eleven ; i'll kill you

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"POETRY about poisoned apples from dead trees," Rebekah spoke from her position on the floor, scrubbing off blood on the carpet. "Looks like someone is worried about impending daddy-hood."

"Nonsense. Elijah is back. In his presence, all problems turn to pixie dust and float away," Klaus said, seemingly carelessly.

"Strange, I don't recall any pixie dust from the darkness of the coffin I was recently forced to endure," Elijah followed behind into the room.

"What are you doing with Mother's spell book?" Rebekah questioned harshly.

"Well, in exchange for my freedom, I promised the witch Davina that I would share a few pages from Mother's grimoire," Elijah ripped a page out of the book. "It'll help her learn to control her magic. Thought we'd begin with a little unlinking spell."

"Wait. You want to use her to unlink Hayley from Sophie Deveraux?" Rebekah asked, shocked.

"Sophie brought us to this town under false pretenses. She doesn't just want us to take down Marcel and his minions. She wants to take Davina back. So she yoked her own cause to ours with magic, threats, and half-truths. Well, no more. As of now, our deal with Sophie Deveraux is null and void," Elijah declared. "Niklaus, I need you to come with me. I need 5 minutes alone with Davina. You need to make certain that I am not interrupted. Bring that girl you've found yourself frequenting so often. Emery, was it?"

Elijah turned to Rebekah, tilting his head. "You stay here and watch Hayley."

"How did I get elected supernanny?" Rebekah questioned in astonishment and annoyance.

"More importantly, who put him in charge?" Klaus stood up, making his way over to the phone to call Emery, whose number he had taken at the ball when he 'compelled' her.

Before Klaus could fully leave the room, Rebekah called to him.

"What is up with your little toy?"

"She's not a toy," he said viciously before straightening himself out. "She's simply a person, a girl who I've taken a mild interest in."

"It must've been more than mild. You've kept her for this long, haven't you?"

Klaus didn't answer, instead ignoring his little sister and leaving the room after Elijah, phone in hand.


Klaus stepped inside the 'Hotel Monteleone' with his natural poker face on. Underneath it, he was quite shocked that Emery was staying somewhere so luxurious and that costed so much.

A bell rang as Emery stepped out of an elevator. She approached Klaus with an easy smile on her face, hiding the dark thoughts revolving around in her mind.

"You didn't mention you were staying here," Klaus insinuated, trying to get her to spill the story of how she could afford to stay in one of the luxe hotels in New Orleans.

"You never asked," she shrugged, making her way outside the building.

"No, I guess I did not." Klaus said to her before following her out of the elegant hotel. "Though I am quite surprised it never came up in conversation. Staying at such a, what's the word, opulent place?"

She shook her head slightly, looking up towards the male, "You're asking how I have the money to stay at such a expensive hotel that looks more like a palace."

"To put it simply." He nodded and turned down another route, more direct to the church.

Nodding slowly, Emery walks down the road he went down and begins her mini story, "A very long time ago, when my brother and I were very little—"

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