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Hey People This is a new project I hope you like it

Tavion in the MM

Did she really tell me I needed to man up, I can't believe that bitch ugh she makes me sick......

"Tavion, Que signifie non amour partagé?" said Mr. Jacobs.

"Uhhhh it means unrequited love." I said pretty sure it was right.

"Parfait!!" Exclaimed Mr. Jacobs

Trent: *whispers* Bitch ass

I look back and see Trent glaring at me with that dumbass smirk, I just roll my eyes and start packing as the bell rings. When I finally get up Trent walks pass me and pushed me back into my seat laughing as he exits the class.

He makes me so sick, how can somebody wake up every morning planning on how to make another human being's life a living Hell.

I leave the class and head straight to my locker to get my Psychology book...


Who the hell is that yelling my name....oh it's Tayana's hoe ass

"What do you want Tayana?" I said annoyingly.

" I've been texting and calling you all day, why have you been ignoring me?" she said looking sad.

"I'm sorry I have class." I said harshly.

"Tavion please......"

"I have to go." I said.

I shut my locker and walked to my class. She was supposed to be my best friend how couldn't she see how hard it was for me.

As I walked into DE Psychology I see him.

Dantre Baxter but he likes to be called Danny. Tall with golden skin and a six pack that would leave you speechless and a chin line that makes you melt. Oh and when he wears joggers or gym shorts you can see that long, hard, thick......

"Hey Tavion" Danny said smiling at me.

"Hey Dan...."

I just realized I'm standing up with half a hard dick stirring in my pants. I hurry to my seat hoping nobody seen especially Danny. I sit down then turn to Danny and continue speaking.

"Hey Danny, How was your weekend?" I asked probably smiling way too damn hard.

He chuckled then said, "It was good I just watched Naruto all day."

Lord He likes Anime Take me now right here on the desk...

"Nice. That's my favorite anime." I stated.

"Ayye That's......

"Enough talking, you have a quiz to take." stated Mrs. Diana walking in clearly aggravated.

Danny turns around and gets his pencils out as Mrs. Diana passes out the Quizzes.

As I get my Quiz I look at Danny writing his name on the top of his paper.

He just looks so graceful and he's so sexy. Why can't I just ask him out...NO I know he's straight, he's the captain of the rugby team and he just broke up with that hoe Michelle.

These thoughts continue to plague my mind as I hand in my quiz and leave the classroom

"Aye, Tavion."

I hear somebody call my name and to my surprise it's Danny jogging to catch up to me. Did he see my hard dick while I was staring at him. Oh my God he's gonna beat my ass.

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