Chapter 4

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It took 8 hours to get to New York from Seattle, the stupid plane had a two-hour delay but, thank goodness that Kelsi was off today or I was going to be stuck at the airport for 10 hours.

"I've missed you so much Oli-"

"My name is Nova"

"Right, sorry I forgot. I'm just so excited to see you, it's been like a year, maybe 2 years. I'm sorry that I couldn't help you, I feel like a shitty best friend"

"It's fine, I'm alive that's all I care about"

"Come on, we need to get you to my apartment because we're going out tonight!"

"Really Kel? I'm tired"

"You can go to sleep after the club"


It took us a fucking hour to get to her apartment, I swear I hate traffic much but, I was happy to be staying with my best friend. I missed her so much and we'd honestly had to catch up with each other.

"So, what are you wearing tonight, you have to look sexy for your first real night of freedom" I swear she only cares about partying which is one of the things I dislike about her, everything doesn't need to be celebrated but, she doesn't understand that.

"I'm going to take a very long, very hot bath. Just pick me out something you think I'll like, be out in an hour maybe two"

"That's too long" she pouted before flopping onto her bed like a child. She needs to get a grip already. Life isn't just one big party, I wish it was but I had to learn that the hard way.

"Stop pouting and just pick something for me"

"Fine, you can't complain about what I pick for you."


Turning the hot water on high, I tried my best to mentally prepare myself for the hottest bath I've had in a long time. Throwing in a bath bomb along with some lavender oil to spiritually cleanse me. All I needed was some music and candles then my temporary oasis will be ready "Kel, can you bring me my phone, it's on the left side pocket of my purse"

"Okay, Oli- I mean Nova" Her voice was full of frustration, I understood why but I couldn't risk being noticed. I'm sure Kyle was having a manhunt for me right now. Kelsi handed me my phone and awkwardly stared at my breast "Stop being a perv Kelsi"

"But it's not fair, your like what a 32 D?"

"42 D and so?"

"I'm still in the C's it's not fair"

"C's are a good size"

"So a 34 C is a good size for a woman who is 23?"

"At least you're not in the A's"

"True...If I was in the A's I don't know what I would do"

"Can you light those candles, turn off the light, then leave me alone. Not to sound rude but I'm having some back pains and I need a really hot bath to relax or I won't be able to go out with you tonight"

"Okay, but can I call you Olivia when it's just us? I don't like calling you Nova"

"Okay, Kelsi. You can call me Olivia when it's just us"

"Yay! Love you Liv"

"Love you too Kel" She lit the candles and surprisingly set them up around me before leaving the bathroom. I love Kelsi, in a friendly way but in a potential girlfriend way but, we both know being friends was better for us. I tried dating in college but honestly, it was horrible. I was the super jealous type and she was the biggest flirt ever; we'd agreed to stay friends and been close ever since.

My Dominant My Everything(BDSM) Book 1 of 2 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now