospital blinds, making me squint. I turned over to see if Vic was awake.

He wasn't there.

'Vic!' I called, wondering where he was. No reply. 'VIC!' I called again. The bathroom door opened and he came out wrapped in a towel. He had a towel swirled around on his head. I laughed like crazy. He looked hilarious! Vic gave me a fake offended look and then started laughing with me.

He got changed in front of me. I couldn't help but stare. 'Oi!' He laughed. 'I know i'm bootiful but please stop perving.' He said with a smile on his face. I laughed and got changed myself.

We double checked we had everything. Phone, check. Headphones, check. Beanie, check. Snapback, check. That was about it really. And clothes.. obviously. 

We stepped out of the hospital. The sun beamed down at us. I could hardly see where I was going. It was so bright! I walked into Vic a couple of times. 

We walked home talking about random stuff. I might as well have moved into Vic's house. I hadn't been home in ages! But no text from my Mom, wondering where I was. None.at.all. That showed how much she cared.  Vic waved a hand in front of my face. I had completely zoned out. 'Sorry' I laughed. Vic laughed and gave me a look. It was the look he only gave to me. It always made me blush. He laughed again. 

We arrived at Vic's house. As soon as we got there, Vic immediately went into the cupboards and bought out a bag of skittles and I went into the fridge and took out a pizza.  'Typical' We both said at the same time, and laughed. I laughed so much I nearly dropped my precious pizza.

I chucked the pizza in the oven and sat down on the sofa with Vic. He flicked through the channels and decided to put American horror story on. He was obsessed with that at the moment.

Vic's POV

It's good to be home. Especially with Kellin here with me. I could smell the pizza cooking. I looked at Kellin who was sniffing the air. He looked at me, raised both his eyebrows twice and licked his lips. I almost choked on my drink. He started laughing and I collapsed on the floor with laughter, spilling my Coke everywhere. 

The pizza had finished cooking so Kellin went over to take it out the oven. He suddenly yelled 'Demon!' and pointed at a weird face in the pizza made by the cheese. I laughed and went to cut the pizza up. 

By the time we had finished eating, I was so full. But I wanted my skittles so I went to get them from the table.  'How are you still hungry!' Kellin asked in shock. 

'I'm not' I laughed, 'I Just love skittles' I finished, shoving a handful of them in my mouth. Kellin laughed and rolled his eyes.

I decided to go to bed early. My head still hurt. So I went upstairs and got into my pyjamas. 'I'll join you in a minute.' Kellin called up the stairs. 'Okay.' I smiled. 

I opened the drawers in my bathroom to get my toothbrush but came across an old friend. I stared at the old piece of metal laying at the bottom of my drawers. I remember pulling that out of my moms razor 5 years ago.

I picked it up. The feel of the cold metal sent a spark through my body. 'Go on' A voice said in my head. I ran my fingers along the sharp edge. 'I made a promise to Kells.' I whispered to myself. I chucked it in the toilet. I hesitated for a second, then flushed it. I felt so proud. But part of me was sad. That small piece of metal that stopped me from suicide.. five whole years.  I have Kellin now. I thought to myself. He'll help me through this. Not a stupid piece of metal. I found my tooth brush and started brushing my teeth, proud of the decision I just made.

 I opened the bathroom door to leave and saw Kellin standing there in his pyjamas. He looked so cute. He smiled at me and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. 

I got changed. I could hear Kellin sing 'The best of you' By the Foo Fighters loudly over the electric toothbrush. I couldn't help but smile. 

He was my boyfriend, and I couldn't be happier with that.

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