Stalk Much Pt. 1

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ALSO PSA: I have a Kik group for Wattpad writers and readers alike. This group is for others to share ideas, find new interests etc.. If anyone is interested message me or give me your kik name in the comments.

Pic is of Trent.

This is part one part two is coming later tonight!!

After leaving Trent's I was an emotional wreck.

I was so conflicted, In my mind Trent was basically playing me, but in my heart I knew that some of what he was saying was true. Trent just does something to me. I don't know how to explain it but it's a sexual attraction that I just can't get over. While I am driving I decide to call Tayana. She picks up in three rings......

"Hey boo." She says.

"Hey boo, I wanna talk to you and the crew, lunch at Fatz?" I ask.

"Yeah boo I'll call up Jimmy, Tiana, and Alec." she says back.

"Alright boo I'll see you in an hour." I respond.

"Okay boo."

I pull up to my driveway and get a phone call from Danny.

"Miss me already?" I ask picking up the phone.

"Always." He said laughing.

"So what's up?" I ask him.

"Nothing, I just missed hearing your voice." He says to me.

I smile because that's the sweetest thing someone's ever told me.

"Awee, I miss you too" I say with a laugh.

"So when can I take you out on that date." He asks me.

"How about tomorrow night?" I reply.

"Oooh on a Sunday, I can dig it." He says with a smile in his voice.

I laugh, "Okay I'll text you later."

"Okay babe." He says and hangs up.

I was happy that I was finally having my date with Danny but Trent's words still rung in my head.

You won't forget last night or today, because it's this connection that we have that is more powerful than anything.

I felt guilty that I even stayed at Trent's that long or listened to what he was saying. I would say that I went over there for my charger but I know that's not the whole truth. I went over there to see Trent. A man that made my life a living Hell for three years. I couldn't stand him, but now I can't stop thinking about him.

I go inside the house and find my mom in the living room watching TV.

"Hey Ma." I say as I put my keys on the counter.

"Hey, boo you hungry?" She asks me.

"Yeah but I'm going to Fatz with the crew in a bit so I'll wait." I reply back.

"You got money?" She asks me.

"Yes ma I'm good." I tell her.

"So are you and Michal having another date night tonight?" I ask her.

"No, he's going back to Greenville tonight." She tells me.

Greenville? That's almost 45 minutes away, why would he come all the way to Columbia?

My mom must have seen the confusion in my face so she turned to me, "Something Wrong baby?"

"No ma, just a small headache." I say to her.

"You want some Aleve?" She ask me.

"No ma, I think it's because I'm hungry." I said walking over to her to give her a kiss.

"I'm about to go get ready ma, enjoy your TV show." I say.

"Alright, baby I'm cooking Lasagna tonight, so don't stay out long." She says to me.

"Oooh My favorite, Okay Ma." I tell her as I go upstairs to get ready.

I go upstairs and start getting ready.


When I get to Fatz, I see Tayana already sitting there.

"Hey babe." I said walking over to the table.

She looked up from her phone, "Yass hey boo."

"Where everybody else at?" I ask her.

"They're on the way." She says.

"So....." she says as I sit down.

"So what?" I ask her confused.

"Boy what happened between you and Trent when you went and got your charger." She asked me.

I roll my eyes.

"Did he remember what ya'll did?"

"Yes he did, and in vivid detail too." I said to her.

Tayana's mouth dropped.

"Was he mad?" She asked me.

"No the opposite, he was saying how we have a connection and how he likes me and is going to get me no matter what." I tell her.

"Tavion you can not let this boy come in and fuck up everything, you're in a good place, a good relationship, your mom is happy, everything is good, don't let Trent Garret come in between all that." She tells me.

I know she's right, but it's more complicated than that.

As I was about to speak I see Jimmy, Tiana and Alec walking in.

"Tayana keep this between us, I don't want them knowing." I said

She looks at me and shakes her head.

"Hey guys." Jimmy says as he comes over to us.

Tiana waves and Alec is on the phone.

"Okay, I'll text you later." He says to the person on the other end of the phone.

"You can't speak hoe?" I ask him.

He looks at me rolls his eyes and puts on a fake smile.

"Oh my god how are you bitches today?" He says with a white girl accent.

I laugh when Tayana slaps him on his head.

"So guys I wanted to get you all together because I have an announcement." I say.

"Oh my god you're pregnant, I told you about that birth control." Alec says to me.

"Boy will you shut the hell up." Tiana tells him.

We all laugh including Alec.

"Go ahead boo." Alec says.

"Well today Me and Danny made it official, we're dating now." I say smiling.

"Yass." Alec says.

"Congrats bro." Jimmy says.

"I'm so happy for you." Tiana says to me.

"Thanks guys, I really want this thing to work Danny is so sweet and makes me feel so good about myself." I say to them.

"Awee babe." Tiana says.

"I'm happy for you, Tavion please don't fuck this up or let anybody fuck this up." Alec says.

"Amen." Tayana says.

I shoot a look at her and she looks back down at her phone.

"Okay, I love your announcement but I'm hungry as hell so let's get some rolls and drinks." Alec says picking up a menu.

We all laughed and I picked up a menu.

We talked for a while until the waitress came over and took our order.

I was telling her what I wanted when I looked at the entrance to see someone walking in.

It was Trent............

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