Date Night Pt. 2

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Pic is of Danny

"So how do you think you did on the quiz?" I ask Danny as we head to lunch.

"I think it was okay," Danny said to me.

"Did you study?" I ask him.

"No." He said laughing.

"Ugh, do better." I said shaking my head at him.

" I gonna meet your friends today?" He asked me.

I slowed down and looked at him, "Are you sure you want to do this."

"Are they that scary?" He asked me smirking.

"No, I mean.....they can be a bit much." I said looking at him.

"I think I can handle it." He said smiling.

I smiled nervously.

When we got our food we walked over to our table that was already being filled with Alec's daily gossip tidbits.

"So Alexandria told Jessica....." Alec was saying as we walked over.

"Hey guys." I said interrupting Alec.

"How dare you inter..." Alec was saying until he seen Danny walk up behind me.

"Guys, i would like to formally introduce you to Danny." I said smiling awkwardly.

Danny walked over and smiled at the table nervously.

"Nice to meet you Danny, I'm Tayana." Tayana said giving Danny a smile.

"Nice to meet you too Tayana, I've heard so much about you."

"Ahem." Alec said looking directly at Danny.

"Uh..All of you, It's nice to meet all of you." He said waving at Alec, Jimmy, and Tiana.

"Nice to meet you too." Tiana and Jimmy said simultaneously.

"Nice to meet the person who has been giving Tay Tay here wet dreams." Alec said smirking.

"Shut your ass up." I say while everybody laughs.

I look at Danny to see him laughing and give him "the look" and he stops immediately and we sit down.

"So Danny how did you and Tavion meet?" Alec asks.

"In class dumbass." Tayana says and we laugh.

Alec looked at us and rolled his eyes as me and Tayana slap each others hand.

"Anyways, I'm glad you two are together, he's much happier now and doesn't sulk as much." Tiana says smiling at me.

"Awwe , thank you."Danny says as he smiles at me.

We talk for a bit more until the bell rings. I tell them bye and me and Danny walk to class.

"See that wasn't so bad, was it?" He said looking over at me.

"No it wasn't that bad." I said laughing.

"Since this is probably the last time, I'll see you before our date..." He says then leans and gives me a kiss on my lips. A few kids laughed but as soon as Danny looks up they stopped and walked on to class.

I chuckle, "Okay Dave the barbarian, I'll see you eight."

"Okay babe." He says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

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