Beautiful. [End]

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  • Dedicated to All Of My Lovely Readers.


I paced back and forth, grabbing my hair. It had gotten long since the beginning of the school year. It was shaggy all around my head. It was getting almost as long as Rain's. I stopped, looking at the phone, and then paced again. I just had to tell my parents. I had to. There was no option about it. I sat down on the couch and grabbed the phone. They had left me a number to call, and after having to go through a few people I finally got to them, not caring about the cost.

"Hello," Mom answered.

"Hi Mom," I replied.

"Bailey? What on earth are you calling for? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah it's fine. It' It's actually not that fine. I mean, the house is fine. School is okay. But..."

"But what?"

Here it goes. "Mom, I have a medical problem."

"What? Did you go to the doctor or-"

"No. I just know. I've had this problem since I was born."

"Honey, what are you talking about?"

I closed my eyes, tears breaking through. "I'm intersexual Mom."

She paused. "Honey, I thought you were homosexual. What does intersexual mean?"

"No, homosexuality is my sexuality. It's what I like. my sex."

She was taking it in, trying to comprehend it. "You mean you're a hermaphrodite? Intersexual? Doesn't inter- mean both or something?"

"Yeah. I'm not a hermaphrodite, though. That means I would be half boy half girl but I'm not. I'm male, but I have too much estrogen in my body so I have all these female characteristics. I didn't do anything to be like this. I was born this way. It's why I am like the way I am. I was just so mortified about it so I limited myself. I didn't want anyone finding out but everyone at school knows and it doesn't matter now and I just wanted you to know and I just...miss you and Dad."

"Oh, honey," she said. "Is there anything you want us to do?"

"I want you to come home. I wanna be there to see my sister born, too, you know? I want you to find a doctor who can make me normal. I want you to cuss out the principal because he's a jerk. I want you to meet my boyfriend and accept the fact that I'm a faggot."

"Don't call yourself that. You know why people call homosexuals faggots?"

"No, it's just one of those words that was used," I mumbled.

"No, Bailey. Actually the word was used a long time ago. In the Dark Ages they would burn people at the stake, like witches, liars, prostitutes, thieves, and so on. Though when it came to homosexuals, they didn't think they deserved to be burned at the stake. People had to hoist them up to the stake and tie them, and that took work. Being killed had levels. If you were of higher class you were killed differently, with more respect. There was a hierarchy. Homosexuals, they didn't get that respect. They were considered lowest of the low that they didn't even get thrown onto the stake. Instead, they got thrown onto the pile of sticks, because when they burn people at the stake they have a big pile of sticks at the base of the stakes. Bundles of sticks, and a bundle of sticks is called a faggot. So, these homosexuals would be thrown into the pile of sticks, with the other faggots, and they'd burn. So don't call yourself that, Bailey."

I Am Bailey Bennett. [LGBT]Where stories live. Discover now