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"She's just worried love. She doesn't understand what's going on." "Get out of my sight!" She screams from upstairs as David grabs your stuff. "I will!" You yell back before opening the door and hopping out. "David, let's go to your place okay?" "Listen, (Y/N), we'll go to my place but I'm sure that this is all a misunderstanding and she's not acting rationally." He hauls your bags and pills to his car again before helping you in.
"I don't care! Who for god's sake does she think she is? I just feel so sick and I want to sleep. My head hurts and I'm sorry for ruining this day already." you close your eyes as you cry quietly. He hushes you as he kisses your head. "You did not ruin this day. She did. Now, let's get you into bed." He says softly before getting into his seat and driving off.

"Yes please." You say softly as you rest
your chin onyour hand. "God. Finallyhome and all she does is yell..." "I don't think she meant to be cruel, love. I think she was surprised by how
much you changed and it was so many emotions all at once that she couldn't comprehend what was really going on. I think she overreacted for sure and she was definitely in the wrong but perhaps, she feels remorseful about this." He a looks over to you as he turns left. You shrug. "She better David, she better.
But for now I just want you and not in any sexual way. I was high and I'm still pretty wheezy but I'm glad you liked it." You sigh and looks to your side at him. "I'm sorry. I should have resisted more." He looks to the road before turning down his street. "That's okay, don't worry." You say shyly as if it was the first day you met him at school.

"Would you like to have dinner with me at home tonight? After you sleep of course," he whispers, unintentionally, a while pulling in the driveway. "That would be nice." You say softly
as you clear your throat. "I uhm, could prepare something if you like." "No, I will. I insist and you need to take your medicines." He smiles slightly before grabbing your bags from the car a and helping you out. "Okay then." You carefully hop from the car to the porch and waits for him. "I don't want to make you do all the work though." He shakes his head and smiles while getting out of the car. "It's no trouble. I've been doing this for much longer than you
a have."

You sigh and rubs your eye which hurted. "Devil's daughter." you mummble as you frown. "Why the look of sorrow?" He pouts while opening the door for you. He walks inside behind you and sets the bags down in the guest room. "My eye hurts, so does the scar. She hit me quite hard." You sigh as you walk into the guest room. You sit down on the edge of the bed and looks down. He runs into the kitchen to grab a glass of water for you before briskly walking back into your room and grabbing the
bag of pills for you. "What is it you need to take now?" "Two of the Blue package and one of
the Orange." You take the glass from him and puts your tongue out for him to throw the pills on since you couldn't use your other hand. He nods and pulls out the packs. He punches out one orange tablet and two blues before placing them on your tongue. "Take your medicine, love."

You nod and gulps some water down with them. "Done." You smile and hands the glass back to him before putting the crutches away and crawling to the head of the bed to lay down. He sets the crutches beside the bed and sighs softly while helping you take your shoes and jacket off to get under the covers. "I'll just be in the kitchen if you need me. As you know, everything is at your disposal down here and there's no need to go upstairs to the second story. The whole first story is your domain
so there isn't any need to risk climbing stairs."
"Thank you love, one question. Can I smoke in here?" You grins and giggels softly as you feel you eyelids become heavier. "Yes, but let me open the window first." He kisses your cheek before walking over to the window and opening it. "Okay David." You mummble before dozing off to sleep. He smiles softly while shaking his head. The bed has never looked more inviting to him than now and he wants nothing more than to lie down and sink into the bed but instead, walks to the kitchen to a start dinner.

A couple hours later you wake up to the Spice scent of, probably, Spaghetti. You sit up and jawns as you look around. "David?" You say a bit louder. David nearly drops the pot of sauce at the calling out of his name. "Yes, love?" He shouts. "Can you come here and hold me?" You yell as you hold yourself under the warm sheets. He sets everything down after turning
off the stove. He quickly walks over to the door and walks in slowly. "Of course." "Take your shoes off and lay down." Yes smiles softly and shivers at the wind which is blown through the window. He shuts the window and slips his
shoes off while walking to the bed, landing face first into the mattress. You giggle and pulls hin closer to you. "Come on, warm up love." You pet his head and kisses it. David climbs closer to you on the bed and under the covers, smiling. He wraps his body around yours to be as close as humanly possible. "I made spaghetti," he mumbles. "Hmm, good job love." You mummble as you pull the sheets up over your head. "I'am so damn cold." You sigh as you shiver. "Sorry, the temperature dropped and I forgot to shut the window," he whispers while wrapping his arms around you.

You hold his hands tighter around you and kisses his hand. "Stay." "That's what I meant to say, to you." He smiles softly and cuddles closer, resting his head above yours as he brings himself as close as he can. You smile softly and jawns. "What time is it? Can I spend the weekend here?" You look up and kisses his jaw. "It's almost 7 and of course you can. You're always welcome in my home and you know that," he whispers with closed eyes. "7 am or pm? I don't, I can't seem to get a grip on the time difference." You chuckle softly and turns on your back. "PM, love. You've been asleep for a few hours." He smiles and rolls onto his
a side. "Hmm okay. Have you eaten yet? I'm not
that hungry right now." You turn to him and nuzzles his collarbone."No, not yet. I just finished as you woke up." He kisses your head gently and sighs. "Oh okay, good it will still be warm." You smile softly and looks up to kiss him gently.

"I'm feeling better now., I hate my mother and I pray to god she will feel it." You grumble and sighs. He shakes his head slightly as he pets
your head. "No love, that's not what you really want. Let's just not talk about her for the rest of the weekend," he whispers softly. He pecks your lips and smiles softly. "Okay then." You smile and corrects your armcast before sitting up. "Dinner?" You smile and rubs his upper arm with your other hand. He nods and looks up to you from his resting position. "Yes." He smiles
and reaches for your crutches before standing in front of you beside the bed.

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