Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

I started picking at a loose thread on my blouse. I've never been this panicked in my life, but I couldn't help but feel what Penelope was going to ask me was going to be life changing. The thing is, a lot of the questions she has asked me have been life changing. So why now? Why do I all of a sudden feel vulnerable and extremely nervous?

The door handle turned and there she was. A huge smile plastered on her face. She she skipped towards me in her very high heels (which never stopped surprising me given that she was in her 60s), wrapped her arms around me and planted a huge kiss on my cheek; not even giving me time to get out of my seat.

"Hello there! Ugh, it's been yonks since I last saw you! And don't you look lovely! Your glowing, tell me your secret," she winked.

"First you tell me how you can breath in the dress and wear those shoes!" I stood from my chair and embraced her once more. "Those are beautiful shoes," I said in awe.

"Trade secret," she held her finger up to her nose and tapped it.

"Well, tell me who I have to kill and I will! They are stunning; you look stunning! Please, sit." She sat down and got herself comfortable. Pane then looked followed my every movement as I sat and smirked at me once I was comfortable. "So I'm dying to hear this proposition."

"Well," she began. "Now, you don't have to say yes, but given how things are going here, I'm dying to have you come back with me and work here in the offices." I was stunned; speechless. "Now I know how much you love the bug apple," she spoke, wafting her hands around, "But Alaska is wonderful! And the place I've got you! Oh my, it really has the taste of both Alaska and New York but it's a house. And a massive one too!"

"Wait, you've already got the house?"

"Yes! I was just so excited I couldn't help myself."

"And what about the CEO there?"

"Ugh, the lady bores me to death! And the company hasn't been going anywhere with her in charge."

"So you're just going to fire her?"

"We'll no, she's a fantastic worker, but not as a CEO. So we've all decided to move her elsewhere. We discussed it with her and she thinks the move is perfect. Where's she's always wanted to work."

"That's great and all," I half smiled. "'We all'? Who would that be?"

"You don't sound very excited," she frowned. "The whole board."

"No! I am! It's just come as such a shock. It is very exciting news." I tried my best to smile, but I'm afraid I think I haven't persuaded her.

"You don't think it's a good idea." I knew it.

"No! Penelope, I do. I think it's swell, it's just that I... I uh.."

"Met someone perhaps?" I could feel the heat on my cheeks. "Ok, tell you what, forget about that," she said standing up. Putting her hand out for mine, she said, "Coffee?"

We walked to the coffee house down the block and just as we got our coffee, we sat down at a table to converse. The conversation, however is not one I expected. "So coffee wasn't the only bean I was after. Spill," she winked.

And from then on, I told her about Bosco. About all our adventures and how I think I may have fallen in love with him. Penelope wasn't only a work partner but she was a great friend, despite the age difference. She was wise and knew a lot about everything (kind of the woman I always wanted to be) and very charming. I loved her really.

After two huge cups of coffee I was dying to pee and quickly ran into the ladies room. Soon after I was done, I ran into Lara.

"Lavender!" She screamed. I could see Penelope look up at who was screaming my name. And as she spotted me, she walked over.

"I sorted the bill," she smiled. "And who is this lovely young lady?" Right, part of the story I hadn't quite got to.

"Lara, come on, Lara?" I could hear Bosco searching round for her. Them he spotted us. "Lara, oh hello!" He leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek, to which I accepted. He then noticed Penelope and greeted her, "Good afternoon. I'm Bosco, and you are?" He smiled.

"Penelope," she returned his smile. "Nice to put a face to the name." She said as they shook hands.

"Funny you say that, unfortunately I haven't had the privilege to hear of you before."

"Lavender!" She smacked my arm. "Pushed loves me really, but doesn't seem to talk about me as much as I talk about her. We have to fix that. Why don't we treat ourselves to dinner tonigh where she can tell you all about me?" She smirked.

"Unfortunately I have to look after my daughter tonight," he spoke. Penelope shot me a pointed look and then smiled at him.

"We'll, I know this lovely restaurant. And I would absolutely love to Lara, is it?"

"Yes." We said together.

"We'll, if Lara doesn't mind! I would love her to join. So Lavender can kill two birds with one stone and speak highly of to the both of you at the same time," she winked. "As well as, allow me the opportunity to meet the man and his daughter, that Lavender has fallen in love with."

I was shocked. Bosco knew I loved him but I don't recall telling him that I was in love with him.

Sounding taken aback, Bosco replied with, "Sounds like a brilliant plan. Lavender?" I had managed to stay silent all this time in my little body of embarrassment, it was only a matter of time that I had to speak.

"Um, yes," I giggled. Oh lord. Clearing my throat, I added, "I'll call you with the details. Penelope should we head back to the office?"

She nodded. "Nice to finally meet you. See you later on," she smiled. I smiled at Bosco and Lara and walked out. "I gather I may have said too much?" I gave her a pointed look and kept my lips pressed. "And I also gather you have said too little." Wait, what?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2014 ⏰

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