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The last bell rings as you run down the hallway in your sport outfit to give back the clothes they gave you. You thank Ms.Joan and makes your way out to the parking lot to search for
Mr.Bowie's car, since you didn't know which one it was you just looked in every car window to check

David tapped his horn as he saw you a few cars over and rolled down his window. "(Y/N), over
here." He sticks his hand out the window and gets out of the car to open the passenger door for you. "Oh hey!" You quickly walk over to his car and gets in, hoping nobody would see you with him. "There we go, I called my mother and she was alright with it, I had to be back home at 9, the latest." You chuckle and realises
how weird that sounded but he seemed to be okay with it. "I'll have you back before 9, don't
worry." He smiles softly before shutting your door and walking over to his side of the car. He
gets in and turns the heater on to warm his hand. "Do you mind smoke? I always roll down the window but I just wanted to ask you first."
"Oh do your thing, I smoke sometimes so do what you need to do." You smile shyly and gets
your notebook out along with a pen. "Thank you." He pulls out his pack and lights one before stuffing the pack in his shirt pocket and
rolling down the window. He puffs on it before pulling out and driving home.

"So tell me, why the move? Your parents jobs?" You sigh and leans with your elbow agains the door. "They got divorced, I live here with my mother. She wanted to leave because Glasgow reminded her of my father.." You opens your
sketchbook and outlines your sketch of Mr.Bowie toy made earlier to distact yourself.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He furrows his brows as he smokes and hangs his hand with the lit cig, out the window. "Do you miss Glasgow?" "It's okay and no I don't, well of course the friends I left there but..not really." You turn the page and carefully looks to the side to see his side profile and starts to sketch it. He looks over for a moment and back to the road. "I went to
Glasgow once, it was lovely but it certainly did rain a lot when I was there." He stops at a light before turning down a road. "How's all the unpacking coming along?" "Oh alright, although we're missing one truck with like the
furniture." You chuckle and looks up at him. "I slept on the ground for a while now, but that's fine." You smile and crosses your legs as you finish the sketch with some extra scribbles.
"Wow, and do you have any idea where it is? I hope it gets back soon. You shouldn't be sleeping on the floor." He smiles slightly as he let's out a soft, silky laugh. "No we don't and the company won't reply to our calls so there is
nothing qe can do but wait." You chuckle. "I mean the floor gets comfortable after a while when you have a blanket." You giggle and sighs as you put your notebook away. "You guys can borrow anything you need from me if there's a
problem. I'd be happy to help."

He turns down his street and into his drive way. "I have to pick him up from my neighbor so if you would go to the porch. I'll bring him over." He turns the car off and steps out of the car before opening the door for you. You step out and straightens your shorts. "Of course." You walk through his garden and waits the porch. He watches you walk for a moment before mentally slapping himself and walking over to his neighbor's house. He talks with
her for a moment and thanks her before picking Zowie up in his arms and walking back to the house. "Zowie, I want you to meet your new baby sitter. Her name is (Y/N). I think you'll like her." He pushes his child's long hair back before walking up the steps to his porch. "(Y/N), this is Zowie. Zowie this (Y/N)." You smile and crouches down to Zowie's level. "Hello Zowie, what a lovely boy you are." You wink and shakes his fragile hand carefully. "I'm going to do fun things with you while your father is at work, would you like that?" You scrunches your nose and chuckles softly. "Oh yes, please. That would be lovely." He shakes your hand before tugging on David's shirt.
David leans down to his ear and smiles. "Yes Zowie what is it?" Zowie whispers rather loudly to his father, "When is mommy coming back?" David bites his lip and shakes his head. "Probably soon Zowie, don't worry." You raise your eyebrow slightly but keeps quiet as you stand up. "What a sweetheart, shall we go
inside professor?" You half smiles and looks up at him.

"Yes, would you care for anything to drink (Y/N)? Or a snack?" Zowie looks up and his hair swishes out of his face as he looks up. "Toast
with jam, please." David chuckles and shuts the door before taking his jacket and tie off to hang
on the door. "Alright Zowie, go  put your toys up and wash your hands." You chuckle and looks down at Zowie. "No thank you, I still have
my bottle of water." You smile and looks up at him. "What a lovely place you have Mr.Bowie." You look around at the paintings. "Art lover?" You grin. "Thank you." David walks in and
nods his head. "Yes I am. I love having it around to look at and see how it changes the way I feel and when I wake up in the morning to look at it, it's honestly the most peaceful time for me. I'm a collector I guess but some of these are mine actually. I keep most out in the shed in the back garden. That's where I work most." You follow him to the livingroom and chuckles. "Wow, that is amazing.." your jaw drops slightly as you look around, every piece was perfect. "You leave me wondering why you teach history instead of art, this is amazing!" You smile brightly and turns to him. "Thank you but, I guess it's because I thought I wouldn't love it as much if I taught it instead of did it as a hobby. Art is something I do when I'm either absolutely comfortable or incredibly uncomfortable and unsure and it sets me into a
balanced state." He smiles and puts a kettle on the stove before pulling out toast for Zowie and his orange marmalade. "Do you enjoy art YN?"
You wander around the room and grabs your notebook to look through it. "I do, I sketch a lot myself. Nowhere as perfect as your work I see." You pass the pages scribbled full of little sketches of people. You were studying facial features at the moment and you rather enjoyed
it. "Mostly people, I'm still learning." "That's great! Don't stop, if you enjoy it do it and we never really stop learning. I'm mostly abstract
and scenery as you can tell but that's only for the time being." He smiles and spreads the jam
after the toast finishes and grabs a bottle of juice from the fridge. "Zowie! Where are you!?" Zowie rushes into the kitchen. "Here!" He hops up onto his chair and grins. You chuckle and walks over to the kitchen, leaning against
the doorpost. "Can I help with anything? Since it's almost 6pm, I could prepare dinner?" You smile and looks down at Zowie

"Oh that would be a great help. I haven't been much of a great cook or at least not to Zowie." He hands Zowie the plate and the juice before giving him a napkin and smiling at you when the home phone rings. He groans and walks over to the portable phone. "Hello, Bowie residence. This is David, who's calling?" Unfortunately, an emergency teacher conference was called and he'd have to be there in ten minutes to discuss new testing
rules for the spring. He nods and hangs up. "Alright, I'm sorry. I have to go to a meeting. (Y/N), could you please watch him for another hour or so?" You walk in the kitchen. "Oh okay,
don't worry. You go and I will prepare something. You drop your notebook and bag on the table and pats his shoulder. He looks down to your hand for a moment before walking over to the door and smiling. "Zowie, be good for (Y/N) while I'm gone. Thank you for doing this (Y/N). I'll pay you when I get back. How's
10 dollars an hour sound?" He knows that is probably too much but he doesn't care. "I don't need anything! Now go, you can't be late." You chuckle and opens the fridge to look through it.
"Bye!" He steps out quickly and shakes his head. His student and his babysitter, he wants you close of course but how much trouble could he put himself into. He can't think like this, barely legal and taboo. Exactly the kind
of gossip that the old women of Brixton thrive off of. He runs to his car and makes it to the meeting.

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