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Trent in the MM

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*Tavion's POV*

As I got closer to my house I see it's Trent sitting in his car in my driveway. At this point I was confused and angry. Today he basically acted as if I was trash and now he's showing up to my house out of nowhere. I pull up besides him and stare at him from inside my car and he looks at me smiling awkwardly. I get outside my car just as Trent starts getting out of his.

"How do you know where I live?" I ask walking over to him.

"I hacked my mom's computer and found your address along with the many complaints you have made about me over the last four years." He said shamefully looking down at the ground.

"You know that hacking a public school system is a B felony." I said candidly.

"Actually it's an D felony." He said matter-of-factly and looked up at me smirking.

I looked at him clearly annoyed and asked, "What are you doing here Trent."

He wiped the smirk off his face and said, "I came to tell you that our session for Thursday has been cancelled."

I looked at him like he was stupid, "And you came all the way over here just to tell me that when you could have just texted me.

He looked at me and continued, "I also came over here to apologize. I treated you like you were nothing and all you've done this week is treat me like a friend. I truly am sorry and I would like to make it up to you if you will allow me to." He said sincerely looking up at me with hopefulness in his eyes.

"And how do you expect to make this up to me?" I asked slightly interested.

"I'm having a party Saturday and I want to invite you and all of your friends bring anyone you want." He said enthusiastically.

"Are you sure you want me and my friends at your "lit" party." I said scoffing.

He looked at me smirked and walked over and said, "I promise you no funny business consider this a s'excuse ."

I looked at him and smirked, "So you remember the French word for apology, seems my superb tutoring skills are working."

He laughed and said, "So I guess I'll see you there at nine?"

I suddenly remembered about the dinner with mom's mystery man, "I'll try to get there but I may be a little late."

Trent walked over to his car and opened the door, "That's better than a flat out no, see you Saturday." He smiled at me and then got inside his car, cranked up and drove off.

I went inside feeling the tiredness overcoming my body. After barley making it through my shower I finally pass out on my bed.


I wake up the next morning refreshed and invigorated, after doing my morning routine I go downstairs to see my mom drinking coffee and watching Charmed.

"Hey Ma." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek, while heading to the fridge for orange juice.

"Hey baby how was your day yesterday?" She said while biting a strawberry.

"It was good, busy, and tiresome." I reply drinking my orange juice.

"I know you had to be tired because when I went to tell you goodnight you was already knocked out." She agreed.

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