Is your life hard?

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I ask
Is your life hard
You reply
I ask you how
you reply
You've been abused
Fought for your life, your freedom
Not even close
Then give me an answer how is it hard
I spent most of it my dad at a bar
What else
I guess I dance to much
Really is that all
I also have church on Sundays
So your life is hard
I'd say so I guess
That's nice my life's hard to yet it's worse, guess
Stay up late
Try five to five thirty
Church Sundays
Are you kidding me I'm Greek
I don't dance I sing
Then how is it hard
Think about the things I named
Your life isn't hard you get what you want
Your just to innocent to know the real hurt
Don't play games don't pretend
You can't sleep for an hour
I can't sleep for an entire weekend
You got church
I got my legs forced open
You want a story of true pain
I got a couple just say a name
Don't say your life is hard never again
Or I promise life won't be your only fear

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