Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I absolutely love Lara. She's the one child who isn't spoiled or attention seeking and repulsively annoying. I suppose her dad brought her up properly, and well, her mother really hasn't been in her life much. Though I think that's what makes me admire Lara, she is so sweet and sensitive, especially after the things she's gone through at such a young age.

I would never, ever hate Lara. I don't think I could. But the jealousy has begun, and I feel rather foolish competing for space with a child. Her father has got me going through loops of fire for him! I'm absolutely crazed by him and right now, sitting here, I crave him; his soft, succulent lips, his muscular body, his irresistible personality and of course, his eyes.

When I look at Bosco I feel as if I am safe in those sunset brown eyes. I can't resist his touch, his taste, his voice. Just the memory of the sweet hoarse voice I heard this morning, made my tingle. I began to get in the mood for romance. The temptation to rip him apart tonight was over coming me when all of a sudden, "Lavender!"

Lara's voice distracted my sensual thoughts. "Hey you," I smiled. "Your dad asked me to pick you up today, hope you don't mind?" I sounded so pathetic asking for permission from her, but I want her to be happy, I'm not sure if she would appreciate her father and I 'together'.

"Yeah if course it's ok! Miss McKaylah told me you were coming. Dad must have called her." She smiled, oh that beautiful smile, the one my man wore too. My sweet, delicious... No Lav! Don't get carried away, there's opportunity for that tonight, I thought. "Want some ice cream?" She nodded and we made our way.


"Are you and date going to date?" Shocked, I looked at her quizzically. "I know what it is to date, I'm eleven. My English teacher is always talking about her date to her friend on the phone. She always has a new date. It's weird."

"You're English teacher sounds interesting!"

"So are you?" She took time from eating her ice cream and looked up to me. "I think it would be cool, my dad is much happier when you're around."

"Really?" She nodded. "I don't know Lara, I thought you wouldn't be too pleased." All of a sudden I felt sick, "hold on, I need to run to the ladies room!" Quickly scurrying up, I dashed for the ladies room and threw up in the toilet. Fuck.

Memories of our love making clouded my mind and I knew that in all that passion, we hadn't though about how we were doing it. I could be pregnant! Bosco and I haven't even started officially dating and now look. What's Lara going to do?

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I haven't had ice cream in a while, just felt a bit sick. What do you say we head home?" I smiled and as she stood, she clasped our hands together and intertwined her fingers in between mine.

"Thank you!" Poor girl, her mum didn't really treat her out. I love Bosco and I love her, but I hope she doesn't think that I can be a mother figure. Maybe if I am pregnant, and they accept me and my unborn child, I could learn to be a mother and take care of her as I would my own daughter.


I had thrown up twice after the ice cream. Decide to man the hell up, I grabbed my keys and walked down to the shop a block away. Luckily I hadn't been sick around Bosco. I was home for the last two and Lara hasn't seemed to have mentioned it to him because every time we talked, he would ask if I'm alright, but not with too much worry- as if something had actually happened to me. Which it did. But he didn't know that and I was glad.

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