10. Piqued Pills

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Doc's small bag was packed. He had checked over his list again and again, ruffling though the contents of his bag to make sure that he had everything he would need. He had clothes for a few days worth of scouring the city, some money for the fares and expenses, and some electronics for God knows what.

Sister Elizabeth had been sitting in one of the chairs of his office for the past few hours. She sat silently, watching. Her leg was crossed over the other and her hands were folded in her lap. She was wearing a dark blouse and a grey pencil skirt that contrasted greatly to Doc's tee shirt and old trousers.

"Doc, are you sure you have everything?" Sister Elizabeth's voice was teasing as she watched Doc's eyebrows furrow as he fished through his bag for the umpteenth time.

"Well, I think that I put the charger in this zipper, but I can't find it.." He trailed off, digging through the bag.

"You didn't put it in the left zipper pocket; you put it in the right."

Doc didn't look at her, but muttered, "No, I clearly remember putting it in this one."

Sister Elizabeth shrugged and toyed with her nails. "Check the right one."

"It's not in that one. I know it isn't. I didn't put it there.." Doc trailed off as he saw a peak of the cord of his charger in the right zipper pocket.

Sister Elizabeth hummed smugly, not looking up at him. Doc sighed and zipped the compartment back up, glancing down at his list beside him to start over again. They sat in a comfortable silence once more as Doc chugged through his list and Sister Elizabeth chipped at her nail polish.

"Why are you so coiled?" Sister asked, voice bored but interested.

Doc hesitated before answering. "I don't know. I just feel like I'm betraying her by dragging her back here. After all she's been through, I feel like it's wrong of me to just go get her and make her come back."

"You know why we have to get her back here though. All she has to do is sign some papers and then she's done. Simple as that."

Doc sighed and nodded in understanding. "Yeah. Simple as that."

Aisling's POV

Waking, I found the sheets warm and full beside me. My eyes were still closed, begging me to stay back in the world of unconsciousness where my massive headache would no longer exist. I groaned slightly, stretching my limbs as I arched my back. That was when I heard a muffled sound of sleep from my side. Opening my eyes slowly and warily, I rolled to my side to see a sleeping Harry beside me.

"Wha-" I started, a mixture of raw exhaustion and confusion cutting it short.

Harry's face was pressed down to the pillow, unruly curls springing up. His back was bare and the sheets were pulled up to his waist. He had one arms situated comfortably under the pillow while the other was draped around my side. With furrowed eyebrows, I lifted the comforter to see that I was wearing the horrid outfit that Harry bought me from the mall.

The sheet dropped back to its former position as my eyes widened and my hands curled into little fists. My head snapped down to the sleeping man beside me, oblivious to my distress. Locking my eyes on his arm around me, I slowly reached down to it, plucking it from my body and slowly lowering it to the mattress beside me.

My head was pounding, thoughts buzzing around like pesky flies only adding onto the ache. Slowly peeling the comforter and sheet from my body, I slipped from the bed and stood at the side of the bed. The room tilted and the throbbing in my head intensified greatly, causing me to bite my tongue and squeeze my eyes shut.

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