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David watches you and though loves the teasing touch, he isn't appreciative of the person on the phone with you. He smirks and kisses your fingertips before kissing up your arm to your throat and softly sucking on it. Jeremy clears his throat and sighs. "Are you alright? Do you need me to come and get you (Y/N)?" You giggle at David's lips and let's out
a shaky sigh. "No, I'm f..fine," you bite your lip and whispers. "Get lost Bowie." With a slight grin. "Never," he mumbles before sliding his hand under your corset to tease and tickle your ribs. Jeremy arches his brow and listens intently. "You don't sound fine but if you say so. Are we still on for tomorrow night?" You squeal. "I swear David, fuck off." You gasp and looks away. "Yes, ofcourse." You hold him back, pressing your hand against his chest.

"Alright, but is he feeling you up?!" He shouts the second half of the line loud enough for David to hear and he poutsas his hands slide higher up to under your bra. "Trying to," he whispers while resting against your hand.
You hold the phone away. "David, why are you trying to have sex with me all the time?!" You tilt your head and looks down at his hand.
He pouts and pulls his hands away, crossing them over his chest. "Not all the time." He holds back a laugh and looks away as he bites his lip.

Jeremy clenches his fists and groans. "(Y/N), please, talk to me!" "Forget it!" You stand up and grabs your purse before picking up the glass of water and splashing it in his face. You
grab your heels and walks to the front door, locked and You couldn't reach for the lock. "Fucking open the door!" He sighs and unlocks the door. "I'm sorry." As he goes to apologize again Zowie wakes up from the screaming.
"(Y/N), please, I'm sorry." He hears Zowie cry out for him and leaves the door open for you as he rushes upstairs, taking off the soaking wet shirt with a huff. You make your way out on bare feet to walk home. "God this is so hard
Jer." You say on the verge of tears. "He touched me before and i gave permission but no is no!" You cry out. Jeremy's eyes widen as he stammers. "I'll be right over! Where are you? Same street as before?" Jeremy runs to his
bike and starts it up to come over, listening to your directions.

Meanwhile, David holds onto Zowie and lets out a shaky breath trying not to cry with Zowie while he's upset. "Hush now Zowie, it's alright. (Y/N) and I had an a loud discussion because daddy did something he shouldn't have but it's
okay." He rocks him to sleep while Jeremy pulls up in front and helps you onto his bike. You cling onto Jeremy and sobs. "He's sweet but we can't even sit down normally without getting into eachothers pants!" You bury your head in his back. "He's a git and I ought to teach him a lesson! Later, but now let's get you home." He pulls you onto his bike in front of him and listening to your directions he drives you home while David sets the sleeping Zowie down and rushes downstairs at the sound of the motorbike, wanting to explain and apologize before you left.

He gets outside just as you turn the corner and he sobs before going back inside, closing the door and locking it. He restrains his noisy cries from Zowie's earshot and walks out to the shed, tripping over himself as he opens the shed and slams the door shut to scream and cry as he slams his stool down on the ground. "I ruin everything!" He shouts as his face turns red from his tears and begins throwing his sketches down of you he'd done tne ctner night and moves to the painting of you, stopping himself from ruining it as he crumbles down to the ground in a heap of self hatred. "She's gone!"

"At first it was cool because i liked him too and things happend and with my permission he took my fucking virginity! How could I be so stupid?!" You cry and clenches your arms around his waist. "The last week we only
had sex! I have to admit i liked it but
s..somewhere its wrong!" "Love, it's alright. He won't ever touch you again. I promise you that." He grits his teeth and holds you close as he parks his bike. "I'm so sorry love. He's an adult, he should know better. I promise you, he won't ever touch you again." You slide off and hugs him tightly. "Can you please stay tonight? I don't want to be alone." You whisper as you wipe your eyes "Of course I can. It's alright now." He holds your face and wipes your tears
away. "Let's go inside now and get you warmed up." He helps you inside your house up to your room, luckily who your your mother noticing.

David screams and cries on the floor, hating himself more and more while he scratches his arms and raking his fingers through his hair. "She doesn't need me or want me. She deserves
someone else. I told her! I knew it!" He shudders on the floor with paints and pencils scattered about him along with torn pictures of you and now, sunlight. He hadn't noticed the sun was up. He shuffles out of the shed weakly before heading inside and calling the principal
to tell him he won't be coming in today and most likely not tomorrow either. He couldn't go in to face you. He thinks after hanging up that he could seriously take off the rest of the time
before break and not see you anymore since you were done with his class to be transferred. He nods to himself and walks upstairs, hugging his thin frame as he walks to the couch, now unable to sleep in either rooms. The rooms of two women who now haunt his mind, one of hate and one of love. He pulls the blanket over himself and buries his face in the pillow to pass out into.

You wake up feeling tired, sick and empty. You look to your to see Jeremy just softly looking at you, he sighs as you clench onto him. "I'm not going to school today. I don't want to see him!" "You can always come to band practice. I don't see much point in going to school if I'm leaving in a few days," he whispers while patting your back. "You're right." For a moment the silence falls upon you and you sigh. "I'm coming with you, If I have your permission, I'm leaving this place.." you say dead siriously as you sit up. Your mother was already at work so you had
to some way call to school yourself. "Of course you can, you can help the band out with bookings and such. Care to be our manager? Like our official manager?" He looks down at you and smiles softly before kissing your head. "Don't fret." "S..sounds great!" You smile and rubs your eyes as you pick up your phone.
"Going to call school. You better keep quiet." Your dial the schools phone number and immitates your mums voice, with succes. You cuddle up next to him as David continues to flash over your mind. "I don't know about you but I'm going to sleep to exit this horrible
day dream." You close your eyes and sighs

"Alright, practice doesn't start till 12 anyways. Might as well get some shut eye." He yawns softly as he wraps his arm around your back while the other rests behind his head. You smile and lays on top of him and wraps your arms around him. You kiss his cheek and closes your eyes as you bury your head in his chest to eventually fall asleep. Jeremy smiles softly, purring in contentment to have a warm bed and you of all people by his side now safe in his arms. He too soon falls asleep with his hands on your back and him still in his jacket.

You later wake up again and sighs at the sight of him sleeping to plant a kiss on his forehead, knowing nothing would be wrong with this love. You slowly get up from him and steps into
your heels. You fix your makeup and hair as he slowly stirs awake. You straighten your hair comepletly and sighs He opens his eyes and stretches slightly. "Hi love, is it time to go?" He smiles sleepily and rubs his face over  with his hands. "Almost, 30 minutes left." You look over
your shoulder down at him and smiles.

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