You Deserve to be Happy

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CH. 3

PSA: I would like to apologize for the atrocity that is the grammar and punctuation of Ch. 2. I really don't know what happened but apparently the Wattpad servers ignored any type of punctuation after the 200 word count mark when I uploaded it last night everything was clear but I guess something must have happened when I published it. So......That being said If you see a bunch of grammar/punctuation mistakes please let me know. And thank all of you for the love my book has been shown,again thank you!!!! Thanks goes out to @anseldeangelo  and @Unholy_Vengeance for letting me know.

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Alec, Jimmy, Mike, and KJ in the MM

*Tavion's POV*

After I got home I took a shower and caught up on Empire because I was two episodes behind and that is my show!! I was watching Jamal preform and I got a text. I looked at it and it was Danny.


Hey man are we still on for tomorrow?


Of course, a promise is a promise!!


Alright thanks man see you tomorrow!!


See you then!!

Damn he really seems anxious to study tomorrow. Wait does this mean that he's anxious to see me? Nah, he's probably just worried about his Psychology grades. I really need to get a grip...

I turn off the TV and rolled over thinking about the events that happened today. It only took a few minutes and I was out and having a bad ass dream......

Danny was in my bedroom wearing nothing but underwear facing towards the door and he went to the door and closed it. When Danny turned around and noticed me staring a smile lit up his face, and he pulled his briefs down. My reaction to seeing Danny's hard 10 inch dick was almost instantaneous, causing my own 7.5" thick cut cock to get instantly hard .Noticing how much I was turned on turned Danny on even more he came over and embraced me in a massive bear hug, pulling me tight and grinding our hot hard dicks together passionately. It was then that Danny moved his head forward and kissed me passionately on the lips, parting his mouth with his probing tongue. While both had kissed before, neither of us had felt the same passion we did when our lips locked. As we laid down together, Danny started rubbing my dick, paying special attention to the sensitive part of the head. Danny took the opportunity to lay on top of me, taking our two cocks together in his hand and stroking them like they were one. Both of us were, by now, squirming in desire for each other. As our passionate kissing continued, Danny whispered in my ear that he couldn't control the feeling he had for him and wanted to be as close as he could be. I decided to take control by slowly and gently lowering myself down on Danny's throbbing pre-cum covered 10" thick cock It took several minutes for the pain to subside, and I had now taken in every inch of Danny and was adjusting to the heat, thickness and sheer eroticism that me and him had together. Danny moved his cock slowly in and out of me, my own dick was rock hard and bouncing like a wild man as our rhythm built. Seeing my cock made Danny go wild, knowing that each would soon be spilling their hot boy batter in what would be the simultaneous explosion of desire. As we rocked together, Danny said that was unable to hold back any longer and wanted us to cum together. I then raised my hot body off his, and took both cocks together in my hand. I was so close now, our balls pulled up to their bodies and cock heads flaring wildly, when a sudden burst of .......

And then my alarm went off. I woke up angrily and cut it off looking under the cover seeing my hard dick and sheets covered in precum. I thought about jacking off but I realized it was already six forty-five and I wouldn't have time. So I get out of bed and head into my bathroom to try and piss my erection down and eventually it worked and I ran the shower and got in. As the water ran down my neck and thighs all I could think about was the dream I just had. It was surreal and I could really feel every touch, every kiss, and every inch of the passion that was expressed in the dream. I looked down and I saw that I was getting hard again so I cut off the water and stepped out the shower drying off. I picked out what I was going to wear today and I got dressed. By the time I was done putting on my cologne it was only seven-twenty and I could smell the bacon cooking downstairs. I grabbed my book bag, my phone and my necklace and headed downstairs. When I finally got in the kitchen I seen my mom in her apron flipping pancakes. She noticed me and smiled at me.

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