seventeen ; whiskey

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"I've had enough of your endless mind games, you petty woman," Emery heard her father shout from downstairs.

A slap was heard as the daily whipping session began. It wasn't strange for her mother to come home with bruises or slash marks, usually from her own husband. In fact, she had heard neighbors discussing the situation in their own tight-knit families. No one bothered to help, no one bothered to care.

Emery was restrained by her brother whenever she attempted to go help. The siblings were strong, but not as strong as their father, their creator. He was the Devil reincarnated and everything Emery was against. She hated his being with an intensity that scared herself.

But her brother wasn't home right now.

And Emery couldn't be stopped.

Red was flashing between her eyes as she walked down the stairs, remembering all of the times her mother rocked her to bed at night, played with her, and was a proper mother to her. Her mother was the only actual parent in the house and Emery refused to allow her to be treated like shit.

She barged into the main room, where her mother was positioned over the table where they ate supper, back bare and whip marks aligning themselves on her.

With a malicious grin, the grin of a true Devil, her father turned to the girl and ordered, "Get out, child! Unless you wish to end up like your mother here."

That was it. Her vision went black, she couldn't remember a thing, if you asked her. When she regained her ability to control herself, she was wiping his blood off her hands while her mother and brother disposed of the body, preparing themselves for the first of many moves.


"Dearest brethren, your attention, please," Klaus called out to the vampires he had ordered to be in the square. Emery was trailing behind him, elbow placed unintentionally on Thierry's shoulder as they strolled into the square.

Thierry was a vampire that had been locked down in the garden by Marcel after breaking one of his foolish 'rules'. Tricksters weren't accustomed to following rules so she had no problem breaking Thierry out of his prison with Klaus.

"No doubt, you're all surprised to see Thierry Vanchure, who's supposed to be rotting in the garden for the crime of killing one of our own," all the vampires besides Marcel stood up, crowding around Thierry and Emery, "and we," he signaled between Emery and himself, "personally decided to issue him with a pardon. I hope you'll all welcome home Thierry."

"I know I will," Emery smirked, trailing her hand across his jawline as she broke apart from him.

"Welcome home, mate," he was quick to be surrounded by his old friends.

Klaus and Emery walked over to the seated Marcel, and Emery was quick to take a seat. "You two are in a good mood," Marcel noticed. "You should visit Mystic Falls more often."

Emery's head tilted, not remembering a visit to the dreaded town of Mystic Falls. At least, not for the last decade or so.

"Well, as much as I might like to, I have pressing responsibilities here," Klaus counteracted. "Now, as you all know, the witch Davina is no longer with us. Without Davina, we can no longer monitor the activity of our witch neighbors. However, since their Harvest failed, their magic will soon be gone forever. Until then, I say we keep them on their toes."

"Gladly," Emery smirked, stretching as she stood back up, fully prepared to kick some witch ass.

"Diego," he turned to the curly-haired vampire, "I wonder if you might lead a rousting in the cauldron."

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