Going Out With A BANG

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I would personally like to thank all of my supporters, fans, and haters ( nah fuck ya'll). You guys have truly made this journey so much better, I love your commentary, thoughts, and wishes!!

Now before you read I have to let you know, this chapter will be very LONG, like a two hour finale, so if you don't have time to read it fully, I suggest you just wait and read it later.

Secondly, this book is the first of the Trilogy, so there will be a sequel!!

I also will either be adding an alternate chapter that will explain why blank did blank, and what was going through his mind when he decided to do what he did. It will be in the form of flashbacks and I will be releasing that before 2018!!!

Also, don't forget that this book and my other book, Black Bodies are cannon and connected to each other, meaning you will see crossovers several times in Book 2 and Black Bodies. SO GO READ BLACK BODIES...


Don't Forget to Vote, Comment, and Share.

ALSO PSA: I have a Kik group for Wattpad writers and readers alike. This group is for others to share ideas, find new interests etc.... If anyone is interested message me or give me your kik name in the comments.


The day before the prom I woke up and the trent situation was still plaguing my mind even after having a beautiful night with Danny last night. I wasn't sure why Trent affects me like this. We haven't talked in months, before then we had only a few conversations, but not enough for him to affect me in this way.

Was it just sexual attraction?

Am I in love with him?

If so why am I in love with him after what he put me through?

What about Danny?

These questions bounced back and forth in my head to the point where i had to talk to somebody.

I called Tayana and asked her can we get some breakfast and talk.

After I texted Tayana and got dressed I heard noise coming from downstairs.

I went downstairs and found my mom putting things in boxes in the living room.

when I stepped down from the stairs my mom noticed me, "Oh baby did I wake you?" she asks me worried.

"Nah Ma, I've been up , didn't really sleep much last night." I say to her.

"Why baby, what's wrong?" she asked me walking over towards me.

A part of me wanted to tell her what's been going on, but i knew she wouldn't understand, so i lied.

"Nothing, just worried about prom tonight and exams next week." I say to her sighing.

"Aww baby." She said coming over to hug me.

"I know everything is gonna go alright next week, and you're gonna look handsome tonight and have a bunch of fun." she says to me.

I smile at her, "Thanks Ma, you always know what to say."

"That's because a mother knows her children." she said while smiling.

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