What If He's Right?

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Pic is of Trent.

My heart raced.

How can I face Trent without remembering the taste of his cum in my mouth? I don't even know why I was in his room to begin with. And who in the hell leaves there own party, just to go jack off. Even worse I have to get my charger from him and look him in the face.

I go downstairs to grab my keys and see my mom come in.

"Hey baby." She says coming into the kitchen.

"Hey mama." I say as I kiss her on the cheek.

"How was your night with Michal?" I ask curiously.

"Oh baby, it was magnificent, something I haven't experienced in a while" She said smiling to herself.

She looked so radiant and happy, like she had not one worry in the world. I know I should feel happy for her, but even though I've only met Michal once, something doesn't seem right about him.

"That's good ma, I gotta go get my charger from Trent, I'll be back shortly." I said trying not to talk anymore about Michal.

"Okay, baby." She says as I walk out the kitchen.

I get in my car and head to Trent to face the truth about what happened last night.

When I get to Trent's doorstep I knock but there's no answer. I call his phone and he doesn't answer so I knock even harder and I still get no answer. I twist the doorknob and walk inside. The place looked nothing like it did last night it was clean almost pristine, somebody worked overtime cleaning up the mess that was made last night. I walk up the stairs and anxiety hit me like a truck all of a sudden as I neared his door. I knocked but again no answer so I just walk in.

And there he was.

Trent coming out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, his tattoo glistening from the water from the shower and the light of the room fighting each other.

"Oh my bad I was in the shower." Trent said smirking at me.

"Umm I can see that." I said not trying to look at his body.

The muscles, the hair, the scent was almost intoxicating, almost flirtatious.

I look around his room to keep me from looking at him. "So you clean up nice." I said.

"Oh thanks, I didn't think I would look sexy wet and in a towel." He said smirking at me.

" Bu.. That was not what I meant, I was talking about the mess after the party." I said embarrassed.

"I know what you were talking about." He said laughing at me.

"Ugh." I said rolling my eyes.

"So... where's my charger."

"Your what?"

"My charger, you texted me saying you found my charger."

"Oh yeah, here it is." He said looking his drawer and pulling out my charger.

"Exactly how did you know this was my charger?" I ask him.

"Oh yeah you dropped it after you sucked my dick." He said looking at me.

I froze.

"That was a mistake, I I I... was drunk." I said stammering.

"So was the mistake when you took my hand off my dick." He said walking towards me.

I backed up.

"Oh or was the mistake when you started jacking my dick." He said moving closer to me.

I backed up more until I hit the wall.

"Or was the mistake when you put your mouth on my dick and swallowed my cum?" He said whispering in my ear.

"Why were you jacking off upstairs at your own party, to me that's bad hospita...." I started.

"Don't try to get away from the conversation." He said smiling.

"The real question is ...." he said grabbing my hand and placing it on his toweled hard dick.

"Do you want to do it again?" He said squeezing his hand on my hand on his dick.

He leaned over and began sucking on my neck.

I felt like I had melted like chocolate, my eyes began to roll back and my dick began to feel harder than it has ever felt before.

I finally felt enough energy to push him off of me.

"Trent I have a boyfriend and you have a girlfriend." I said out of breath.

"You mean that kid Danny, that boy doesn't know how to treat your body right." He said loosing his smile.

I looked at him like he had lost his damn mind.

"And this is coming from the boy that bullied me up until this year." I said crossing my arms.

"Man, look how many times do I have to say sorry about that, you know that was all Dewayne." He said looking away.

"You still participated Trent, you still called me a faggot, you still helped him beat my ass." I said trying not to remember all the pain I had felt.

"Tavion, I promise you I would never hurt you ever again." He said pleading with me.

" You're the only one that sees me for me, not a star athlete, not a wanna be thug, but me." He said looking at me.

"Trent you have a girlfriend, are you even gay." I ask him.

"I don't know what I am, the one thing I do know is that I can't stop thinking about you." He said smiling at me.

I honestly felt like he was telling the truth, but I can't do this to Danny.

"Trent I'm sorry but I can't do this to Danny, I have to go." I said while grabbing my charger.

I started walking towards the door.


I stop not sure if I should stay and listen.

"Just know, that I'm not gonna stop until you're by my side." He said

"And you won't forget last night, or today, because It's this connection that we have that is more powerful than anything I've experienced." He said walking towards me.

He kissed the back of my neck and I felt a jolt of electricity pass from him to me.

I calmy walked down the stairs, and through the door, and into my car.

When I got inside my car, I realized that I was holding my breath the whole time and let out a huge gust of air.

The one thing that kept replaying in my head was.......

What if he was right?

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