Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

"Do you have anyone to collect you?"

"I uh..."

"Lavender!" Bosco cut me mid sentence, "is she alright Doctor?" Worry was spewed all over his expression and I felt bad for having him find me like this.

"I'm fine."

"She's fine." The doctor smiled.

"See?" I said, pulling in his arm to leave. Smiling politely to the doctor I exited the room, with a cautious Bosco trailing on behind me. You see, I had managed to give myself a headache with all the stress at work and all the pressure at home from over thinking about Bosco's request.

In the car home, He remained silent and I felt bad for making him worry like this. He looked deep in though as he drove. It worried me that he might be assuming a lot of things and putting the blame on himself. Attempting to lighten the mood up, I said, "Seems like the hospital can't enough of me, huh?"

"Yeah." Fail.

"Listen, it was just a headache and I didn't want to worry you about it! It was something so small," I smiled.

"Having to go into your office and not find you there, to be told that you're in hospital isn't exactly small."

"Ok, I can see how that's bad but really I'm fine and you don't have to worry," I squeezed his thigh.

Successfully I got a smile out of him. Then his expression changed, "Was it because I asked you to move in with me?"

Shit. "Oh no, baby, not at all! I have so much stress at work and I've just been overthinking everything."

"I know you, Lav. 'Stress at work' has never existed with you. You're a leader, you always take control of the situation."

"We'll things have been a bit hectic. First time for everything, right?"

He sighed. "Right."

He parked the car near the apartment door. Turning to face him I found him already staring at me.

Smiling I said, "Baby. I'm serious, I'm fine and healthy. It's all to do with work." Lie. It wasn't all to do with work, this request was driving me crazy! "I would never get stressed by such a request baby." Lie. "Especially coming from you." Guilty truth?

"Then why haven't you decided?"

"With everything going on I just don't want to take such a large step without having secured my near past." I sighed. He frowned at me, "Look, Bosco," I said tangling my fingers into his hair, "When you asked me, all I wanted to do was say yes. And I do right now, I just, I just have to sort some things out. As do you."

"What things could I possibly have to sort out. All I have to sort out is a way to get you into my house permanently otherwise I'll just have to kidnap you," he smiled. "And we don't want that do we?"

Oh, his smile was so beautiful. I couldn't help but feel bad though because, even though I wanted nothing more than to move in with Bosco, I just wasn't prepared. Maybe in another life, when we aren't living lives that are so complicated.

"No we wouldn't," I giggled. "See you later sweetheart." With that I gave him a quick peck and exited the car. Thank the Lord for pain killers and sleeping pills because I would never have been able to get a wink of sleep tonight. Not with this guilt. I just couldn't tell him. It would break him.


The sun kissed my cheeks and bounced off my dress as I walked down to him. I always imagined my hands to be shaky and sweaty but this felt just right. The moment was euphoric and I had to control myself from sprinting down to him.

This was it, the moment that nature itself was waiting for. The moment where the world would be at peace and the people would finally know the meaning of perfection and true love. This was destiny blooming right at my feet and I could already feel gravity pull harder on me just so I wouldn't float into the abyss.

The sunset was perfect. The temperature was perfect. The sea, the beach, all so artistically displayed before my eyes as if God himself painted it just for me. Everything was perfect.

The man of my dreams stood there awing me as the crowd stood to welcome me into my new upcoming life. Yes! This was definitely it! I could finally see all the moments in my life add up to this day right here.

The day that I mar- Ring ring! "Ugh, what now?" I questioned as I hesitantly got up from my warm bed to pick up the phone.


"We'll, you're not a morning person!" It was five am and this person wants to make jokes? "Hello, Lavender it's Penelope speaking."

"Oh my goodness! Mrs. Day! Forgive me, I didn't mean to be rude. How may I help you?" Now, I was the owner of my own company, however decided to remain CEO so I could physically be more involved in the company. Penelope Day was the owner of my sister company and we've been acquainted for a very long time.

Due to our companies being so close she runs a lot of the departments above me therefore kind of making her my boss. She is also much older than me, so respect is key and I owe her a lot. At such a young age she took me straight to the top. And that's where I met Bosco.

"How many times have I told you to call me Panelope, darling! Anyway, that's beside the point. I wanted to inform you, unfortunately at such an ungodly hour, that you shall be expecting me in your office at noon today."

"Oh, what a pleasure! I look forward to seeing you." And I truly was. "Is there something you may be collecting?"

"Oh no! I'm just popping in to say hello and give you a proposition." I could tell she was smiling from the other end of the phone.

"All that way? Golly, must be important!" I was getting rather excited. "Alright then, I'll see you at noon today! Thank you for calling."

"See you later darling, good day." She was British. And I loved her. Stereotypical, I know, but some of us Americans do love some British now and then.

I was too excited to sleep. So I decided to go for a run. As I ran I just couldn't toss the curiosity out of me of why Penelope needed to fly all the way from Alaska to ask me something. It must have been something really big.

But I decided to shrug it off. After all she also did mention that she was 'popping in to say hello'. It was just a friendly acquisition. That's all. A favor maybe.

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