Chapter Five

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Draco woke up pretty early the next morning but wasn't early enough to beat Hermione who had already got out of bed and made her bed. He could hear something from the kitchen area of their living quarters so started to make his way down there. As he walked, he could smell the amazing smell of pancakes being made. He walked straight into the kitchen and looked at Hermione who giggled "I knew that you would wake up as soon as you smelled the pancakes." She smirked. He looked at the food she was making. "Don't you need ingredients for that sort of stuff?" He asked as he sat down at their mini dining room table. Hermione nodded as she started to plate the first pancake. "Yes but the fridge is magical. You tell it what you want and you get it. It's like there is a transporter from the kitchens to our room." She explained as she cooked.

The two ate their breakfast in silence. Draco loved the pancakes and hated to be admitting he was started to get more and more used to having this everyday. "Thanks for the food. I'll be nice and let you use the bathroom first." He offered, walking into the living room and grabbing the 'Lord of the flies' book he had started the night before. Hermione noticed what he was using to read and decided to speak up about it. "You do know that's my book right? A muggle book." She joked. Draco opened the book and nodded. "I do indeed know both those things Granger but I'm enjoying the book and want to see how it ends. I would have yesterday if Blaise hadn't stormed into here." Draco spoke quick. All he wanted to do was read a bit of the book before school.

Hermione spent very little time in the bathroom. She showered and brushed her teeth then walked into the bedroom. She told Draco that he could go into the bathroom. She quickly dried her hair and got dressed. She then looked at her work and decided that it wouldn't do any harm to start some of her work. That's how Draco found her 20 minutes later. He was in his Slytherin robes and found her in her Gryffindor ones, sat at the table while writing on some parchment. "Come on. We're going to be late for our first lesson if you keep doing work." Draco spoken making Hermione jump slightly. The two quickly grabbed their stuff and started to make their way down to charms together. Many of the younger years who didn't know about the marriage law have them some weird looks but a glare from Draco cause them to stop looking.

Hermione laid in the quarters later that night on the sofa. The place felt quiet without Draco there while he was at quidditch. Hermione hated to admit it but she had actually been enjoying his company lately. It was very easy to see that he had changed and the old Draco seemed nothing more than a memory to her. She was happy he had changed. She thought about what she would have done if he hadn't. Would she have given up her magic because she didn't want to marry him or would she try and make it work and try and make him change. She didn't know but was glad that she didn't have to think about what she would have done if he had not changed.

"Miss Granger." The portrait that hung on their door had now move to the indoor portrait and was staring at her. Hermione didn't know how long the woman had been there but the impatient look said it all. "Yes." Hermione replied. Her mind was flying all over the place with thoughts of school and Draco. "A Miss Ginny Weasley wishes to visit you. She said it's very important." The portrait smiled as Hermione nodded "Let her in."

A moment later, a very excited Ginny Weasley was running into the quarters. "Hermione I have the best news ever. Me and Harry got engaged." The redhead said quickly, almost too quickly. Hermione quickly gasped and hugged her. "Oh my god Ginny that's amazing news." Hermione beamed. Ginny nodded "We also talked about when we would want the wedding. I wanted a winter theme and Harry agreed. So we're thinking of sometime during the Christmas holidays. Would you be able to make that?" She asked, sounding a little nervous at the thought of Hermione not making the wedding. "I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world." Hermione promised and that only seemed to make Ginny even more excited. "Will you be my head bridesmaid? You're a few things friend of mine and I can't think of anyone better." Ginny asked. This time it was Hermione's turn to beam. "Ginny of course I will be. Oh my god thank you for asking me." She gushed. The girls quickly turned to talks about the wedding and what Ginny wanted for the big day.

"See you later Hermione." Ginny said finally after hugging Hermione. Just as she started to leave, the portrait swing open to reveal Draco and Blaise talking about the Quidditch practice they had just had. "Weas- Ginny. What are you doing here?" Draco asked Ginny. Hermione looked at him and then at Blaise. "I could ask Blaise the same question." She smirked. Draco glared at her but it looked more like a playful glare then a threatening one. "I was just making sure that your Drakie-poo got home nice and safe. You should be thanking me Granger." Blaise said sounding very sarcastic. Both Hermione and Draco rolled their eyes and Hermione shook her head "Can someone please obliviate me after hearing that. Never again." Hermione spoke as she pretending to throw up. Draco nodded. "I'm just relieved to know that won't be a constant nickname." He spoke sounding very thankful before quickly telling Blaise to get lost in some not so nice words.

The two went to bed pretty early that night. Everything was fine until Draco woke up to hear Hermione moving a lot during her sleep. A nightmare. He had them too. She was mumbling words but he couldn't quite hear them. He didn't move to wake her until he heard her scream. A scream he had heard before at Malfoy Manor. He rushed over to her and started to shake her. "Granger? Granger? Hermione wake up." He said and she finally woke and looked up at him. Her eyes were streaming with tears. It was dark but he could see the look on her face. " Are you okay?" He asked, sitting on the edge of her bed. She shook her head. "I'm sorry for waking you. I had a nightmare about my parents." She apologised. Draco shook his head instantly. "Don't. I should be the one apologising. My family are probably the cause of those nightmares." He admitted, looking down but then smiled. "Tell me about your parents." He asked.

"They are dentists in the muggle world. They fix people's teeth. That's how they met. Through their job. They are so in love with each other. When I got my Hogwarts letter, they were surprised but of course who wouldn't be to learn that magic existed in a world you thought didn't. They were supportive of me and lived the fact that I was the top of my year. When the war started, they knew something was happening. They were muggles so I knew that the war was bad. I decided that for their own safety to erase their memories of me. I didn't want people to find them." She explained, making Draco gasp. He didn't know that about her. "You erased their memories of you?" He asked in shock but Hermione nodded and kept talking about finding them in Australia and the summer they had spent together.

Once Hermione had finished telling him about her parents, he could see the sleepiness had returned to her face. "We should get back to sleep." He smiled, standing up and walking towards his bed when he heard a small voice calling his name. He instantly turned back to Hermione who was now stood. "Could we.. this is a stupid idea. Tell me if you don't want to. But could we join the beds together. I just want to be close to someone." She asked, sounding scared. Draco grabbed his wand and within a second the beds had moved back together and joined into the double bed he had seen at first. The two got into the bed and Draco pulled her close to him. When she looked up in confusion he smiled. "You said you wanted to be close." He suddenly cheekily. Both teenagers drifted to sleep entwined in each other and that was how they stayed all night and how they woke the next morning. 

Again I want to say thank you for reading this story. I can't believe this story already almost has 100 reads. Don't forget to Vote, follow me and Comment letting me know what you think. I try to reply to as many as I can. -Alex xxx

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