Chapter 6: Fainted

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"Well, let's go." I added.

Alia's POV

"Well, whatever. Let's go." I said. "Wait, I forgot my book. Wait for me." Nicholas said. "Okay, I'll wait for you." I said.

Nicholas went inside and went to find his book. After 20 minutes he came back with all of them

"Oh, look. Now, everyone's here. What made all of you stand up?" I asked. "Well, we just realized that there was a test today." Brandon said. "Yup." Sophie said.

''Well, let's go." I said. "Yeah." They said. In the car I was reading my book and everyone was just talking inside.

"Aren't all of you supposed to be reading your books since there is a test coming up." I said. "Naahh, that's boring." Ken said. "Yeah, I know. For You." I said angrily. "F-for m-me?" Ken asked. "Yeah, of course." I said.

"That's enough of both of you. We're almost there." Alejandro said. "Oh, sorry, Alejandro." I said.

After a while we have arrived school. And when I went out I saw the principal outside with a red carpet.

"Oh, what is happening here?" I asked the principal. "Oh, miss Alia is here." Principal Bill said. "Okay, what did daddy tell you?" I asked the principal. "Ummmm, he-he sai-said that you will need a grand entrance every time, body guards and if you have excuses you are excused and when you do have excuses when during tests, your tests are considered perfect." Principal Bill said. "Gr-grand entrance? Did big brother also have a grand entrance?" I asked. "Uhh, ye-yes." Principal Bill said.

And I walked out in front of Principal Bill. "Ughhh, whatever, let's go guys." I said. "Uhhh, this way miss Alia." Principal Bill said. "Ugghh, I know." I said. "Ughh, right." Principal Bill said.

I was walking then suddenly Brandon held my shoulder. "Are you okay?" Brandon asked. "Ahhh, I'm fine. Don't worry." I said.

At 7:30 am

"Ahhh, it's still early. Maybe I'll go to the library and study there or go to the gym to practice." I said. "Hey Alia, are you okay? Let me guess, a grand entrance, body guards and other stuff?" He asked. "Yup, totally." I said.

We both went out of the classroom. "Hey, wanna go to the gym, some of us are practicing." Brother Ace said. "I'm so glad that you are my big brother." I said. "Why? Do you admit that I'm handsome?" He asked. "No, but you are very reliable and also very handsome." I said. "Ooohhh, you admitted it." Brother Ace said then giggled.

"Well, let's go. I'll go make an excuse to the principal." I said. "Okay." Brother Ace said. "Oh wait. I'll go change into my jersey." I said. "Okay." Brother Ace said. "I'll go ahead then.'' Brother Ace added then run over to the gym.

I sent to the girls changing room and wore my jersey No.04.

"Okay, I'm done changing so I'll go make an excuse to Principal Bill first." I said. *knock knock*. "Come in." Principal Bill said. I came in.

"Oh, miss Alia. What brings you here?" He asked. "Oh, I was gonna make an excuse because I was hoping if I can practice for my competition later." I said. "Oh yes, of course. Even if you take the test your scores are still gonna be perfect because you are very smart." Principal Bill said. "Oh, thank you very much Principal Bill." I said.

I then soon walked out and when I was out someone held my hand and it was James.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing to me?! If someone sees this and takes a picture of it, I'm gonna be so dead to daddy." I said and he soon took his hand off mine.

"We-well, goodbye. I still need to practice." I said. "O-okay, be careful." James said. "O-okay." I replied.

I walked as fast as I can and I was already sweaty when I  arrived at the gym.

"Alia, are you okay?" Brother Ace asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said. "Well, let's get started." I added. "Okay, guys. Ready." Brother Ace said to the others.

We were playing for a while and I was a little bit dizzy and I immediately drank water.

"Are you okay?" Brother Ace asked. "Of course, I'm fine." I said. "Okay. Okay guys, let's practice." Brother Ace said.

As I stand up, I was a little bit dizzy but I can still play.

"Yo, Alia. Shoot the ball." Mike said, my friend said. "Oh, Ok-ay" I said. "Hey, are you okay?" Charles asked. "I am fi-" I said but I fainted.

My eyes were blurry, I couldn't here a thing. I didn't feel anything as I fell down, I tried standing up but I keep falling down.

Someone carried me to the hospital while big brother called an ambulance and daddy to inform him what happened to me.

At the hospital and Ace Zane's POV

Two hours has passed

"How's Alia?" Dad asked me. "She's fine dad but she's not yet awake." I said. "I see, let's wait for her to wake up." Dad said.

I went to see Alia if she is now awake but she isn't, I waited beside her.

"Ahhh, what happened?" Alia asked. "Dad, dad. Alia's awake." I said. "Big brother, what happened?" Alia asked. "You fainted. Why didn't you tell me you were dizzy!" I exclaimed.
"Sorry, I didn't want to disappoint the team. Wait, the team!" Alia exclaimed. "Don't worry, Principal Bill moved our competition." I explained. "Really?! That's good." Alia said. "Well, you should get some rest." I said. "Okay." Alia replied.

Daddy came in. "Alia, my dear. Are you okay?" Dad asked. "Yeah, im fine daddy." Alia said. "That's good, you better get some rest." Dad told Alia. "Okay, daddy." Alai said.

"Okay, I'll be going now. Ace, take care of your sister." Dad said. "Of course, dad." I said. "I'll be going then." Dad said. "Okay." I said.

"Hey, big brother. When will I be able to get out?" Alia asked. "Maybe tomorrow, so you better get some rest so that you can get out of the hospital." I said. "Okay.'' Alia replied.

Until next time. Please follow me for more. Do you like it so far? Well, if you. That's good to hear. Again, please follow me for more. Bye.

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