Chapter 35. Magical Mister Mistoffelees.

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A single beam of light cascaded across the yard from an old lantern that was grasped between Pouncival's paws. Slowly, Munkustrap stood up and glanced around for Demeter, he slinked over to his mate and wrapped her in a tight embrace, feeling her shuddering breaths as she tried to conceal her tears. Caligo watched in curiosity as the Jellicles comforted one another, she was not used to such a sight. After thanking those whom had come to her aid, she stalked to the edge of the clearing ready to leave.

"Wait!" A voice called out in urgency. Caligo's head whipped around to see Bombalurina nervously stepping towards her. "Stay here with us." Bomba uttered. She glanced over to Old Deuteronomy, he gave a kind smile and an approving nod to the red queen. "Without you, we might not have been able to scare off Macavity this time. So thank you." Bomba gave a grateful purr before lowering back to the ground. The Jellicles looked at one another, their hearts still thumping from the Macavity scare.

We have to bring the kittens back...

Tugger: You ought to ask Magical Mister Mistoffelees, the original conjuring cat, there can be no doubt about that. Please! Listen to me, and don't scoff, all of his inventions are of his own bat.

The Rum Tum Tugger hopped down from his perch and ruffled his mane as a drumroll began in the background.

Tugger: There's no such cat in the metropolis. He holds all the Pitan monopolist for performing surprising illusions...and creating eccentric confusions...
The greatest magicians have something to learn from Mister Mistoffelees' conjuring turn! And we all say 'Oh well I never, was there ever a cat so clever as magical Mister Mistoffelees!'

As the notorious curious cat pranced about in front of the tribe, the lantern spotlight followed him about just like a dancing Etcetera.

Tugger: He is quiet, he's small, he is black, from his ears to the tip of his tail.

Bomba and Deme hummed along as backing to the tom.

Tugger: He can creep through the tiniest crack, he can walk on the narrowest rail. He can pick any card from the pack, he is equally cunning with dice. He is always deceiving you into believing that he's only hunting for mice. YAOW! He can play any trick with a cork! Or a spoon and a bit of fish paste! If you look for a knife or a fork and you think that it's merely! You've seen it one moment but then it is GONE! But you'll find it next week laying out on the lawn!

Another drumroll sounded as Mistoffelees was carried down by a wire to the yard, his coat sparkled in the moonlight which had kits meowing in awe.

Tugger: And we all say 'Oh well I never, was there ever a cat so clever as magical Mister Mistoffelees.'

Mistoffelees: Presto!

With a wave of Misto's paws, the Jellicle junkyard was once again with a warm and welcoming light! The cats squeaked in excitement and Misto took a short bow.

Oh well I never, was there ever a cat so clever as magical Mister Mistoffelees!

Misto danced about, blasting bolts of his brilliant magic here and there.

Oh well I never, was there ever a cat so clever as magical Mister Mistoffelees!

Tugger: His manner is vague and aloof, and you would think there was nobody shyer but his voice can be heard on the roof! While he was curled up by the fire, and he's sometimes been heard by the fire , while he was about on the roof. At leas we all heard that come body purred which is incontestable proof. And of his singular magical powers, I've known the family to call him in from the garden for hours while he was asleep in the hall. And not long ago, this phenomenal cat, produced seven kittens, right out of a hat!

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