Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Finally, after work I rushed home to find a note on my door. It read:

'Wear something sexy for tonight. And dress warm. Wouldn't want you getting too chilly. Xx'

I immediately knew who it was from. That cheeky little bastard. No way was I going to give him the satisfaction of 'forcing' me out on a date. "He can ask politely," I huffed to myself. I walked in to my apartment (boy, had I missed this place), and headed straight into my bedroom to rummage for some pajamas.

After finding a comfortable pair, I walked into the kitchen fixed myself a snack and then dragged myself to the tv. "Let's see what's on tonight!" Flicking through Channels I decided on watching 'Eat. Pray. Love.' Half an hour through the movie I heard a knock on the door. I let him knock for a few minutes longer until it began to get irritating to which I stood up and annoyingly sang, "who is it?"

"Who else," he grumbled. I opened the door to find a flustered Bosco, who then pushed right past me into my apartment.

"Come in, please," I mocked.

"Why are you in your pajamas? I thought I told you we're going out tonight?"

"Ok. Woah! These are my sexiest pair!" I grinned. "And last time, I checked, I told you I had plans. He leaned back slightly and peeped at the television.

"Eat. Pray. Love? Really? Those are your plans?" He chuckled and looked down at his feet. I stood firm. He then began to take of his jacket, "You're lucky I love this movie." He smirked.

He then dashed into the kitchen and helped himself to some wine and ice cream and came out to the tv room with the biggest grin I have ever seen. Smug little shit.

"I liked the old Bosco. Bring him back!" I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

"Nope! No can do ma'am." Ugh. Bosco was really beginning to get on my nerves. So I decided to get up and phone Meg.

After the second ring, she picked up, "Hello?"

"What did you do or say to this poor man. And you better tell me otherwise one of you isn't going to live to see tomorrow."

"Ah shit. He came and asked me about Mkenzie, and I told him he was the bad boy in school and all, and how every girl got him, blah-di-blah-blah."

"So now he's acting like this why?"

"Well, I guess he may have found out about your cool ass rep back in high school?" She said sweetly.

"Ugh, you're not getting your Christmas bonus."

"Wha-" I cut the phone before she could finish.

I sat down next to Bosco and rested my head on his shoulder. "Ok. Time to be adults. Please stop trying to act like the people in my past? I'm totally over screwing other girls over for fun. I want Bosco. My sweet, charming, sweetheart back," I pouted.

"Ok woah. I used to be a bad boy back in the day! I wasn't always sweet and charming."

"We'll keep it back in the day. And anyway I never dated bad boys, I just played them. You know, give them a taste of their own medicine," I shrugged.

He chuckled under his breath and rested his chin on my head as I snuggled into him. I must have fallen asleep when I woke up to a smiling Bosco. "Morning," he smiled. I returned his smile but wasn't ready to get up just yet.

As my eyes shut, I whispered 'I love you' to him and drifted back into a heavy sleep. Waking up again, I realized it was noon. An aroma of heavenly food filled the corridor and made my mouth water.

"Afternoon, darling. Here, have some of this." He placed a cup of coffee I front of me and I gently picked it up to sip on it slowly. It filled my body with warmth and woke me up slightly more. But what woke me up entirely was what Bosco asked me as he placed our plates on the table and sat down. He eyed me carefully, hesitating at first but then just blurted out with it.

"Will you move in with me?" I almost choked on my coffee and had another one of those scenarios from earlier in our relationship. Luckily, third's a charm, so I didn't. I looked at him with shock spread across my face and thoughts flew into my head about how, when I almost became a mother, I wasn't even prepared to have that child let alone take care of Lara.

"I.. I um.. What about Lara? Have you talked to her about it?"

"Yes." Not the answer I was hoping for, secretly I wanted a but more time to just wrap my head around the idea.


"She thought it splendid. We really want you to be a part of our family.. I just.. I just want you with me all the time! And Lara loves you to pieces. You're like a perfect mother for her. And maybe we'll have kids of our own someday and.."

I cut him short. He was beginning to overwhelm me. "Can I think about it? I've just grown into this place and..." That wasn't it at all. Spit it out. "And, well, I kind of need to wrap my head around being a mother like figure to Lara. It's a big deal. Don't want to mess it up." I smiled.

He returned my smile, and all of the nervousness from his eyes faded.

"We'll, I have to head off, beautiful." He rose up, clearing the dishes into the sink and then he kissed my forehead, grabbed his jacket and keys and left.

Moving in with Bosco. That's all I ever wanted. But Lara? What if things were to go sour with Bosco and I? It would break her. And can I even handle the pressure? That's when it hit me. Bosco said "perfect mother for her." Is another question coming right after? And if so, does my answer for this question affect the other?

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