2. If

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Carefully, I slid off of the window sill and padded into the bathroom. I washed my face with the icy water, brushed my hair and teeth, and stripped from my clothes. I refused to meet my judging gaze in the cracked mirror. With the smallest of glances, I knew I would grimace at my own reflection.

I crossed into the bedroom once more, slipping on a new outfit that would be appropriate for the day's activities. Just as I was slipping the jacket on, the door to my room opened and Doc stepped in. His eyebrows rose in surprise at the sight of me.

"So you're actually coming?" He asked, not trying to hide the evident shock.

I stood there in silence for a moment. My lips parted to let the word fall past, "Yes."

He shook his head for a moment before looking back up at me. His eyes were glimmering and his lips curled up into a bright smile. He was positively glowing. I could see the elation making its way to the surface, bubbling and boiling over the edge. This had been the first time in two years that a single sound has been emitted from me, and Doc looked like he was about to break out in song and dance at the fact.

"Where would you like to go, Aisling?" He asked; voice a few octaves higher than normal.

"Let's go to town. I'll decide once we're there." My voice was scratchy and husky, very different from the last time I had heard it. I frowned at the sound.

Doc nodded quickly, head bobbing up and down. His smile was threatening to split his face, but he never let it falter. He motioned for us to go out in the hall, so I followed him, closing the door behind me. Once we were out of my room, I noticed that there was a little bounce in his step as he walked, springing him up kind of like he was skipping.

"Doc, we are not prancing through a field of daisies, so what are you even doing?" I asked, amusement lacing my tone.

His head snapped back around to look at me, but continuing to skip. "I'm walking, Aisling, not trudging like a zombie. C'mon, put a little pep in your step."

I rolled my eyes, brushing off his comment. "Doc, you're like forty, I don't think you should be frolicking like a school girl when you're in a madhouse."

"Don't be a Debby Downer. We're actually going out today! I mean, you are actually going out today. Aren't you just a little excited?"

"Jubilant." I deadpanned.

Doc stopped his little leaping and turned to look at me. He was standing right in front of me, smiling lightly. He suddenly leaned in and pulled me into a tight hug that practically squeezed the air right out of me. "I've missed you, Aisling. I'm glad that you're back." He whispered into my ear as I returned the hug.

He pulled back and straightened up, fixing the glasses that were on the end of his nose precariously. He turned on his heel, starting down the hall again, but this time, his arms were rigid and his legs were straight. Marching like a soldier, he turned back to me once more and asked, "Better?"

I grinned at his behavior before replying, "Much."

We went through the building, grabbing Jared and Paisley as we went. I didn't speak as the four of us walked through the remaining halls to the front doors. It was when we got in the car that my voice decided to make a reappearance. I was sitting in the passenger seat with Doc driving as Paisley and Jared sat in the back.

The asylum bought a new van in the two years, deciding that it was time to make some renovations to the lifestyle. The Game Room got more activities, the cooks had more options to choose from for meals, and some of the rooms got new furniture. The van just happened to come along with the changes.

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