Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I ran to my office with haste, mainly to see Bosco, but I convinced myself it was because I was late. As I approached the glass tinted door with my initials infrared with gold, I got a sudden excitement that wasn't the satisfaction of seeing 'C.E.O' and having the warmth of success flow through my gains. No, this excitement was purely caused by the man inside my office, flicking through something that looked like a rather interesting book, from the way his posture seemed, hovering over it and glaring at each word with intensity.

I gathered my self and stopped peeping through my own office window, looking like an absolute fool. Grabbing the ice cold door nob, I pushed the door and knocked. Knocked? Why did I do that? He gave me a somewhat strange look probably wondering the same thing.

"Uh, you looked like you were transformed by your book, I didn't want to disturb", interesting choice of words, well done! His forehead creased again, now giving me a little grin along with this peculiar look.

"I was, thank you. But it is your own office, I'm sure you can argue I'm sure you can barge in anytime. And the book, yes I was very 'transformed'", twisting my word slightly, he chuckled. "Should we get on with the contracts boss?" Yes, I loved it when he called me that. The way the word passes his lips and escapes with a slight hush at the end, creating a shiver down my back and a slight pinch in my stomach, giving me butterflies. It's just so... Sexy! The temptation to kick my shoes of and sprint into his arms and lay one on him can be very impossible to resist. But, my mother always told me nothing is impossible; so I shook the chill off, swallowed the rising swarm of butterflies and smiled.

"Are you alright?", the smile might have been a bad idea, in my mind it looked rather alright but must have not come out the way I thought. "You look a bit flushed, is it something I said?" Oh yes it was.

"No! I'm alright." This time I forced a harder smile, so I could feel it on my face, just in case. Gathering myself I sat down, took out the contracts and began placing them in order.

"Uh, before we start, I have someone to ask you, boss." Oh the word again. Resist. Resist. Resist! Ah, resisted.

"Sure what is it?"' I smiled.

"Since its our last business day today, and we are closing up the contracts, I though maybe we could celebrate over dinner?"

What? "Uh, yes! I don't see why not, should I call Lucy in to make a reservation?" I reached for the office phone but quickly, rushing over my desk he grabbed my hand and placed it on the contract in front of me, softly.

"My daughter is with her mother tonight, and I just thought you've really taught me a lot so I would like to make this dinner more..." At lost for words I rushed in with, "personal?"

"Yes, exactly. I have much to thank you for, so if wouldn't mind, dinner at my place?"

I froze suddenly. Not only did a man in the same position as me, compliment me for my work (one for the hardworking women out there), he also invited me over to his house!

"It doesn't have to be that way if you don't want, we can always make a reservation."

"Oh, no, no, no, no. I would love that. Thank you! But it's Friday, isn't Annabella usually at home tonight?"

He chuckled under his breather, a. It of relief escaped too. "I see you've notice when my ex wife and I have arranged when Annabella is to stay home or visit her mother.", he smiled. "Yes, she usually is but I called in a favour and her mother willingly took her in, well willingly is a bit of an overstatement, but I did so in hope that you would come tonight."

"Oh I see, well thank you for that, I suppose. I guess it means we don't have to bore poor Annabella with our business talk."

"Business? Uh, yes well I suppose." Oh goodness, when he said personal he meant it! And here I am blowing it.

"Should we get started? Best we finish before lunch, we can go get some sushi a few blocks away, I know a place, without being stressed over by work." With that, I had redeemed myself and he smiled with glee. We worked, and worked, completing the contracts earlier than we had anticipated.

"Well since we're done early I suppose instead of taking a taxi down the street we can walk to the sushi bar? It'll clear our heads, and we definitely need fresh air."

"That sounds wonderful. My house is also a few blocks west, do yo think we can go round before we get there? Annabella and I have done it before. It's good exercise, not that you need it, but it just means I can drop off my case."

"No worries! Well, I'm glad you know the place, I'm afraid I might have gotten lost from the west side."

So with that, we trundled along, his house, not exactly a 'few' blocks away, was beautiful. This is the first time I have seen it i daylight from the outside, and I was stunned. Even though, having been there a thousand times again and again at night, it still took my breathe away. I had always taken a taxi to his house, so I didn't get to see the street either before. That too, was amazing. I never knew New York had such places like this. My apartment is typical savvy 'New Yorker' style.

He tossed his case on the sofa, rushed upstairs, leaving me downstairs realising that I actually haven't seen much of the house. It's huge! Well, I'm sure I'll get a full tour around it tonight but probably find myself in my comfort zone and most familiar of all places to me, his kitchen bar.


A/N: Plain and simple chapter. But don't worry, it gets better in chapter four ;). Kisses.

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