The hero, or not...

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I never asked to turn into a dog. I cannot explain the inconvenience of turning every time you are scared or angry, also I am allergic to canines. You can see the problem. But I will tell you the most horrific experience of my life.... saving my girlfriend.

It all started on a Monday morning (as most things do, the week for example) when I had a call from, my then girlfriend, it turned out she had decided to break up with me. Now as you can imagine wolfing out in the kitchen isn't ideal particularly as a sneezing fit occurs at the same time. With a throbbing head and dripping nose I tried to make sense of the world around me (which, contrary to popular opinion, is incredibly difficult) and still with canine thought patterns attempted to find an escape route.

Now unlike your average soppy werewolf story I do not suddenly start telepathically talking to an amazing mentor wolf who solves all my problems nor recover all my memories and human thoughts. No it is a pain and when I wake up it is even worse. The only thing that tells me I have been at the wolf again is a clogged up nose and a hell of a cleaning job.

I fazed back pretty quickly judging by the damage but I still had to go out and buy a new table. I guess I decided to have a diving competition or something because I am now attempting to casually walk down my apartments stairs without looking conspicuous.... holding two halves of a table.

Now I know 'two halves make a whole' but let me ask you do two wrongs make a right. As my mother keeps reminding me the answer is no, and so like this table there is no way it will look like, well a table again.

By the time I had managed to dump it in a conveniently placed skip behind our flats it was coming up to lunch. Unfortunately for me gourmet food was not something I was able to cook so instead I ended up lunching on a poorly seasoned pot of noodles cooked with some old kettle water. Bon appetite indeed.

Just as I was cleaning up (for the second time today although this job didn't require a skip) I heard a knock coming from the door. I gave a heavy sigh and began to slowly plod my way over. I guess whoever was on the other side really didn't mind waiting because I took ages and they didn't knock again. When I got to the door I realised why...

On the door step was a folded piece of paper with a stain of blood in one corner. I carefully lifted it and began to read:

If you ever want to see your girlfriend again come to the red park bench in the children's play area by the school at 5pm, then call
07846 813428.
P.S a little motivation for you

I was curious and a little confused. For starters the kidnapper was either really stupid or a genius for stating the time and it didn't know me and Lily had broken up. Really stupid I deduced. Then I logged on using Google incognito (lets not have parents accidentally logging on to kidnapping threats). The website had a plain black background with one video in the centre of the screen. I clicked play and began to watch.

Horrified I lay captivated at the scene before me. Lily was duck-taped to a chair with a gag preventing any noise other than the occasional moan. Then a distorted voice began to play. It gave instructions of what it would do as 'motivation' for me to come; the tinny quality told me this was a recording but relief was soon overpowered by fear as a masked assailant brandishing a knife settled beside the ghostly figure. Lily moaned a little as the assailant cut away at her sleeves but because she was so out f it I guessed she was drugged.

This thought scared me as it meant she would not be able to fight back or help me. This I had to do by myself.

In my head of people I could possibly ask for help: the police, I am almost certain they don't know I exist and if I were to wolf out in front of them well, I guess I would end up in area 51 or something; my mum is in Glasgow on business and there is no way I could get to her in time or she come to me. This meant that what ever I did it was up to me, this concept scared me quiet a bit as the life of my love was in my hands.

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