chapter three

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Hey this is unedited, sorry guys ill fix it later when I get on a real computer!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! ENJOY!!!

Beep Beep Beep!!!

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!!!" I said to myself, then I yelled,"Dad, im late!"

"no your not, its only eight."


"Two hour time difference, remeber?"


I roll my eyes then cross the hall to the bathroom I twist the doorknob and it doesn't budge "someone is in here" it was my half brother Raymond he has corse thick curly black hair and he spends over an hour on it each day. I found that out last night when he decided to go out.

"can you please hurry I've got work in... an hour" the door creeks open and he walks out of the bath room.

"It's all yours" he told me

I jump in the shower and then I wash my hair, body, shave, and brush my teeth in record time. It helped because I hummed an upbeat song.

I got out towel dried my hair and wrapped the towel around my body.

and darted to the spare room I was given.

Once dressed in appropriate attire I had my father drive me to "Liz's Miracle Pizza" while I finished off an energy bar.

We pulled in at eight-fifty, and I went inside. I turned to wave at my father. He waved back then turned the car around and left.

I  turned around and ran into a masculine chest. I almost fell so I took a death grib on his shirt and he wrapped his arms around the middle of my back. Once I caught my balance I decided to look up at who I ran into. a mild blush appeared on my cheeks. It was James.

"H-hey!" I stutter. Then mentaly face palm myself for doing something like that. I never stutter.... anymore.

He chuckled a little then said "hey" real smoothly. Which made me blush even more. "so follow me, my little prodigy"

I gave him my best death stare then smiled at him."so your like my boss now?"

"Only in work" he smirked.

"Okay, so what first?"

"bussing tables" I roll my eyes at him.

"you know I would complain to that... but I need the money. so lets go"

I told him drawing out the word complain in my southern accent

He passed me an apron and a hairnet and a bucket. He said "there's your first table now."

I rolled my eye's and walked over to the table. The bucket had two compartments one for dishes and another for trash so I sorted it out in record time. I looked at James, and he pursued me to do all the tabels I see so I went for it .

I did about ten tabels, then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see James holding a pizza. "lunch time" he said smirking. (his smirk is SO cute) I thought to myself

"Oh, yummy, im starving!" I told him.

"You wanna go to the park to eat it?"

"Sure!" I said a little too excited, and I started to blush a little.

"Okay, come on"

We walk out the restaurant and he leads me to this new looking car.

"it's a rental" he told me. " I'm only here for the summer.

"Me too."

"Yeah, the owner Lizzy. She is my aunt."

"Really? Thats Super cool!"

We pull into the parking lot of the park and I spot a bench half way under a tree. I give James this look, and he started to follow me.

I sat down, and James sat across frome me. I grabed a slice and took a huge bite, and tomato sauce fell on my chin.

James pulls out a napkin from his poket, and wipes the sauce from my chin.

"hungry are we?"

"I'd rather be me, then a twig" I tell him

"Well im glad for that, cause most girls... everywhere would rather eat a carot"

I make a face at that, and James starts to grin then he laughs really hard.

"What?" I ask

"Nothing, nothing... your just very funny. I like that about you."

"why thank-you" I say drawing out the A in thank making it sound like thaink.

he grins.

"You know, I like you too."

he blushes, and the mild blush on his cheeks make my wanna touch them so I finish my slice of pizza real quick, then get up and run to one of the swings.

I get on and I start to swing small slow swings at first, then I start to speed up. When I feel a small push on my back I nearly come up punching and when I hear a "shhh, its just me" I calm down a bit

"You scared the shit out of me!" I yell, then start to giggle uncontrollably. Then I get angry with myself, I hate my laugh.

"you have the cutest laugh" James said chuckling.

I rase an eyebrow at him then roll my eyes.


buzz buzzz buzzzzz!!!

My phone goes off and I hop off the swing and answere it.

Hey sweety.

I asked you not to call me that.

how is work?

it's fine

thats good. I'll pick you up at one. You only work the morning shifts right now.

yes sir.


buh bye.

I check the time to see it is twelve-thirty. I run to James who is looking at me like he likes me, but I dismiss the thoughts quickly. he said he liked me but I bet me ment only as a friend.

"we gotta go.  my father is picking me up in half an hour and I dont think he is gonna like the fact that I went into a car with a stranger..."

"okay, lets go"

I smile at him and get into his car and he drives us back to Miracle Pizza. I get out and sit at a booth. he sits across from me.

"So what do you plan on doing for the rest of the day?" he asks me.

"Just sit around... I might borrow my fathers car and go to the beach. It's been a long while scenes I've been"

"We should go together, its better to go with a friend then alone."

"Okay, I'll pick you up at two"

"Nah, I think i'll pick you up instead"


"Nope, the rides on me"

My father walks in and says "hey Nora,  did you have fun?"

"yeah," I smile, "lets go..."


Thats, that chapter... I worked hard on it I hope you guys love it and sorry about the editing! :3 baiii

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