Chapter 5: Anne, Gemma, and Harry

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What if they don't like me, I thought to myself, My family I mean. What if they hate me like every other person I've ever met, except maybe for Judy, who's really nice to me. The only other people who made me feel like I was worth something was, One Direction. I know it sounds stupid but, their songs make me feel like I was beautiful and like I was worth someone's time and energy. That made me feel great. That would make anyone feel great. I was lost in thought so I didn't notice when Judy stopped in front of a closed door, so I slammed into her. " I'm sooooooo sorry,  Judy," I said, about to freak out, "I just got lost in thought..." "It's okay, Val," Judy replied calmly, "Just stay calm."

I don't like it when people tell me to calm down. It usually triggers anxiety. But this time, since Judy was such a nice person, I just obliged. I breathed in and out and was calm in a matter of seconds......

Until it hit me...

My real family is behind this closed door, I thought, and they're anxiously waiting to get a first glimpse of their long-lost family member. Me. What if I'm a disappointment? What if my mother expected me to be more beautiful? What if my sister is this amazingly beautiful pageant queen and she expected me to look like her? What if my brother simply doesn't want a pesky little sister?

I started to freak worse than I ever imagined possible. It was the mother of all anxiety attacks.

Judy noticed right away. "What's happening, kid?" she asked in a worried tone. "Anxiety attack," was all I can muster because my body was shaking so bad.

"Look, Valerie, you don't have to meet them now. We can wait a little longer, if you'd like." Judy said, looking at me cautiously as if I was going to lose consciousness at any moment.   "No," I replied quickly, " I wanna see them, I wanna see my real family."

I knew I had to calm down, so I fidgeted with the British pounds in my pocket that I always carry with me, for just such situations like this. When I was calm, I looked up at Judy with a smile and said, "Okay I'm ready." Judy smiled back. "Okay then, Valerie. I present to you, your family."

She opened the door and there were three people in chairs. As soon as they heard the door open, these three jumped out of their chairs......

I couldn't believe it...

Judy smiled at my amazement.

"Guys," she said to the three people, "This is Miss Valerie." Then she turned to me. "Valerie," she said, barely containing her excitement, "This is Anne," she pointed at my mother, "Gemma," she pointed at my sister, "and Harry." She pointed at my brother.

"They are the Styles."

I walked towards them.

My knees felt weak.

I fell into someone's arms.

"Are you okay?" asked the person who caught me.

The pressure was too much...

I passed out


Author's Note:

I told you I never break a promise! Val finally met her family! Wouldn't you just pass out if your biological family was the Styles? I know I would, so don't judge Val... LOL. Well hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Warm Regards,

   Nely <3

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