Number 61

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CH. 2

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Trent, Tiana, Tayana, and Danny in the MM

-Trent's POV-

*Bell Rings*

Man I'm so damn tired but I have practice today shit. As I walk out of class I see my boys heading for the door, I try to catch up to them but the loudspeaker comes on:

Trent Garret report to the guidance counselor at this time

"Fuck what is it this time." I said sighing.

I walk to the guidance counselor's office and knock on the door.

"Come in Trent"

"Hey Ma, what did I do now?" I asked frustrated.

"Sit down Trent." She said looking upset.

I sigh and sit down in the chair in front of her as she took off her glasses.

"Trent tell me why do you have a D in U.S History, C in College Algebra, and a F in French 102." She said looking disappointed.

"Ma, you know how stressed I am, I got Football, Basketball, I'm filling out college applications and scholarships......"

"There's no excuse." She said interrupting me

"You are number 61 out of 200 in your graduating class, meaning that you are not in the top thirty percent of your class, meaning that you lose your Life Scholarship, Meaning that's 5,000 dollars of free money that could go towards the college of your choosing gone down the drain." She stated.

"Ma I swear I will bring them up I just...." I started.

"I know you will." She stated. "I'm signing you up for a tutor"

"No Ma, I don't have time." I started.

"You will make the time, I've already talked Coach Smith and he said he was gonna recommend the same thing so not only are you in danger of loosing a scholarship but also a place on the team." She said.

I was literally shocked that this was happening

"Okay Ma I'll do it." I said giving up.

She looked at me like I was stupid

"Did you really think this was a choice." She said.

"Of course it isn't dealing with you." I said under my breath.

"Boy did you just say some slick shit." She said looking at me

"No Ma, who is the tutor and when do I have these sessions." I ask her.

She crossed her eyes at me and said,
" Your tutor is gonna be Tavion Irving and you will have three sessions every week on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays that way it wont conflict with your practice schedule."

"Man Tavion Irving, I cant stand him can I please get someone else Ma." I ask.

"No it is final your first session starts tomorrow at five pm meet him in the Library now leave I have some paperwork to do." She said putting her glasses back on.

I got ready to leave and contemplated on slamming her door.

"And don't slam my damn door." She said not looking up from her papers.

Ugh I close the door and walk down the hallway until I get outside and see Kevon, Mike, and KJ sitting outside on my car.

"Aye niggas get off my damn car". I said laughing.

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